Will we get to experience The Great Shave already in 2019, or do you think he will wear this pathetic copecut in 2020?

Will we get to experience The Great Shave already in 2019, or do you think he will wear this pathetic copecut in 2020?

Attached: baldingdestiny.jpg (331x490, 27K)

Literally who?
Also that haircut looks fine. Jow Forums really needs to stop obsessing over hairlines. The hairline reaper comes for the vast majority of men, sooner or later.

I fucking hate this manlet and his shilling on fit.

who this? he kinda cute

BaldCuckDestiny, a dude who thought he will become alpha but first of all he is a manlet, and second of all his hair genes pulled a prank on him and he is balding in his twenties. His picture can be found in the dictionary, right next to the "Gymcel" entry.

How do his hairline disappear so fast in the course of a year?

Femanon here. Alex looks hot with or without hair. Someone PLEASE post cholo Alex!

Just fucking stop it, Alex.

>Also that haircut looks fine
Said no cute girl around his age ever.

Alex has good lifting content, but it's so obvious he's an incel with zero social skills.

any copedestiny fans here?

rackpulls are objectively retarded, lol.

Yikes. Copedestiny is shite

Just another pathetic little manlet, roid and minox frauding his way to self-delusion and obscurity.


*lives in your head rent free as you post free advertising for him making him more money and famous while you're a NEET incel*

nothing personnel, kid

Alexander always wins.

hasn't put out anything decent in a while. unfortunately for him, alex has evened out and just been very lukewarm cringe spread across the entire video rather than having short bursts of cringe. alex also started being very careful once he became aware of how cringe he is. alex doesn't even leave the house anymore

how's that 600lb deadlift coming along, alex?

Alex's content has taken a huge nosedive recently. He's taken the Blaha route of only doing bare bones beginner videos and re-doing topics every x months

It's been about that bad for a while now, actually. It's just that what haircut you have and how you style it can make a huge difference in terms of how severe it looks.

What’s the point of this thread?

It's fun to laugh at him.