Biggest Gain Goblins?

Biggest Gain Goblins?

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not being a neet

for me, its porn and my body’s absolute refusal to sleep more than 4 hours a night despite me always falling asleep at ~11pm and rarely if ever taking naps no matter how tired i am during the day

Well milchads have the following:
Bad Sleep Schedules

And we're still pretty yolked. :^)

You could group most of those under one large umbrella:

> Women
- porn
- gf
- grandma
- gym thots

Beyond that, I'd say diet (which includes alcohol) fucks people up more than anything else. Third would be lack of commitment/consistency.


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holy fuck porn is a big one. I have been writhing in bed for hours because I have an urge to watch porn but I wont do it. It's already so late goddamit where are my sleep gains

thinking creatine is cocaine, thank god I moved out

>Jow Forums
Nice try, /leftypol/

Unless you wake up tired after those 4 hours, you may just have very high test

>not starving yourself before going to grandma to minimize fat gain
low IQ plays

Sorry Grandma I don't want your cookies anymore, im now a adult.

>Spending hours on Jow Forums isn't a gain goblin


Lack of sleep therefrom
Not eating enough because I drank too many calories last night

I'm convinced I'd be at least dyel if I were able to quit

Weed, meth, alcohol, cigarettes, porn.

Bad diet

im pretty sleepy all day desu. i can definitely function but i’m certainly not what i would consider fully rested ever
i was sleeping a solid 7 hours a night when i was on 500mg/week of test. ive been on 150mg for the last two weeks and thats around when the sleep went to fuckville

This and gf, also not on point diet and sporadic alcohol

Grandma's are godtier for bulking tbqh


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Someone should add "thumbless-grip benching" in tiny text right next to his hands. Internal decapitation is a pretty big gains goblin.

Pizza, bagels, donuts days at work
After hours
All inclusive vacations

does the CIA/mossad exclusively hire disgusting goblin fucks like this to shoot up malls and schools and churches because they know how big of a meme lookism shit is amongst genuine far-right anons and how much we hate to be associated with these inbreds?

up the dose user 250 is cruising protocol

lack of discipline

My Mrs... Every time I leave for gym she gives me puppy dog eyes as if I should spend time with her instead... when I get back from gym I come home to a moody "lonely" wife.
As you can guess, I've skipped sessions in the past for the needy bitch

low appetite
old school runescape
money (or lack thereof)
inability to go to sleep when I want to and just laying in bed uselessly for 90 minutes

lift at sunrise instead

Definitely injuries. I seem to get injured often. Currently i have a hurt back and tightness in my Achilles

Post rank/ mos pog

She moans that my alarm goes off an hour before hers and wakes her up


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Give her a good fucking before you leave


allergies and congestion
good luck doing anything when you cant breathe.

i would but i wont be able to get more test or anything for a month or so and i only have about a half of a 10mL 250mg/mL vial left

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the only way to keep them happy really

sleep in a different room then

autism correlates positively with ugliness, and the only people who would willingly meet up with other Jow Forumstards are severely autistic

I've done this, she then wants me to stay and cuddle haha

this is pretty much any meetup in a nutshell
>histrionic flips, e-thots, darkies, and 56% whites

Maybe take like 4 percent off his body fat and he'd look hella hansome!

>grandma is lonely
>go to her house sometimes
>entire house literally always stacked with cookies, pastries, pizza, ramen, tendies, leftovers

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Then skip the fucking part and cuddle with her instead.
Fuck her before going to bed.

>porn, depression, bad sleep
are these a cause of not lifting or a symptom?

>cripplechan schizos
>Jow Forums

then just visit her when you’re bulking whats the big deal?

All the other things can be handled if you aren't depressed.

How is Jow Forums a gain goblin? My motivation is to dwarf any soiboy I come across

Lack of sleep. My body is a turbocunt and won't let me fall asleep before 11. Then, I will wake up 2-5 times a night, taking 30-90 minutes to fall back asleep each time. I have to wake up at 6:30 so this means I average 5 hours of sleep a night. Melatonin has a ~33% chance of helping me fall asleep faster but it doesn't stop me from waking up multiple times a night which is by far the bigger issue.

Already tried the usual mom tier remedies of no computer/phone before bed, not eating 3 hours before bed, reading a book to try falling asleep, etc. It's not even a matter of physical problems either as I come back physically tired every day due to work and gym, but rather a mental thing. It sucks

Jow Forums is not a healthy mindset, anons

Thinking constantly about the things which are wrong in this world isn't a good mindset.
Its also distract you from lifting.

Yeah, ignore the things that are wrong. Good goys.

Most of the shit Jow Forums gets bent out of shape over aren't even worth it. It's less about being a good goy and more about not being an obsessive cringemaster.

he means if you're bitter about everything all the time its not good for you. I would stop browsing the board entirely. bickering about everything and not doing anything about it is worse than just ignoring it. Focus on improving yourself first, society can come later.

>the people who SEETHE about Jow Forums the hardest never actually browse Jow Forums
Makes you think

>parents and their unhealthy lifestyle that they force on me
>lack of time due to very tight schedules
>crappy sleeping schedules

>Jow Forums
lmao, maybe cuckchan Jow Forums, but it is one of the better boards for a Jow Forums person. Leftism is more of a detriment to being fit than anything.

>Jow Forums

While they're always right, especially on cripplechan, the way it fucks up your brain is incredibly not healthy. If the civil war ever happens, I'll be Jow Forums and Jow Forums enough to fight (even though the cardio will ruin my gains) but it's best to just not think about it in the meanwhile. Concentrate on bettering yourself even if that slightly bluepills you.

how is porn/masturbation a gains goblin for you autists? do you spend like 4 hours a day minimum?


the voices

The left can't meme, or lift

I'd say that to my grandma.....

I think injuries are top tier gain goblins. Fucked up my back while doing shoulder and was out for three weeks, only for one bad rep. Maybe half a second fucked me for three weeks man thats bullshit.

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Like damn this nigga gotta spell everything out for you


dirty bulk pussy

dios mio...

Or you could improve society now. Still would be better than Jow Forums

isn't your honeypot dead?
>implying anything isn't a honeypot

Anxiety and depression.
I wake up having existential thoughts and that causes me to freak out. I get depressed because every day is filled with worry that affects me on a physical level and the inability to do normal functions with an acceptable degree of comfort.

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>Oh non no no no how dare you not spending 5 hours a day thinking if Italians and Spaniards are white or not?!

>left-leaning men on average have lower testosterone, lower IQ and are more likely to be rapists and child molestors
>women, both left-leaning and right-leaning, find right-leaning men more attractive

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I'm pretty much a full blown functional alcoholic at this point. The ride needs to end I won't end up like my father.

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>male feminists

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have sex

POL is definitely a gains goblin, I've spent 1000's of hours lurking and shitposting.

remember kids, this is the cost of not lifting.

Bad sleep and depression in my case. Still doesn't stop me from attempting to turn them barbells into pretzels. Fuck you, depression and bad sleep. Take that, you fucking cunts. The worse I feel, the more I move around. I got to power walking 22km per day and 2.5 hour gym sessions 5x a week. Diet spot on. Alcohol 0. Jow Forums is for incels. Women can suck my dick. Injuries? Not even once. Vidya is no way affecting my gains, for I game 3h a week tops.
Don't want to take benzos for sleep, for it's a literal suicide pill. Depression has been with me for the past 16 years and I've learned how to deal with it. With absolute force.

spanish are white, conquistador rape babies are not white, italians are barely white.

You're not white.

>dedicating 1/3rd of your day to moderating a twitch chat
>after hours you watch and moderate for more boobie streamers
>you donate thousands of dollars to each of them
>you donate thousands of hours to them (time is money)

all in the hopes of getting some e-pussy, like wtf with that time and money, you could just fuck an escort, or if you want a relationship, theres plenty of women looking for sad men to dump thousands on them, no way any man would do this, it has to be larp

>and gf

Nah. I have a wife, and she slowly lost the will to keep up her shape, which resulted in me getting dragged along for a few years. I had to spend years after that trying to get both myself and her back into shape at the same time. It was exhausting as fuck.

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>be white
>vote republican
>date black girl
>she votes republican

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For me it’s:
1. Eating shitty and breaking diet
2. Sickness
2. Girlfriend(love her though)

Unironically, bad diet and bad sleep schedule, the other vices hardly register after them unless you're a chronic addict, i.e. you're an alcoholic or literally fap all day but I can almost guarantee it that if you're addicted to a vice, like vidya or drugs, your diet and sleep are shit too.

Well, he didn't and he was a literal cuckold.

Whatever the first shooters name was, he had hit the gym and broke out of incel mode. Isn't it a giant fucking pure coincidence that the media keeps using his fugly mug selfie rather than the actual mugshot?!

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Before some smartass points it out, yeas, I went looking for the mugshot and yeas, his name is in the filename.

Where the fuck can I buy one?

Poor sleep habits.
Porn does not kill gains, BS

socialism and capitalism

>Jow Forums

Why mention it? Why say nothing about the actually harmful political side — leftism — that fuck people up and tell them to be lazy and weak and make as many people like them?

If anything Jow Forums (and not reddit and shitposters, the two types of people that has flooded the board) is the board that most encourages getting strong. I swear every retard that shitposts about Jow Forums has never lurked it beyond a single glance.

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>mention Jow Forums even slightly
>thread completely derailed by assblasted Jow Forumsniggers being so obsessed with defending themselves that they infest the thread
Post the pic of that fucking ugly fatass too, why don’t you. What a mistake that board was. Should have just let politics stay naturally diluted on the site instead of having it concentrated all on one autistic pathetic normalfag-magnet board.

arent Jow Forumscucks all for lifting or something has changed? havent been there for years

Jow Forumstards are cyberniggers.


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They aren't wrong though. Those are just things they don't like.

even worse than jannies desu

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