Imagine how terrifying it must be to be this fat. To move all that extra weight around. Disgusting.
Imagine how terrifying it must be to be this fat. To move all that extra weight around. Disgusting
What if it turns out that he was secretly bloatmaxxed all along?
>tfw only 235 pounds (6’0”) and feel 100x more self concious about how my body looks than this guy probably does
I'm sure he's well aware desu. All morbidly obese people are. They just choose to rationalize it and cope other ways instead of taking the control they so crave.
>HAHA I'll be cool if I post hnnng right? That makes me h-high test right? Guys?
Low test chubby chasers please go
Stop being butthurt Omar
my dear, dear child. you have a lot of learning to do.
Stop encouraging laziness.
i'm afraid you don't see the truth yet, user. but there still may be hope.
Thank you fucking fat fucks for existing because it keeps me motivated to never allow myself to become a modicum of what you are.
which one of you cunts has the
>Presidential alert: WRONG
meme. I wanna save it, I've seen it here plentyo f times, just never really bothered to save it
Also, fat
Honestly my biggest fear is being obese. Imagine waking up everyday sweaty, feeling like shit and almost not being able to move. Every few steps your fatass takes makes you feel like dying. The only thing that makes you keep going is mcdonalds and soda. There is no purpose in your life, you cannot control your body and you cannot enjoy your life.
More importantly, how does person get that fat? Does not seem to be physically possible.
>no purpose in your life and cannot control your body
my fear is being in a cage and I think we are the same.
That's more like being superobese than just being obese
used to be 400 lbs yeah its not fun
Holy shit, how much do you weight now?
im 185cm and low weight was 190lb 2 years ago, bulked to 220 and cutting now
Bro you must have insane leg muscles, I always imagine that the fatties that are still mobile and can walk must have super fucking strong leg muscles from the sheer weight they have to lug around
calves yeah, quads not so much
This webm is always proof that fatties only cook with volume in mind and don't think about what actually tastes good or bother to challenge themselves with recipes.
Binge eating often (not exclusive to BED) fucks up your leptin and insulin levels to the point that eventually you never feel full. You also get a sort of high from binging ("the itis") and to achieve that same high, you have to eat more with each subsequent binge.
Obesity is not caused by overeating. It is a disease: There is a protein in your fat cells that collapses and makes the cells permanently stuck in suck in as much fat as possible, do not release. (it is not very dissimilar from how proteins fail in alzheimers)
You cannot cure it by starving yourself, nothing will work. Sometimes it fixes on its own, which is the reason why many people promote so many conflicting, sure way to lose fad diets, as fat people try to diet constantly and think that whatever they were trying at the moment worked, but it is not so.
That even includes keto, as when the problem fixes itself, you suddenly have a massive accesible store of calories and on0yl need to eat protein to repair the tissues damaged by the starvation, so you want to eat protein and nothing else. If you try to force keto on yourself it won't work.
Trying to starve yourself (CICO, intermittent fasting, fasting) won't work, you only starve yourself more as the fat tissues absorb all the fat you eat and won't release it. High carb, low (near zero) fat diet may somewhat diminish the weight gain, but it won't cure it and won!t work forever either. Trying to cure by eating less won't make you thin, you may starve yourself to death while you still carry all the fat. It's pointless. Wait for a cure.
your post is more of an eyesore than your stomach reaching down like the branches of an oak tree
Fat acceptance kills.
>god of the gaps
>Implying these lard-based >humanoid lifeforms have the strength to pull the bowstring of a non-toy bow
Also, can someone shop a sausage on the arrowhead?
"nah she's jus bloatmaxxxin she aint e'en don wit her bulk sycle dis month"
is this real lol? i hope not, i'm a fatshit and working on it. i wasnt fat before lazy boozehound days. does this mean i'm perma-fat?
>Kirby feet
What the fuck could the rest of this beetus beast look like?
>IF doesn’t work
>you fat forever
You really think you’ll stay fat if you stop eating? It’s some shit copypasta, protein can’t do that, nothing can in fact.
I used to be 70 lbs heavier and I don't feel much of a difference. It didn't feel like I was carrying around 70 lbs. Why is that?
Because you were used to it. If you dropped 70 lbs overnight, or picked up something weighing 70 lbs, you'd definitely notice the difference. But it was gradual so you didn't feel anything.
i bet your knees felt it climbing stairs, your mind adapts quickly
it's from a german scripted reality format
yep, this one's going in the bait folder
I remember when I hit rockbottom with my fatness.
I was 340lbs, it was 2am, and I had just finished eating an entire box of apple fritters that had jelly filling in them, and mind you this was just my late night dessert.
one of the worst nights of my life, but I'm glad it happened because I lost and kept off 120lbs.
That is from the german fake Media.
Specifically Sat. 1. Nothing what you can see there is is organic/real. All of their "docus" are scripted reality. Im sure they told her to make exactly that. Noone eats chocolate and Dickmanns with sausage and cheese. Personally i think this was made to introduce disgust of saturated fats in people. Which we know is healthy but shilled hard against. Speculation, but believe me these channels never ever show real things.
>To move all that extra weight around
they dont fucking move u nonce thats why theyre like that
still a fat cunt then
This nigga looks like the yellow M&M
The walker push away is great.
Delectable bait
Finally someone who understands. Obesity is a complex subject but the people here have simple minds and give simple solutions. And when you point out they're wrong, they get confused and angry. They victim-blame. No, it's not my fault I'm fat! My whole family is fat except for my father, therefore it's genetic. And when I don't eat I get hungry, which means my body needs food. "Hurr don't eat". Like being fat is a choice. Do you think people would choose to be fat if that were the case? Idiots. Put down the magazine with the pictures of naked men and open a book. A real one.
I wish people would take time and learn more about these things. Their ignorance hurts my people. Because of the perpetuation of the belief that eating less and walking will cure your fatness, people of size are having a hard time getting dates. And because they're lonely, they do harmful things to themselves through starvation and substances (I know many here know what I'm talking about even if they won't admit it) in order to look like the idealized few who won the genetic/economic/social lottery and are being pushed as the norm.
Stop it. If you are a good person then you'll help combat the misconceptions surrounding the fat curse. If you are a good person then you will protect the smiles of these girls
White people are fat too though. Asians are the ones who hate fatties. They even get taxed in Japan.
so if eating less and walking dont work then what does? you're not helping either you're lecturing.
fat fuck stop eating so much
14% bodyfat though
so no, not really
Got banned for posting this on Jow Forums
hes done numbers with this one
jannies confirmed fat useless retards
Whatever helps you sleep at night man, if you thinking you'll look like this after you lose your fat then keep staying fat buddy.
oh yes he can move, just not too much and not too far or else that thing's knees would blow up
How does he eggsit?
eat all the eggs
Didn't noticed before.
walker or oxygen tank
>your taxes pay for these
get on that treadmill fatty
Do americans just park the scooters at the supermarket or what
post body bro
I'll be waiting
There looks something odd about your face.
It's the new and improved version.
funny how you disappear when I ask for a body pic.
oops wrong guy, i shiggy'd
If we launch her into orbit we can have a binary star system.
the way she lets the car door bang open like that...thats what she gets
>"only" 235lbs
Obeasts are mentally ill
How do I enter stingray mode?
That doesnt look very hygienic, what kind of diseases do you get with that order?
nigga that is not 14% bodyfat if it were you would be able to see some abs. That's like 20% at least
Is the food really worth looking like that? Do people really fuck their shit up over some snacks? I don't understand.
is this real
It does look quite animated.
I agree that my abs should be visible, I only got that number from a test that takes your weight measurement and sends electrical impulses through your body, this thing.
Made no sense to me with that measurement, but either way, definitely not fat mode anymore, and I'm striving for that shredded look, however I'll need to fill out my core a lot more because of my loose skin
>this man gets his obeast asthmatic gf to load his groceries in the car for him, nearly killing herself for him, while Jow Forums can’t get a girl to touch their penis.
>All that loose skin around the belly button
You could probably jump off a skyscraper and survive thanks to that flesh parachute.
That's more fat asians than I ever seen, mega based
People on Jow Forums have either bought their own Tanita Weight Scale or their Gym or Doctor's office offers a Tanita Weight Scale that supposedly measures your body's entire muscle and fat composition, especially the more expensive professional models, when they want to know how much fat or muscle they gained in different parts of the body and which areas need improvement.
There's Dexa scans, too, but Dexa uses radiation in the form of X rays so you might not want that.
By the way, here are examples of the Tanita printouts the machines give you should you have access to one. Again these are examples.
Again, I'm not saying Tanita scales are accurate. But if you want something that does not involve X-rays or MRI machines in order to find out why you gained so much weight and which areas of your body need improvement, they could give you some numbers and scores to look at.
Again these are just examples of the Tanita printouts you receive if your gym or therapist/doctor's office offers them.
It could just be Snake Oil to be honest but I just wanted to let you guys know about it.
fuck off shill
fucking escaped lardness, unironically good job, user
yeah that seems like a benefit though, at least I can lose the weight unlike you though
okay? thanks bud
I imagine at some point the idea of not being incredibly morbidly obese becomes so foreign a concept that self-consciousness completely goes out the window because apathy is the only thing keeping you alive.
How the fuck does he get out without breaking any eggs?
>stingray mode