When I first started lifting I took a ton because I thought they would help. Then I stopped for a year because I thought they didn't do anything, plus my was way better.
I'm gonna start taking ZMA, omega-3, and protien powder
These are the 4 that ACTUALLY work for me. I notice a very distinct differnce if I stop taking them
Gavin Cruz
Creatine, caffeine, whey.
That's it, drink the whey with milk for easy casein gains.
Can't stress enough though how much creatine helps.
Jordan James
The unflavored is one of the highest quality you can buy without any amino spiking or trace metals.
Samuel Lee
Creatine makes me look a little chubby because I used to be chubby. Is it worth it?
Leo Myers
Do you take a tbsp of cod liver oil a day or what? Okay dope, I'm gonna order 11 lbs
Brody Mitchell
Wait for a 50% off sale.
Samuel Hughes
>1 scoop of whey >1 scoop of casein any reason not to do this?
Adam Lewis
Is whey worth it? Its a bit expensive here. Why do they sell it a large packs like cant i try them first lol
Ethan Taylor
Whey post work out Caseína before sleep
Jonathan Roberts
Zma is actually legit. Helps me sleep better and shoot bigger loads. Seemed like a meme but it's worth it. Got a month supply for $12. You can buy any brand as long as it's zma.
Oh yeah thanks, there is one now on the Canadian site with code SAVE50 You'll probably have to go through at least 2 lbs before you notice a difference anyways
Brayden Jenkins
I take vitamin D-Omega 3 and ZMA and sometimes also AAKG (arginine).
Not sure if it actually helps. Maybe I shouldn't buy such a cheap brand though
Logan Sanchez
Eh i guess ill try the smallest packet but shit they aint cheap. But im thinking if its more cost efficient than buying canned tuna and chicken breasts
Jeremiah Perry
These 2 sites are worth reading if you're curious about zma. Obviously bb.com wants you to buy their stuff but they cite studies. The second link is unbiased and shows the benefits of taking a zinc supplement.
zma is worthless, take zinc and magnesium as seperate supplements. magnesium in the morning and zinc at night.
Logan Baker
Does it matter what brand or type of ZMA I take or is the myprotein/bulkpowders good enough?
Jeremiah Robinson
It won't make you chubby, the water is retained in the muscle. You will experience 4-8 lbs in lean mass gain in the first week.
It improves all of your lifts, gives you more energy to workout, and promotes muscle growth.
Studies of users / non-users demonstrate that it's the #1 most effective substance outside of eating and protein.
Ethan Evans
Zinc, NOs (arginine and citriline), longjack, and creatine are the only legit ones I've found.
Jayden Hill
Has anyone here tried yohimbine? I thought arginine is redundant if you already take citrulline. What about preworkouts? I heard ZMA legally has to be the same composition, despite brands
Zachary Wood
Bought 2 1lb tubs for $59, now they list at $149 a tub...? 5 collagen types your body naturally craves, I, II, III, V, and X. Take with Vitamin C, and My Protein the Whey and a banana.
Never trust amazon reviews. Me and my gf get sent free shit every week and all we have to do is leave a really positive 5 star review
Josiah Gutierrez
Fish oil/omegas have pretty much been debunked, don't waste your money. ZMA only provides benefits if you're deficient, which shouldn't happen if you're eating a balanced and healthy diet. Whey, creatine, and if you're in temperate/cloudy areas or stay indoors, vitamin D are the well-researched standards that can benefit just about everybody. Beyond that, I wouldn't recommend wasting money unless your training, recovery, sleep, and diet are on point because each of those will provide vastly more benefit than another supplement.
Brayden Baker
casein is more anti catabolic as you digest it slowly and whey is for more anabolic purpose as you digest it pretty fast. so it depends when you intend to drink it
Nathaniel Myers
What the fuck do mean omegas fatty acids have been "debunked"? Proof?
Andrew Bennett
Whey, citruline malate and PWO that’s it
Isaac Diaz
Thanks I'm gonna hop on a scoop a day of whey/casein (~50g protons), I'm gonna take whey after workouts and caesin before bed like someone mentioned. I get average 120g a day now so I should be around 170 assuming I can eat as much with 2 shakes a day
I'll hop back on creatine because it does work, I'm almost certain I'll retain a bit of water in my face though, it hapens every time. I'll get creapure this time maybe that'll help
not him but studies weren't able to link omega-3 to reduced risk of heart disease, and some brands have oxidized the omega-3 durring processing. I still think it might be a good idea to take them tho
Xavier Miller
Luke Brooks
Someone help make a test boost stack for me b-but only natural supplements h-haha wouldn't wanna lose my natty card ;)
So far:
-d3 -zma -Ashwagada or however its written -horny goats weed -onions and garlic
Does it matter which brand I buy or whatever I find in amazon/ebay will do?
Oliver Sullivan
K2 for the d3 Got zma last week. What is the sleep better stuff supposed to be exactly? Longer or just better in the same amount of time? Never had troubles sleeping, I used to wake up natty at around 7 but now I dont wake up until like 9-10. Gonna suck when uni starts again next month.
What does ZMA have that could even attempt to justify that price.
Joseph Lewis
Sniffing bubble-butt black girl's brapcannons is the only supplement I need.
Michael Lopez
I do, daily.
enjoy your hair loss
William Allen
is this hair loss thing real?
Kayden Harris
William Price
now i m scared
Kevin Sanders
almost all of them are snake oil, and those that shill them are getting paid to do so, just keep that in mind.
Robert Garcia
if youre going to lose your hair because of mpb it will accelerate this. Otherwise no
Parker Lewis
>ZMA only provides benefits if you're deficient, which shouldn't happen if you're eating a balanced and healthy diet. Just because you're not deficient doesn't mean you're meeting sufficiency.
Nathaniel Lewis
What benefit have you gotten from l-glutamine? Wanna know if I should take it
Jack Bailey
Does anyone use beta-alanine? Does it work to increase endurance? The studies say it is proven to help, but I never hear about anyone supplementing it like they do creatine.
Nolan Collins
A lot of preworkouts will have it. I've built up a tolerance to it, so i add more to mine. got the bulk supplements bag for free from a buddy. definitely recommend it; necessary for "the itch"
Christopher Russell
Ah ok. I don't use preworkout because caffeine ruins my sleep. Do you recommend beta-alanine because of the itch or for actual performance benefits?
Carson Stewart
I use two different types of preworkout. One with caffeine for morning workouts; without for evening. Guys I work with got me roped into using them. Now I rarely workout without them. If you've gotten this far without preworkouts, I'd say stay away. You can find certain supplements that can give you the "extra" you're looking for. I believe Beta-A is one of them; and I think I have improved endurance at the gym for it. There's others that incorporate NO to the bloodstream, too. Just read a scholarly journal over the effectiveness of beetroot juice for NO. Giving it a try next cycle.
Connor James
Morning: (with breakfast) Multi Vit D3 + K2
Before bed: ZMA Omega 3
Anytime: 5g Creatine
Don't know when i should take Creatine i take it when i feel like because i think it tastes very chemically.
I pay around ~45€ for 3 months of supps.
Dylan Jackson
>Caseína based brazilbro
Carter Gutierrez
How essential is casein? Where do you buy your products?
Jace Walker
Jackson Clark
Bought some ZMA. Thanks guys. Itll get here by Friday
John Brown
how do I sign up for this
Henry White
Joseph Stewart
Anybody have experience with St. John’s Wort? My mood has definitely improved from working out but I’m curious what it might do to me if it actually works the way research suggests.
Jayden Martin
I have anecdotally found these are great for me
>glycine, 5-10g >theanine, 0.6-1g in the morning >citrulline, 5g before sex (if I want high octane porn sex) >ZMA >30 minutes shirtless (naked preferred) in the sun
Hunter Diaz
Close Argentinean user here
Cameron Miller
It depend on person,if you look daily intake its actually daily avarage. So some people bodys need something less and something more. Also its depentand on your diet. That why you always get people saying that one thing dosent do anything when other say its changed their life. Also taking supplement is endless game. If you take zma you might run in risk of becoming deficient to copper and that way to iron, also magnesium might eat your calsium. So only way to be sure what works is trial and error.
But there are thing that truly work. Omega-3 is good for almost every one. But it also thins your blood so keep that in mind if you are already on thinners or have surgery coming. Zma, everyone is endorsing it. So taking it is good just for placebo effect. Creatine. Also if you have shitty skin or dry hair take biotin. Only stuff that's dose something, but it wont help for baldness. Some say boron in hige dose help whit test levels. Then there is plenty of amnioaccids, pick and chose and try out some of them like glutamine. Melatonin, lot of people like it. And finally, if you live in north or stay majority time in indoors, take some vitamin d during winter times. Lot of people play down vitamin d, but your body produces it from sunlight, that stuff is so important to you that you are producing it on your own. So you better make sure you get it.
Joseph Roberts
I think fish oil is fine since the ingredients are literally just the oil of fish. Everything else is bullshit. I firmly believe 90% of them are just made to cheat blood tests because watching my family with deficiencies, they don't get better after taking the B12 shots even though their blood tests come back fine.
Jace Johnson
Already taking"Herbs of Gold" Men's MultiVit, should I jus swap over to ZMA?
Matthew Allen
What's the difference between ZMA and just regular magnesium pills? My local pharmacy didn't have ZMA so i opted for magnesium.
Liam Johnson
all these DYELs thinking taking the magic pill will give them mega gains lole just eat a varied diet and buy some whey. stop overthinking things. don't take creatine unless you want to go bald
Isaiah Clark
I wouldn't worry about it
Angel Hill
> those that shill them are getting paid to do so, just keep that in mind. Please kill yourself
Aaron Gray
I never train without a gainer during the workout (fat milk and protein 50+ grams). There's no reason at all to not already consume protein while training if your goal is to gain weight.
Josiah Turner
Parker Phillips
Thanks for the advice and recommendation. I don't plan on using preworkout since I feel fine as I am. I will add beta-alanine to my supplementation since the studies show they have proven efficacy, and your anecdote backs it up. In my eyes it seems like creatine and beta-alanine should be a standard supplement since they're both proven to work and complement each other in increasing strength and endurance. I did a little research on NO supplements like L-arginine, citrulline, and beetroot juice. I'm not convinced they're necessary or that they provide the stated benefit. I'll keep my eye on future beetroot juice research though. I just want to be sure what I'm supplementing works.
Joshua Kelly
yohimbine + caffine works pretty well at curbing hunger and feeling pretty energetic during workouts. The only downside of yohimbine ive found are all the raging boners i get
Alexander Wood
take creatine pre or post workout with some juice. Mix and drink quickly
Anthony Rivera
How's that a downside?
John Powell
Protein powder is the cheapest form of protein by far if you buy 2.5kilo bags. So even if you buy a more premium brand, the price per gram protein is still much lower than lets say canned tuna or eggs, which are some of the cheapest foods high in protein. Also, drinking a well tasting bcaa or whey shake is something to look forward to after a hard workout you dont have that psychological factor with the disgusting shit on your picture, but thats my personal taste obviously. I have bought probably about 15kg total off of myprotein and every single flavor that I tasted was absolutely terrible, which makes you wonder if its maybe the low quality ingredients that just dont allow for a better taste.
Caleb Fisher
I buy 5kg bags from myprotein. Costs like 50 bucks
Camden Butler
casein is just slowly digested whey. I'm gonna start taking a scoop of whey after workouts and a scoop of casein before bed. I'm doing it to supplement ~50g protons into my diet because I only get like 120g now
Carter Baker
Well and if there would be 10kg bags then these would be even cheaper relatively. What I meant is whey powder bought in bulk is very cheap are you happy now?
babbies first supplement! just ordered myprotein's whey 1kg only cause im poor. i cant believe they cost a lot here? its like 30 bucks for 1kg. i dont live in the us
Cooper Bennett
There's promo codes for 40% off in Canada right now and yesterday it was 50% off. I'm currently waiting for it to go back to 50 before ordering because. Also you save ordering bulk and free shipping over $90
Carson Long
try FAST50 or SAVE50
Luke James
im from asia lmao where do i put these codes? i used nutrition depot. man i hope the 1kg will last long for me? how long before it runs out?
Michael White
BCAA morning w 2g beta alanine
1 scoop WPI lunch
BCAA + Preworkout before workout 1 or 2 scoop WPI w/creatine post workout
Casein and GABA before bed
Jeremiah Reyes
I guess they don't do the deals there. I think if you take a scoop a day it should last like 3 months.
Nathaniel Young
3 months? thats not too bad then! is it okay to only use 1 scoop per day? i think i need around 170g of protein per day. is it achievable?
Michael Evans
I’ve never been happy
Brandon Thomas
>never been happy yet Ftfy, user. You'll make it one day.
Jonathan James
>user says zinc will give me wet dreams if i combine with no fap >take 3 extra strength zinc pills before bed >have intensely vivid dream where my crush kills herself by jumping in front of a semi truck >spend what seems like forever in this dream crying and in shock >wake up with face in a pool of tears and drool on my pillow >blanket has been kicked off the bed and im cold af never taking that shit again
I got ZMA included with a bunch of stuff I bought. I looked up what it does and seems to be a big meme. Any studies out there that show otherwise or is it just bro science?
One 8-week study in 27 football players showed taking a ZMA supplement daily significantly increased muscle strength, functional power, and testosterone and IGF-1 levels
However, another 8-week study in 42 resistance-trained men found that taking a ZMA supplement daily did not raise testosterone or IGF-1 levels when compared to a placebo. Furthermore, it did not improve body composition or exercise performance
What’s more, a study in 14 healthy men who exercised regularly showed that taking a ZMA supplement daily for 8 weeks did not raise total or free blood testosterone levels
It’s worth noting that one of the authors of the study that found ZMA improved athletic performance has ownership in the company that produced the specific ZMA supplement. That same company also helped fund the study, so there may be a conflict of interest
Brayden Thomas
Apparently the football experiment was run and funded by the guy that created ZMA though
Noah Sullivan
Jayden Murphy
Yeah nothing wrong with a scoop a day, a scoop is only 22g of protein though so you're gonna need about 150g from normal food
Oliver Jones
22g is a lot i think already since i eat a lot of meat anyway for lunch and dinner. then tuna and chickpeas for snacks. i think thats enough i hope
Asher Rogers
just eat right and you won't need any
Christopher Stewart
Proved useless shit
Jack Campbell
>It's got what joints crave
Nathan Jackson
Does it matter which brand I buy or whatever I find in amazon/ebay will do?