Is there an age limit to making it?
Is there an age limit to making it?
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around 40 or so if you haven't already gotten fit you never really will get fit
maybe. But I wish I was dead instead.
18-24 if you lift for girls, want to be Chad and just fuck thots, you can use age as an excuse for being stupid here.
25-35 if you want to be that Chad/cool dad that makes moms cream their pants at school when you pick up your kid. still easy women but you should have settled down by now
35+ only reason to lift here is for yourself and your family.
Not really. Fitness fills the void of lasting satisfaction which for men is struggling autonomously in a direction toward something you find deeply meaningful, which you can do at any age, not that it gets easier the longer you put it off though.
A strong indicator someone isn’t happy with their life is bitterness. You’ll notice there’s wealthy people who get ragey. They may be glorified paper pushers who get paid without doing anything meaningful or making any decisions toward their prosperity and it makes life shallow.
Similarly, you may notice a few ~45yo muscle monsters at your gym that always seem like they are about to snap. Their bitterness comes from the hard knowledge that the muscles didn’t provide them with a full, satisfying life.
Making it is pushing yourself to make decisions and act toward something you REALLY find meaningful logically and spiritually. Having kids will not provide it for you, but you will find that once you make it you will have a deep desire to move on to child rearing to pass on the meaningful existence you found to a new generation.
Good luck.
> t. 37 yo married with child boomer here.
I lift for twinks I fuck on the side.
I bet you do gramps
Siiiiip.... yup... still got it :)
that's a box of premier protein bars hahahaha
Fucking funny image
>35+ only reason to lift here is for yourself and your family.
w-what if you don't have a family haha
Whatever age you start balding
If you start lifting after 22 you will never really get anywhere worthwhile
I’m making high 6 figures but still am a khv who want to kms everyday. AMA
I'm 30 and my life is over haha
Just fuck whores
Just buy a girl lmao
What do you do for work?
What's a KHV?
No it's not, if you knew how much progress you could make in just 1 year of lifting with good diet/sleep you could be a Chad 31 year old. Giving up is not an option user.
No there isn't. Stop looking for excuses and get to work.
18 is the hard cut
>mfw only want intimacy and relationship above anything else
>tfw turning 27 in a week
>tfw 37 soon
>tfw lazy, emotionally unstable genetic trash
>tfw never got fucking close to making it
>be 30 y.o. boomer
>decide to get my shit together and start exercising after a rather painful divorce with person I've been together with since university
>start getting close with the new shy qt on the work along the way
>thinking I am going to make it feeling great
>she friendzones me after a week of what supposed to be a relationship (has cut marks on her arms, so that should've been a huge red flag for me, but still she was so cute I fell for it like a complete beta)
>slip into a near-depressed state
>self esteem is at an all time low
>started thinking about my ex-wife more often too, remembering our life together, our cozy home and comfy evenings with wine, vidya/movies with our two bunners chilling beside us and how deeply we loved and cared for each other
>feeling down most of the time, shit goes on for two months now with no end in sight
>can't sleep well; can't fall back asleep if I wake up early in the morning for some reason
>seemingly stalling with my progress or going slow despite working out 5 days a week
Not sure if I am going to make it, but I won't be stopping nevertheless.
Please subscribe to my blog, btw
When life get's you down you just gotta get back up bro. You're a machine.
Yeah. Have no choice. I kinda love life. Besides, I still have to take care of my buns and I made a decision to take in more animals from shelters to take care of so can't kms. That helps me a lot. Can't live for just myself.
Hopefully I'll have a family one day.
Anyways, all boomer bros out there, I am with you. Even if you don't feel like you're gonna make it, keep pushing.
>Please subscribe to my blog, btw
I don't know if you're gonna make it, but I hope you do
Can confirm that the average dad in his 30’s is an absolute slob. The moms and the young teachers are forever mirin when I pick my (wife’s) son up from school. Whenever we go out to the pool or the beach with our friends, all the wives are eyeballing me while their far husbands sit around and talk about fantasy sports non stop. It’s not even like I look especially good, I go the gym and feel like I’m forever dyel mode
Still can make it, user. I believe in you and you have to believe in yourself. Start by fighting your laziness, set goals and start achieving them.
Is that mean reading the Bible? If so this man is extremely based
Not in the slightest bit true
t.24yo lifting for 1-1/2 years
>recently got out of marriage at 27
>start getting fit thinking I’ll chase tail
>closing in on 28 and I find myself at bars trying to pick up drunk 21 year olds.
>fail most times but sometimes get some
What the fuck am I doing, I don’t even know what I want anymore. Marriage seems like such a scam and I don’t think I could ever really trust women again
What zoomer don't understand is that this shit works. Chicks get interested in you cause they find you funny/weird, and it's easy to escalate from there
Oh that will continue until one day you're hitting 30 and making out with some drunk blonde and you think to yourself, i rather go home and make some drunk ramen and smoke a bowl than deal with her sloppy ass struggle to stand to smoke a stoke anymore. That's when the true existential crisis starts.
just talk to girls how hard is that?
Good post.
Many people look back on highschool fondly but honestly I'm thoroughly enjoying my 20s. Mid 20s with a brand new car, good job, my own house. Plenty of time and money to lift and pursue my hobbies.
Being a teen sucked ass
No. There is more than enough reliable evidence that people should be lifting weights or doing gravitational body weight exercises well into old age. The benefits of exercise on the body regardless of muscle mass has been shown to prevent falls, increase mobility and energy, slow any age related mental degradation, allieviate depression, and create better quality of life. And they did these tests on people who had been bedridden/wheel chair bound who were able to walk again after the program. So look at weights as a lifetime philosophy.
As for peak performance, your going to see a drop around 40, so you will need to have done the majority of your mass building at this point, or as some anons have shown, start taking testosterone and HGH replacement therapy in order to maximize and keep peak bulk.
i never really understood people who loooovvvveedd their HS good times. Like does your life suck that much now?
>date ex-gf last year for around 8 months
>knew her years before
>break up, 3 months pass by with seeing each other less and less in that phase
>see each other again during december, spend christmas together
>lasts up until mid february this year
>i end it because i ´found out she fucked with the guy shes with now
last i heard, 2 months-ish ago of no contact, she was on the verge of moving in with that guy after being together for 5 ish months
just yesterday i get a text from her
>evening user, was curious how you've been :) i hope good! would really want to do something with the people again! hit me up :)
uhm??? is she trying to meet up with me/us to tell everyone that they're finally moving in? is she single again, her profile pic has always been both of them it's now just her
so i answered her with a
>hey. i'm good. what did you want to do?
mind you a good female friend of mine gets asked by her too a lot, she doesn't want to go out with them
should i just outright ask "so, you both coming then?"
oh and i'm not getting creatine shits anymore so hurray
Probably 30 to mid 30s. If youre approaching 40 and still a loser, its over
she's flexing
she'll probably talk about her new boyfriend or something
quit chasing tail you broke up with stupid
Think it's for guys who peaked as the football star or similar. Or girls who were Stacy's and are now fat fucks and/or 3 kids with different fathers.
>she'll probably talk about her new boyfriend or something
which is what i was worried about, really don't want to hear her moving in with her guy
i'll say fuck her and just not respond then
I think there’s a small small percentage of people who really enjoyed high school. No one I’ve ever liked, or thought was a good person had a good time in high school. It was just shitty young people being mean to each other.
Also, who keep writing those “missing out on young love” posts? Creepy stuff. Every woman I’ve ever met who lost her virginity in high school usually has some story that involves alcohol or being at least mildly coerced by an older male. It’s gross.
Unlikely she's flexind reads to me she wants to have some dick because she found out the grass ain't greener on the other side.
Don't do it. It's pure pain
yeah nah, i don't want to act like an ass but after what happened i'm going to treat her non existant
fucked up thing to ask your ex to meet up and do stuff with mutual friends
I mean there are milestones that can only be experienced in HS like prom. But other than that, shit sucked. Was like a job you HATE for 8 hours a day, not including time for homework, clubs, etc. Stuck around people whom 90% of them you dislike entirely. It was vastly better to go to a college where most are actual full fledged adults looking just to get in and get out. Professors treat you like an adult too. No raising your fucking hand to run to the restroom to take a shit
This. I’d say 40. If you’re unfit by 40, it’s going to take a couple years to get there, and you’ll probably want to juice a little because of the age. Younger women are still super attracted to men in their mid 40s as long as they’ve got their shit together and aren’t cringey/creepy
Sometimes you need to blogpost user. If you miss your last serious relationship, make sure your next one is even better. Take note of what you enjoyed and what you didn't enjoy about your previous relationship and learn from it. We're all gonna make it
It doesn't matter. We're all gonna make it
was in your shoes or rather hole too, she keeps texting me occasionally, the ex-gf, but i can't let myself get back in that depressive hole
we are all going to die some day yeah
Nah, but you might have to adjust your definition of making it. Maybe it's just not being exhausted all the time and looking better in the mirror than last year. For some people it might just mean kicking drunkenness out of their lives.
The best time to start was 20 years ago. The next best time is right now.
never forget user, WE'RE ALL gonna make it, hang in there, things will get way better, use the gym as your cable down to earth from that suffering, if you feel you progress slow try to look what is it, don't be autistic, care for yourself, you're allowed to fail, but never STOP, if you let yourself go from working out, it's gonna be hard to start again, don't let that happen, you're gonna make it. Make your ex-wife regret leaving such a beautiful cunt like you user.
But I am not even 19 yet, my guy. 20 years makes no sense.
>WE'RE ALL gonna make it
i.e. die?
As a man? 50. Maybe higher with modern testosterone pharma.
As a woman? 35. Hard stop. Do not pass go.
Her away from that cunt mate. She either wants some dick from you or to flex either about him or with him. Either way you are not progressing in your own life, but are beating the same dead horse for the 4th time. Stop it now and never touch it again.
Well, 27 is the best age to make it. You either do or join club 27.
What if it's for guys haha no homo
How the fuck do you get friendzoned at 30, nigger? And don't shit where you eat. Fucking hell.
>my (wife’s) son
Poe's law and all that Jazz, you're just memeing, right?
By dating a 20 year old with mindset of a 15 year old. :^)
This is literally me, down to the age and everything. How long were you married?
if she wants to flex, she knows i dont like the guy and i despise her
23 for women. 45 for men.
Only answer.
nice. I still feel like some sort of physical activity is nalmost necessary to be fully happy with what youre doing at any point in your life
>Already fucked up a marriage at 27
What the hell are you doing lad?
Both sides are guilty if they fail to sustain a marriage in its hardest moments
Ha hah just imagine huh xD
Wholesome. This is why I keep coming back to Jow Forums, little gems like this one. Keep up the positive thinking user
Hit the nail on the fucking head there
Well you’re not being proactive finding that. Pay for the whore, and just experience sex.
The difference will be night and day from the sex you paid for and the sex with the woman who you are emotionally involved with.
Otherwise come back here lon another thread like this and bitch about your problems that you are doing nothing to solve like the pathetic faggot you are
The truth is as long as you didn't have kids as a man, the world is your oyster.
If you have no financial obligations or time obligations to another human, then you can drag yourself out of whatever pit you got yourself into.
But, only if you realize it's possible. Some Zookeepers tie a rope around an elephants leg when it's young. As it grows they keep that flimsy ass rope on its leg.
When the elephant was weak and the rope too strong for it, it formed a belief. That the elephant was chained, and this rope was unbreakable. The truth is, an adult elephant is pure power and intelligence. Yet this learned behavior prevents them from movement.
The point is, we have a lot of learned beliefs throughout our life. That age is a factor, that we can't do this or that. That we'll never be able to do something. Those negative and false beliefs can ruminate in our mind.
They cut down many potential great people from fulfilling their dreams and making it. Societal pressure is strong, we're conditioned to fit in.
Why does it seem like so many businessmen or elite people in their sport are a little wonky? Something inside them, or some realization led them to say "fuck that noise". They're not the typical day to day man.
In the Matrix there was only a handful of people capable of breaking out. In our world, there are many Neos. Remember, your brain is neuroplastic. Only your beliefs hold you back. You can make it whenever you want, by taking a single step.
Making it isn't necessarily a destination you arrive at. It's working on your idea, eating a clean meal when you could have not, deciding to do something to help yourself. Making it is a journey.
Good luck guys. If you hold many self-limiting beliefs I recommend reading a book backed by science and research. It's just called Mindset by Carol Dweck.
You misunderstand my point.
>Already fucked up a marriage at 27
>Which implies you got married even younger than 27
>Hence: What the hell are you doing lad?
Women marry in their 20s because their womb has an expiration date. What drove you to get married in your golden years?
Women 50, men 25.
Well don't. That's creepy. Rule of thumb is your age divided by half plus seven. Don't date anyone younger than 22, mate.
>t. guy who started after 22 and can't make progress
Absolute faggotry. Did you read that rule on Reddit or tumblr?
It's from Friends, kiddo. And it fucking works.
I am a 173 cm manlet and I look almost below 20 myself. I know that latter sounds like a benefit, but shit's fucking hell, because you get labeled as an old fuck by young girls on one hand, and get absolutely mogged in every aspect by other boomers on the other.
>based Boston Dynamics motivation
I was in love and I wanted her to have my children I guess. Glad that part didn’t go through
>i never really understood people who loooovvvveedd their HS good times. Like does your life suck that much now?
I really liked his because life was so much simple. It was only about lifting, girls and being a retard. Not that I don't like my life now, but hs was nice too
I don't read books written by women
Absolutely based
This, if you didn’t start lifting during your teen years then you won’t develop a good physique or have big lifts. Every single important aspect of a mans physical development happens when they’re young. People here are delusional if they think they overcome years of eating shit food and living a sedentary lifestyle during childhood and adolescence. Whether you make it or not really depends on your upbringing. Then you have to take into consideration, genes, what your mother ate during pregnancy and what she fed you when you were an infant
I’m 26 and lift very lightly to stay healthy. I’m in good shape and eat well. Never felt better and get good quality girls with ease. Let go and follow yourself anons. It will be worth it.
Date in your age group then. Single 30-year-olds couldn't give a fuck about height, they just want to get knocked up asap.
I disagree, any level of progress is better than skinny fat.