DO >count calories, all of them >calculate your TDEE at sedentary. It will save you a whole meal's worth of calories >buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate >learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables >develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits >eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight) >cardio. learn to love walking >start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners! >post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice
DON'T >eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count >eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible >drink your calories. alcohol, soda, fancy starbucks shit. forget it
started to worry that dick gains were a meme all along and ate a sandwich
at what bf% does the fat pad go away?
Jayden Watson
Man fuck bk. They're on that gay ass woke shit and totally pozzed. Go to Wendy's instead. Better food from a cute anime girl. The quality is also top tier even at midnight.
Sebastian Ross
genuinely and unironically if you know what to order BK is the best tasting fast food
but it is the devil so don’t go there at all
Nathan Jackson
>if you know what to order tell me what you know
Landon Taylor
silence lardass
Brayden Lee
I can not, in good conscience, recommend a fast food item on /fat/.
But I will say this - warm pita, spinach, tuna, shallots, and hot sauce is a based meal for a fatty
Levi Morales
im hungry tell me what you know
Jonathan Sanchez
eat baby carrots you swine this is holy ground
David Jones
Skinnylet here, every time i see a fatty i wish they could transfer me that shit so we're both happy
Wendy’s is shit tier now >ruined their bbq sauce >never clean their drink filters >horrible prices
Jason Rodriguez
Low carb does not just result in more weight loss than other comparison diets, it also results in more fat loss, especially when carbs are limited to 50 grams per day.
>tfw protein(even chicken) is expensive as fuck here >tfw cuisine is carb heavy
Never gonna make it.
Aaron Nguyen
OHP/benchpress/squat/deadlift/barbellcurls etc
Ryder Butler
Bentley Morales
If you can't afford healthy food just don't eat until you've saved enough money.
Dominic Nelson
How many sets for starters? Is it okay for me to lift? I've been sedentary for too long.
James Morales
>weigh in last night at midnight at 230lb >weigh in this morning at 10:30AM at 224lb.
This one secret can make you lose six lb in less than 12 hours: drink a fuck ton of water. Stay hydrated fellas. Then piss it all out.
Owen Jenkins
There are at least 31 modern scientific studies of the highest quality (RCTs, or randomized controlled trials) that show significantly better weight loss with low-carb diets.
Had a yummy, yummy 20 pc McNuggie for lunch. Never gonna make it.
Ayden Scott
I don't know I would just lift till i couldn't anymore, you'll be fine as long you use proper form
Andrew Brown
can we just skip to the part where you get bored and fuck off
Nathaniel Collins
Ease in with just the bar, watch vids on technique and what to do if you can't put the bar back. Add weight as long as your form remains good. Ego lifting results in injuries. Look for programmes for beginners, they are designed for people that are out of shape.
I've been doing well for two months now, lost 30 pounds, but I've been rolling around the idea of fasting for a day and then going to a Chinese buffet and just gorging for my birthday this Friday.
I keep buying smoothies tropical smoothie café ones they're so satisfying during these hot summer days
Samuel Howard
what would that do for you? why not go to a nice Chinese restaurant and get 2 really good entrees, eat as much as you want and take whatever is left over for later, when you think about it again. Then when you go to the fridge, theres some kickass leftover orange chicken or spare ribs. I promise it'll be tastier and you'll feel better for your choices instead of undoing all the progress you've made over the pretense of a "birthday".
Wouldn't you want your birthday to not end in shame and uncomfort?
John Gray
Don't do it man. I worked out longer at the gym last week just so I could grab some fast food. Felt like shit afterwards. Stick the process trust your diet and routine. The results will come.
Chase Davis
only equipment I have is two 15 kg dumbells. Can't buy anything and there's no gym in my remote village. I barely have internet. Anyone know any good exercises I could do with them that could simulate lifting in gym? Lost 30 kg with cycling around and CICO, need to lose 30 more to get to weight goal and you people always reccomend lifting
Christopher Barnes
Over head press, shrugs, skullcrushers, bench, raises, many types of curls. Hold them as tight as you can when you lift them for forearm and grip gains
Juan Sullivan
ive regained 5 kg. ive stopped going to the gym regularly, the motivation and discipline i had has gone away. I cant seem to make myself get back into "it". Dont know what to do about it even though i know its "just do it"
oh also i did already loose 60 kg, so its not like i dont know what i need to do. But i changed jobs and so my lifestyle changed and this is the result, back to 95 kg from 90.
I was always a fat fuck, but i am now 100+ pounds overweight after quitting smoking. Been clean since December, but this is a new and different problem.
Aiden Flores
you’re losing water weight that has no real bearing on the composition of your body
Daniel Cook
Had a slice of cinnamon sugar buttered toast this morning that my kids didn’t finish. Also had like 3 eggs and no sugar other than that. Probably aight.
Ryan Bailey
I've eaten almost nothing but cereal, nutrition shakes, and homemade cake for the last three weeks. Still losing weight because CICO is king, but fuck I wish I had the will to eat better.
Oliver Gonzalez
Chase Carter
Thanks lads, I just don't want to feel disgusting when I see myself anymore. Is there hope for me at 29 to get actually fit?
Eli Parker
>can only lose 10 more lbs before I'm underweight >body is freakishly skinny in some places and still really flabby in others Life is pain.
Hudson Rivera
Of course. It takes work and dedication as well as willpower but you can make it. Everybody can, all it takes is time and hard work. Respect your limits, it isn't a race and although pushing your limits is good, overexerting yourself too much gets you injuries, which cost months of progress.
Let's say you're a girl and just started your period. Your hormones are off the rails, water retention goes through the roof and your hunger and abdominal pains are constant. Do you stick to your super restrictive diet (IF+CICO) or comfort your aching bleeding body by allowing it an exceptional 48h break ? Asking for the friend of a friend.
yeah user, you can do it. With CICO, cardio and lifting you'll be under 100 kg in a couple of months. I'm currently 102 kg, started at 126 kg at the start of June. Height is 179 cm and age 28. If a fat lazy bastard like me can do it, you can too
Lincoln Lopez
Does anyone else at a high deficit experience a fairly intense coldness/numbness(?) in their feet? My hands are cold too, though not as bad. I'm thinking that the lack of calories is making it hard for my body to keep my extremities warm, but maybe I have circulation issues or I'm gonna die.
Evan Allen
A calorie is a calorie. If it improves your mental and physical state to consume more, and you're fine with having a smaller deficit thus losing less fat, go for it. As long as you don't binge and you keep a healthy attitude about it, it's fine. Be especially careful to stay hydrated while you're menstruating. Dehydration can be mistaken for hunger.
Jack Myers
i don't think it's too strange to feel cold on a high deficit. consider reducing it. if you're really worried, see a doctor.
Camden Davis
Zachary Jones
ketard please go
Jonathan Howard
>at 185 lbs right now >need to get to 178 by August 17
How can I do this?
Asher Bell
Post body.
Jaxon Diaz
Thanks lads, I'll try my best this time. I once managed to lose 20 kg but depression creeped in and all my work got fucked. I have really low energy in general but I'll do my best to get it work.
Hudson Bailey
some people say it helps kill cravings, i guess more because it has such a strong nasty taste than anything. otherwise pure meme.
Nathaniel Williams
>imagine buying all that shit but not even bothering to read the sticky it's true, some people have more money than brains
Connor Rodriguez
I read it, I just like getting more personal advice from people.
E-even fruit and nutz?
Ayden Morales
then my personal advice for you is to read the OP as well, especially this part >This is not QTDDTOT, use that thread for questions not about fat loss. >how should I start lifting is not a question related to weight loss, you didn't even put it in the context of weight loss like >how should my form be if I wanted to lift with a large stomach or >can I make gains while on a large caloric deficit you just asked about lifting period
Thomas Turner
meme for weight loss but I like it's taste so I use it on salads and in some marinades
Austin Sanchez
Fruit is one of the most fattening things you can eat, pure sugar. Sugar gets converted to fat easily. So eating fat and animal products is much better, fat cannot get converted to fat
Xavier Diaz
How many grams of sugar a day are acceptable?
Isaac Perez
>as long as you don't binge I'll do my best. Thanks for the hydration tip user
Noah Gray
What's the point of these threads then mate? I just thought there would be people in these thread with same issue as I am(starting lifting when they're an out of shape fatass) and asked if it is ok to lift in this situation.
I see, I only eat melons but guess I'll have to cut them out too.
Jackson Cooper
thinking of adding a fasting day once a week feels like cheating though
Lincoln Hall
I was joking you know
Dylan Roberts
there are people in the QTDDTOT that have gone through weightloss too retard and how many posts here are related to lifting only? can you really not discern the point of these threads?
Gavin Powell
Make sure you count, and pace yourself. Eating more than usual, or eating things like sweets if you don't usually have them, can trick your brain into saying "more, more". Good luck.
Aaron Stewart
Oh, still better to leave them out I guess.
Landon Turner
If I suck in my gut as hard as I can, you can finally tell I have ribs. Also a girl who dumped in the winter is blowing up my phone I must be making it.
Daniel Adams
The other day I had a McDonals. I felt awful afterwards
All carbs means ALL carbs. There's no such thing as an essential carbohydrate.
Camden Flores
>had one cheat day in the last 5 months for a local village celebration >ate almost a kilogram of spit roasted boar meat for lunch and a whole 700g gilt head bream fish made under the coals for dinner >since there was no oil or anything else except spices involved in the preparation it was still under 2000 calories >weightloss resumed as normal the next day without any increase in weight (except I had the most massive shit ever, like giving birth to a little piglet) Fish and game is fantastic
Landon Robinson
post body
Evan Reyes
Don’t wait for some nigga to tell you what. Looks up the BK nutritional stats for yourself and make a choice. Just remember having it *your way* is gonna include no cheese, and better yet, no bun. Drop the fries and soda as well. Beware of the dressings on salads; most options add bunches of calories, especially ranch.
Nolan Campbell
Which isotope you talking about?
Christopher Butler
5.7 million lbs obviously
Lucas Flores
Congratulations! Also, don’t take the bitch back. Ignore your dick, ignore your feelings; use your newfound figure to get a new gril worthy of your self.
Dylan Smith
well whatever everyone else says i found it easier to loose weight when i cut out carbohydrates like rice, bread and potatoes out of my diet. Eating just meat and vegetables and water is the easiest and surest way to guarantee caloric deficit since you end up feeling full with much less calories. t.guy who lost 140 lbs