How can anyone be retarded enough to be a libertarian or anarcho-capitalist?
How can anyone be retarded enough to be a libertarian or anarcho-capitalist?
Internet reactionaries on imageboards are mostly underage. Kids do stupid shit.
>how can anyone believe that coercion and abuse of force is bad?
Ironically, the opponents to ancap are more reminiscent of pirates than the supposedly heartless and lawless ancaps.
>implying ancaps aren't all fascists nowadays
>the guys that want small government, freedom of enterprise and of expression are the same guys that want huge government, tightly controlled economy, and societal controls.
The two ideologies are on complete opposite ends.
good one
bitches love lolbertarians, you know it.
At the heart of it I'm a eugenicist who wants to colonize space so that the light of consciousness has a lower chance of being extinguished.
>imma make this claim and back it up with a single example and a meme image
ok. BTW, that symbol in the lower video is the symbol of the Spanish Falange. The yoke in the symbol represents the workers, and they teamed up with JONS (The NS stands for "National-Syndicalist") during the Spanish Civil war, so your claim that fascists are against trade unions is also retarded. Ancaps aren't against trade unions either, since it's freedom of association and just an organization of a resource (labor), so there's nothing inherently immoral about it. They're often very shady and use coercion, slander, and other such dirty tricks in practice, but on paper they're ok.
I wish ancaps were fascist. Ancaps are rootless, anti-patriotic cosmopolitans like any modern commie
>identity politics
motherfucker, i know for a fact that just because someone takes up the name of socialism and claim to represent workers doesn't mean they actually believed in it.
falange took sides with franco during the spanish civil war, and who was franco fighting? anarcho-syndicalists, so this "national syndicalist" nonsense means abdolutely fuckall.
and if unionizing workers means that they break contract, then no, ancaps don't like it that much.
also try getting anyone to work under the premise that it must do so under the sovereign rule of the business owner or the state when they can freely work under freer circumstances and by other means. ancaps have to face facts, capital and owners are worthless and irrelevant without government
Once you grow up youll realize that the worker has more in common with his countrymen than with some random sweatshop worker in India.
also (((the bourgeoisie))) literally agree with your anti-idpol shit, they have the same goals as modern commies, to unify the world via globalization, but because of profits
dude, national government isn't the solution.
global governments are merely built up out of coalitions between national government.
that's what axis was, that's the warsaw pact was, and it's what nato was.
you are trying to defeat a flag with a name using a flag with a name, by banding up all kinds of different named flags from various areas into one nation, or even various bations into into one anti-zionist project.
god job succumbing to their logic, idiot
Because we don't like being told what to do by basement dwelling commies and fascist neckbeards
>military alliance means globalism
fascism promotes political isolationism. the military alliance was the final solution to challenge the (((status quo))).
>falange took sides with franco during the spanish civil war,
They fought a common enemy, the damn communists and the meddling soviets, but they genuinely cared about the people. Franco merely coopted the movement and took over because he had the regular army, while the Falange and the JONS were iregular forces.
>and who was franco fighting?
Communists, and Soviet plants.
>and if unionizing workers means that they break contract, then no, ancaps don't like it that much.
Yeah, because they break contract. The breaking of the contract is the immoral move, not the union itself. If there's no contract then they're free to unionize.
>also try getting anyone to work under the premise that it must do so under the sovereign rule of the business owner or the state when they can freely work under freer circumstances and by other means. ancaps have to face facts, capital and owners are worthless and irrelevant without government
What are you even trying to say?
You have to admit a libertarian has it right when it comes to social security. I can't side with the Repubs on this one, sadly.
How can anyone be retarded enough to not be a libertarian?
and your military alliances FAILED.
mostly because of the soviet union, which was more rural and backward than germany at the time.
america and england were primarily busy cooperating with french partisan in liberating france, and defeating japan for america.
the first and most coordinated attempt failed miserably, and each subsequent attempt either led to being NATO puppets and satellite state, or becoming more pathetic and impotent.
no, they mostly killed anarchists, who also suffered a great deal because of the machinations of the soviet union.
so no, defending falange is not and never will be justified.
>if there's no contract they're free to unionize. t. ancap faggot
>if there's no baptism they're free to be atheists. t. brigham young, who advocated "blood atonement" for apostasy from mormonism.
contracts are scams and instruments for stripping people of their freedom. agreeing to sign to start with contracts isn't so wise.
and yes, break contracts, because that will make you more free.
god knows insurance companies would fuck anyone over if they can't make a pretty enough penny off of hospitals performing lifesaving treatments, even though two thirds of hospital staff work at hospitals simply because they don't want people to die.
>what are you even trying to say?
that once people have the means to set up their own tiny workshops, or workplaces held in common, it will become apparent to them that they have no good reason to work at the sole discretion of the capitalist or the state.
also, none of your ideas have been implemented in any meaningful way, unless you'd like to the liberty of claiming fyre festival or somalia, then by all means, claim them
Bernie 2020! Trump 2020! Okay..,
>they mostly killed anarchists
Anarcho communists, so still communists. That's why Stalin initially backed them, and then why he ordered them to be terminated, because he foolishly thought that victory for them was near, so near that he could tie up loose ends.
>some irrelevant shit about mormonism
are you ok?
>contracts are scams and instruments for stripping people of their freedom.
Yeah, that's why people are free to sign them or not in libertarian and ancap view, unlike our current system where you pay taxes for this, for that, for that over there, and for everything.
>and yes, break contracts, because that will make you more free.
and make it clear to everyone that you can't be trusted and be prosecuted by the state in Libertarian view, or have justice exacted by whoever you wronged and co. under Ancap.
>that once people have the means to set up their own tiny workshops, or workplaces held in common, it will become apparent to them that they have no good reason to work at the sole discretion of the capitalist
Exept now they ARE the capitalist.
>or the state.
good. They can serve themselves, their family, and their community without the state, oftentimes more effectively.
From all this it has become clear that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Good night retard.
stalin never backed anarcho-syndicalists, he backed the government of the second republic, and later on with the condition of disarming and attacking anarchists.
aiding anarcho-syndicalists would be a very bad look for a man who coined the "marxism-leninism" and wrote "Socialism and Anarchism".
anarcho-syndicalists never actually got any foreign aid to speak of apart from volunteers from abroad.
>are you ok?
yes, are not familiar with the use of analogies?
>good. they can serve themselves, their family, and and their community without the state, oftentimes more effectively.
i agree, but if it really is in everyone's capacity to do that, then why should money and commodity exchange need to come into the picture?
if you really want to help, then why can't you do that and nothing more?
>and your military alliances failed
No shit, the eternal shlomo won. Hitler tried to challenge the (((status quo))) but failed. The French partisans called it liberation, the civilians called it the re-establishment of tyranny. No wonder so many Russians volunteered in the German army against the USSR
so you would much rather call invasion and installing compliant military regimes liberation?
and who among the french called the deposal of the vichy regime re-establishment of tyranny? the vichy regime's sympathizers no doubt. how's that confirmation bias working for you?
Funny how a German puppet state cared more about the French prosperity than the rootless (((bourgeois))) capital regime. Tbh I wish the Germans wouldve made the Frech Popular Party or whatever the ruling party isntead of some cucked reactionary general though. Fascism is coming back, and your chapo tier shitposts wont stop it.
>pic related
oh, yes, and let's not forget:
the nazis cooperated with israeli zionists to remove germans of jewish descent from their homes and into israel because it aligned with their interests.
nice to hear your idols succumb to sweet whispers of their adversaries.
and stalin cooperated with them too, because he wanted allies in the middle east, but then the zionists joined NATO
i don't know about jews, but zionists are some really bad people, every bit as terrible as your faction
Literally what? Who said Im agaisnt Jewish nationalism? Stop putting words in my mouth retards. The Lehi were honorable men, I wish they had won. The original plan of the Natsoc regime was to deport Jews to Palestine to create a Jewish ethnostate, but surprise surprise, the Brits refused. Google Haavara Agreement.
Fascism is universal, every race has the right to create an ethnostate. Germans (NSDAP), Finns (IKL), Arabs (Ba ath), Poles (ONR-Falanga), Jews (Lehi), Indians (Azad Hind).
It was the Jews in Germany who were against the creation of a Jewish ethnostate. Remember that it was called The FINAL Solution for a reason.
even if zionists had to commit genocide against palestinians to do that?
this genocide is ongoing, by the way.
and most people of all races reject ethnostates, even in israel, and it is their right
Modern Israel does not follow the ideology of the Lehi. Lehi had their own branch of Zionism. Tbh the whole region is fucked and i would let it be solved by complete non intervention and let them solve it with the might is right philosophy. Take the strasserpill and nazbolpill user.
also the people who reject their race are a symptom of modern, decadent capitalist culture of materialism and cosmopolitanism. non marxist, yellow socialism is the cure
>pic related
Some cap of a fagbook post by a literary who?
To be fair I haven't seen all that many ancaps or libertarians around here anymore. Most were just ethnonationalists in denial anyway. Ironically the only person I know who's actually libertarian is a black woman.
Its from here theguardian . com/lifeandstyle/2009/jun/05/women-victims-of-day-landings-second-world-war
nope, your ideas are incompatible with the individual's personal relationships with the people around him.
the relationship that your ideology thinks is any good is that between the subject and his flag and the state.
and strasser repeatedly indicated sympathies for the soviet union, as an ideal of 'national socialism'.
so anti-statist black socialism for me, please and thank you
I know. Stalins branch of socialism was pretty based, there were lots of anti marxist characteristics there. Theres a book called Stalin the Enduring Legacy specifically analyzing Stalinism and its branch of Nationalism. Ive read Germany Tomorrow, and yes Strasser proposed an alliance against Francp-British imperialism. He did still see the USSR as a threat to Europe.
Anarchism goes against human nature to form hierarchies. Every non authoritarian socialist regime was crushed by internal opposition (Chile, Ukraine, Catalonia). Socialism needs authoritarianism and nationalism.