Nobody can beat me. Prove me wrong

Attached: 57b24bed-ac6b-40d1-9e8a-f2178f7225c3.png (450x344, 271K)

> thumb inside of fist
bro I'm pretty sure the average high schooler could

so. many. cycles. xd

uh oh, the limp dick manlet is shitting his pants again. pic related: he ALWAYS seethes like a little faggot when this gets posted.

Attached: actually 5'2 minus the shoes and cuck hair lmfao.jpg (790x819, 375K)

Does the average high schooler also have gains and fucking shredds like me

Lmao again this retarded picture that makes no sense. I have already proven my height so many times. but YET, somehow one of those 2 remaining brain cells is telling you that you have a chance against me with this meaninglessness picture

fucking incels lmao

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waist at the height of the dumbell rack

ill just ask someone to stand up, i guess

>seeking validation this badly
Kind of sad desu

And who the fuck are you? HERE faggot

>ill just ask someone to stand up, i guess
I will ask someone to call 911 because this faggot is about to kill himself after he knew he couldn't cope with the BTFO anymore.

Attached: 221.jpg (480x640, 76K)

???? Are you kidding me lmao. EVERYONE here want's validation. by that ''LOGIC'' everyone is cbt is seeking validation.

You just have nothing to be proud of and that';s why you hating on me. That is something you can truly classify and sad

did you steal that from someone in your gym ?
> the nose knows

>ID height

lol? they don't measure you. you can write whatever they want. this kid the same height as me swore up and down he was 5'7 even though we were both under 5'5.

they do measure you in sweden at least, have to do it every single time i need to renew my id

yo mast ending the cut this august, what do you think its better for cardio? 45-60 mins of medium intensity or hiit but less time

Theres a cbt thread up already but you decided to make a new one because your self esteem is low.

Attached: 1564042525814.jpg (1024x576, 100K)

T. 14 inch arms on a 5'5 frame

MasTer? more like masTlet lmao.

???? DO you even know the purpose of an ID?? dumb fuck.

TO FUCKING IDENTIFY YOURSELF. but but you can lie right. yes i wished you also lied about you being you, because i refuse someone that shitty looking is able to keep on living without killing himself. That is some advanced terminal cope.

Just Liss and less cardio indeed.


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So ur no longer banned? Skin is looking a little rough. Gainz still going strong. You blasting or crusing right now?


Well you haven't posted body with timestamp.
Also you're a fucking manlet so it doesn't matter because no one cares about you. Keep thinking that working out will allow you to compete with the average 6' dyel.

No i have been released from my cage. it's over for you incels.

tren/test still

I have had the same questions some weeks ago. You jelly pussies really crack me up. MUH TIMESTAMP MUH TIMESTAMP. HE TOO GOOD he can;t be real

I already showed my Id. Can't your dyel eyes look at pictures?

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mastlet have you tried hgh ? maybe itll help you become a bit taller

thoughts ?

Looking pretty small there brah. Just start bulking and one day you'll make it!

Why you being so short with us? Oh ye

lol you will be banned today

When you shop your biceps you should add in some forearms too. You look really out of proportion.