Sad but true

sad but true

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That's why you shouldn't lift for girls.

low test beta male, stop masturbating and watching porn too much cunt

American comic?

>tfw dick reacted more to the lower pic

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High T

Fucking girls with triple digit weight


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>lower ones belly

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Am I the only not bothered by hairy legs. Or armpits or pussy. Get on my level

thats all fine but the idea that
>welp youre married now and theyre stuck with you forever so that makes it okay to lower your standards not only for yourself but others as well and let your health decline

thats a little pathetic

I'm not bothered by girls with hair either, because it's natural. However, having a fat fucking gut is unnatural and showcases the fact that you are a gluttonous slave to the system in which you live in.

Lower is only okay if she shaves her legs.

true if european

Fair enough. Monogamy is challenging. Very few will rise to the challenge. Same reason theres so many fatties

a malnourished asian that looks like she never went through puberty, congrats

She rolled over?

Hairy limbed women are just unhygienic.

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Nah, real women are sub 5' sub 100 lbs

she's hot af. I know a girl who has her bodytype, she's cute too. Want to ask her out some time

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name is shuna kagami fyi

mfw my arms and legs are better landscaped than the woman's

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t. roasties

this is wholesome and makes me sad

I want a qt to protect and let herself go around me

I know, I enjoy her filmography quite a bit.

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I'm more of an Anri Okita man myself

t. incel
ps. have sex