Be me

>be me
>reasonably attractive
>able to attract, sleep with and date girls with objectively near perfect bodies
>unsatisfied with these girls
>perfect woman is fat with a big tummy
>has always been this was since I was a child

Why do I have to be like this Jow Forums
My mother wasn't overweight during childhood and I don't have anyone in mind that fits this critera from formative years

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Bullshit. All these fat love posts are all the same, cope. Train more, cope less; fuck women who love themselves and take care of their bodies.

some women love themselves more if theyre fatter its the fetish bro. we and them just like certain things

based big cuties bonnie poster

10/10 LARP, schlomo.

What is with these whaleshagger posts as of late.

you are showing symptoms of being high test. embrace your inner achitect, user.

(i similarly developed an attraction to this shit for no reason)

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I hate myself for it but my kink arose from a nasty eating disorder. Wires got crossed somehow, so now fat==taboo and taboo==hot

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Me too bros, except I'm a homo. Tfw you live in a rural area and the only people on Grommr are middle-aged forklift drivers and 19 year-olds who are barely overweight ;_;

is there a similar site for finding fat girls?

Feabie is run by the same company, might be worth a look?

Chubby chasers are literally starving betas. Get your fill of protein, chumps.

Same thing with me. Always been this way for as a long as I can remember. There's nothing I want more than basically OP's pic related. I even know who that model is, this fetish is hard wired in.
Personally as someone who's always been ashamed of think Kink, I think it stems from my own insecurities. I would rather kill myself than ever get fat, but for them, they can and do abuse their bodies. In a similar control vein of BDSM.

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>fat with a big tummy
isn't it crossing a little bit into androgynous territory?

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she was perfect on the left

Have you ever tried to gain, then you get self-conscious and lose it all, only to repeat the process again and again? I've wanted to gain for a long time, but every time I put on 10 pounds or so I feel disgusted with myself and diet back to where I was. I've been crippled by this fucking awful fetish for so long - I wish I could either accept myself as a tubbo or have Mike Pence electrocute it out of me. Limbo is the worst place to be, but I can't seem to leave.

>tfw i got a very fat milf escort to sit on my face and squish me while i licked her pussy and asshole
My cock is fucking diamonds thinking about it but no one i know must ever find out.

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shes big cutie bonnie

Why the fuck do people do this to themselves on purpose? Is it the money? Fuck man she was a prime qt on left she just needed to lose like 30lbs and squat

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>being so thristy you stoop so low as to seetle for fat chicks
>live vicariously through pierce brosnan to look quirky instead of pathetic and desperate
>grovel on Jow Forums for approval
Fat-chasers are just as bad as femdomfags, and neither group lifts

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have you ever heard of a thing called fetishes

We don't want to be like this user, it's just the way we are. Why are you attracted to toned, conventionally beautiful women? You're just wired that way and it makes you hard - there's no reason beyond that.