im beyond saving?
Im beyond saving?
You have to be 18 to post here
inb4 minor
Im 19 btw
No, start lifting.
no you'd probably put on alot of muscle if you started eating and lifting, especially being about 5'4".
No one's beyond saving. I'm 35, over 100 pounds overweight, and have decided as of recent events in my life to turn things around.
just fucking work out and change ur diet u bozo
If you diet, you will get tired and lightheaded. As shit as you feel, it means it's working.
You'll probably never be a chad, but you can definitely look way better than you do now.
he looks like a vertically stretched baby
lift a weight
How tall are you?
>You'll probably never be a chad
Damn that hurts for some reason
since you're so short you'll look more jacked with less effort so you got that going for you at least
mirin' those strong ankles and calves
I'm sorry OP but thats correct assessment. Dont get fooled by anyone telling you otherwise. While few hundred years ago you wouldve been stomped nowadays if you have the wits you can easily findyourself at the top. Let that plight fuel your motivation and go for the mental gains. If by any chance you have what it takes you can exceed if not you will not pass your genes and that would be for the best of us all.
wtf. It's like an adult head stitched to a toddler's body
You need HGH if you want to look masculine and not like a fucking 12 year old
Fix your flat fucking feet for a starter
4'11 - 5'0
is not me
Reminds me of that Tom Brady combine weigh in picture. Someone post it
I dont want to be a chad just a normal person
Get limb-lengthening surgery.
Leave humanity behind faggot. You will never be normal not with that body. Never.
how smart are you oh wait you're in /v/ haha
almost 50kg
i have aspergers but smart lot
almost 50kg
i have aspergers but smart lot
It's over
No one is beyond redemption op
It's literally over for you im so sorry
You should find an interesting hobby. Everyone knows a jacked midget is compensating but if you get fit through some /out/ activities then you come off as confident and passionate. Go climb some trees or hike or free solo a pebble. pic not related
Iam literally shaking&crying rn, like fo real.
Is this a transthing?
Unless u believe in santa.
If you want to be normal you should just leave 4chin, also getting fit won't help you be normal, better looking/healthy yes but knowing how to lift won't help you in most social interactions
Nah, its an SS+GOMAD progression
Nobody is beyond saving you tard
Hit the fucking gym and achieve greatness right now
what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
please tell me this is photoshoped im going to have nightmares if not
For some people takes until they’re 40 to realize they look like shit and by the time they start working out it’s too late.
It’s definetly not late at all for you, you have the capability of looking sick af
The first step is to accept you look like shit
The next is to have a very consistent routine and consistent diet
It’s not late at all for you
your body is able to be saved, your face on the other hand...
You are. Not because of your body but because you seek the approval of strangers before you give yourself the best gift you possibly could. Because you look for excuses to not even try. Because you want to shift the blame to genetics, your parents, the environment you grew up in, whatever.
Not because you are weak in body but because you are weak in mind and soul.
Either lift or fuck off
What's your stack?
Eww eww eww eww
pretty sure this is bait but just in the unlikely case that it is not, you are not beyond saving my man. go to the gym, lift some weights, practice bjj, go hinking, etc... enjoy the process and see your body progress, you're gonna make it
All in Chainlink
>I dont want to be a chad just a normal person
It's been a long time since a Jow Forums post hit me in the feels like that
How would one even go about saving scoliosis this bad?
These. Find your niche, specialize, work to be better than who you are today.
Good luck.
have doctors never commented on your growth? something is unusual here