Why is healthcare in this country so fucked up?

Why is healthcare in this country so fucked up?

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Capitalism. Obamacare wasn't radical enough. We need a singlepayer system, anyone who disagrees is wrong.

Imagine having to beg an insurance company for your life because you can't afford a massively overpriced operation or drug. Just imagine.

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But how much are average citizens in those other countries paying in taxes?
Why should I pay for something i'm not using?

Americans pay way more than other countries and live shorter lives in spite of the expense.

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>Americans have more health problems, from obesity, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, tobacco
>As a result they have to spend more to fix these problems

But nothing gets fixed though. That's the issue. American healthcare is a joke. Also America isn't the only developed nation that struggles with obesity or drug abuse either.

Because Americans are idiots who legitimately believe that public healthcare and any social welfare whatsoever is literally Socialism.

Cause fixing that means banning large sodas, heavily controlling opioids so it's hard for anyone to get them, and other preventative measures. The healthcare spending is for people who are already fucked up.

My grandma actually needed painkillers but she was forced to be in pain all day cause the opioid crisis.

Because we keep having to pay for European defences, many of them forget it is America's sacrifice in education and healthcare funding that guarantees that their nation will spend money on education and health because they won't spend a dime on defence.

Because America does most if not all the medical research.
Shits expensive yo.
Also it's going to get cheaper because doctors are getting replaced with practitioner nurses.

It's because we're floating halfway in between a capitalist system and a socialist system. It's been halfway subsidized by the government and so it's thrown the prices out of whack, the government wants control and so it blames the companies and gets idiots like your first reply to go anti capitalist.
If we had a capitalist system healthcare would be cheap, easy to find and doctors would have to compete. The evidence for this is laser eye surgery which has been steadily going down in price because it's a healthy and competitive market.If we had a socialist system it would basically function but our doctors would be overloaded with work, because it would no longer be as profitable to go into the healthcare field. This would lead to the number of doctors going down. You would also see the government using your healthcare to leverage certain things out of you. Smokers and obese people would burden the already overburdened system, so the government would try and encourage you to not be those things in any way it could including the restriction of treatment. An example of this is the ranking systems they are forced to use for cancer in Canada, where you are placed in front of a panel to take part in the decision of whether or not you get treated in a reasonable timeframe.
Healthcare will always be expensive, because it's a difficult set of skills for a doctor to acquire, and therefore high in value. The question is whether you want to pay for it out of pocket in a capitalist system (the only way that won't damage an economy as large and... diverse as ours) or move to a tiny scandinavian country that's having its military costs covered by the US and it's economy kept above drowning by tourism so that you can rely on it's collectivised healthcare system.

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>if you have any concerns...
I am dying.

It literally is you moron.
You'll understand once the mass immigration takes full effect exhausts your medical systems.

If Europe would increase spending on military you think your government will decrease it's military size? Really?

That data is manipulated hard. Americans lives are shorter because of car crashes and homicides. This chart is thrown out of whack by the fact that we have certain subcultures in which it's considered cool to drive like an idiot and kill each other with weapons from half a block away while fathering children that never meet you and suck off the welfare system.

Prevention is cheaper than emergency care.

And we generally eat worse. Nigerians eat better than us.

Why is your moms pussy so fucked up?

nursing homes cost a fortune in medical care

You must really think you're intelligent but unfortunately you are not

it's The Holy Trinity

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