Girl fucked me over emotionally for months

>Girl fucked me over emotionally for months
>I eventually have enough of it
>Block her and cut her off IRL
>She texts me a month later with this whole paragraph about how she is so sorry
>I respond with "k"
My dick just grew 5 inches
(Pic related)

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Same except I bullied tf out of her the same way she did to me and it almost felt good.

Good for you, user. People who lead others on and play with their feelings are utter scumbags.

Fuck off fag. She deserved worse.

It's stories like this that make me see the Chad meme for what it really is: a personification of the toxic masculine ideal. I know this story isn't true, so I shouldn't really care. But what kind of man are you when you think that emotional unavailability is a trait to strive for? Sure she fucked you over, but why the fuck couldn't you just man up and actually respond to her apology? Do you think that being a man involves communicating in grunts? Do you think open and honest communication is unmanly?


Youre thinking waaaayyy too into it bud lol

Real Men don't kneel to women's feelings, and OP figured this out. Fuck what society says. Women instinctively know that Men should do this (and obsessively seek out men who do), Men instinctively don't let the weak gatherers distract him from important masculine goals.

The right response isn't to "kneel to her feelings". The right response would have been to say something like "I don't forgive you and here's why" and then to explain what she did wrong. Even if you want to contextualize this girl as a "distraction from his important masculine goals", OP's response is still not a good way of going about it. By denying this girl unambiguous closure, he's increasing the chances that she keeps hounding him and thus "distracting" him from whatever it is he's doing. But I disagree with your characterization of OP as justified in following some "manly instinct".

Or he could just tell her to fuck off lol

Why is what you say "right"? Oh because gynocentric society says to spare womynz feelings and always be a plucky, emotionally manipulated beta. Fuck that, and fuck anyone else blind enough to think the way you do.

The right thing to do is to not escalate the conflict, and not just hurt her in revenge. Ghosting that bitch isn't revenge, it's actually a significantly toned down response to her emotional manipulation she was asking forgiveness for. She should feel lucky he didn't rightfully tear her a new one for what she already did in the first place.

Do they not teach reading comprehension where you're from? I didn't say that he should "spare her feelings". My problem really isn't with how nice or how mean his response is. I just think it's fucking immature to pretend like he doesn't have a response. The example response I gave is kind of toned down, but honestly tearing her a new one is a lot better than just saying "k". The key is communication. A single letter isn't an emotionally honest way of expression. If he feels fucking pissed? Say that. If he wants nothing to do with her? Fucking say that. "k" isn't Chadlike, it's childlike.

You're the one missing the point dumbass. He doesn't owe her shit, especially not "muh emotional honesty"

Seriously. Fucking brainlet betas.

hmm yes, quite. I see. Very intriguing user. Might I interest you in some wares?

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I feel like you're underestimating a bit how strong a simple "K" from someone you care about is. There's a lot he could have said, but that one letter implies that this is a complete and total nonissue to him. It's not that he's unavailable emotionally, it's that he is intentionally closing off the communication with a remark that shows he saw it and felt the need to respond, but only to shut down any hope of revival from her.

Believe me, I'm a proponent of shutting down toxic masculinity (within reason) but this isn't an example of priding emotional unavailability. It's showing him taking further steps in his life to shut down toxic people.

I'm really fucking high now so if this doesn't make sense I'm sorry

Maybe. I don't know ops situation, but sometimes it's better to be passive aggressive over giving the whole "eye for an eye" treatment

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Listen dipshit get out

Pathetic. Female apologists are the fucking worst. Just sad.

>Grrr I big man
>I no use words
You know that men basically both invented and perfected language right? Faux-stoicism is actually retarded.
Okay, yeah. I took the bait. But there are people here who really believe in the virgin/chad dichotomy, so engaging this post is sort of engaging Jow Forums's inability to distinguish memes and real life.
I agree that single character responses can carry heavy meaning, but I don't think OP though that deeply about it. His last line, "my dick grew 5 inches", makes me think that he's priding himself on being a shitty person.
no u

You idiot, being a shitty person IS the masculine ideal. Women are all shitty people and deserve men who are shitty to them. In learning how to overcome his inherent kindness and become shitty, a boy becomes a man.

simply epic gamers.

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He's being smart for not wasting his time on an emotional leach and he should feel good for cutting it off.

Quit being an argumentative nerd who obsesses about letting everyone know he's right.

good on ya. if you ask me, women can be trouble. but there are some, many even, that act like rational humans. look for them

Good on you, user. This makes me happy. I wish I had had that willpower when i needed it most.

You're seriously posting here and white knighting an emotional manipulator that a guy completely reasonably ghosted, just because she's female and he's male.

He doesn't owe her anything, and in fact it makes no sense to give more emotional labor to a proven manipulator who victimized OP in the past. Fuck your cope moral grandstanding, go off and die alone already jesus.

Great job homie!

same it is indeed a good feel.

Blocking is for faggots. I can not imagine how much of a pussy a person has to be to get so butt flustered over getting messages from someone that they hide from it.

>be 'nice guy'
>she eventually gets bored after a couple months
>she stops responding
>messages me a couple weeks later but doesn't reply
Lucky I have a big dick, I guess.

Same user. Tried to be a nice guy, catered to all of her wierd fetish shit, gave her the "tingles" but also tried to emotionally level with her.

She got bored, decided we weren't exclusive, I ghosted her.

Don't let these females affect you user, they're all bitches and thots at heart, and barely even deserve to be called human.

>Tried to be a nice guy
It's just how I am user, not the "tips fedora" tier luckily.

His dick growing is a metaphor for the power he felt he reclaimed.

Finally, someone understands lol

Thank you based OP for rekting a whore. This is how men should behave.

Your post is an error. Just like your whole life.

the idea is that you protect your future self from moments of weakness. if you didn't block her you might respond one day because you got drunk or whatever. if you block her you've basically outsourced mental toughness to your phone / social media shit and you also can't harbor any gay hopes that she comes around and apologizes since you wouldn't know if she did. for all you know she already tried and got blocked and it's definitely over and you can move on. that's the idea.

>woman is a cunt to you
>be a cunt back
>uhm excuse me sweetie but here's why you're toxic and need to be the better man...

Jesus H. christ.

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