>Not kipping
It's like you don't want to be strong like bear.
Not kipping
someone post the retard in the crossfit gym
lame excuse for terrible form
Pls give me a higher resolution version
I think they meant the one that falls back on his neck
She really is top waifu
This one
he ded
>rotator tears x F supaset with piledrives x 1
have fun blowing out your elbows
so why do crossfit fags do kipping pullups
I absolutely refuse to be a retard that takes workout advice from a cartoon
I already had not respect for this anime when it came to actual fitness but I liked the theme it was going for but if they shill kipping then I'm fucking out
because they can't do real pullups
nice trips
wtf I love crossfit now
they say you combine it with strength training.
is training muscles and your nervous system the golden whey?
how the fuck do people do this? Everytime I've tried a kipping pullup I just do a regular pullup with some leg momentum. It feels so unnatural
Hopefully she will do some """bodyweight exercises""" with hibiki in her room
add stretching/mobility to that and yes
Based comrade Poutine
When i did gymnastics a kip referred to using leg momentum to get a topic position on the high bar. Mostly due to the fact it's a far more aesthetic way to get there than muscle ups.
Your problem is that you're still thinking of it as a pullup when it's not in any way whatsoever. Try more momentum less pull and then degress to all momentum no pull. Then fuck it 10 times worse and you've got it.
He's not asking how people do a kip. He's asking how people fly off the fucking bar.
Tfw your form isn't aesthetic enough
Everything has to be aesthetic in gym m8. Gotta point those toes and lock knees
Actually true. You need nerves of steel to do retarded shit like kipping instead of a trying to do pull ups like a normal human bean.