Anyone else worried about finally getting a gf in your late 20s and being super inexperienced in every aspect?

Anyone else worried about finally getting a gf in your late 20s and being super inexperienced in every aspect?

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Don't stress about it, if you never had a gf by early 20s it's probably not going to happen

>Finally getting a gf
There's your mistake. By that point I'll have committed fully to the life of a hermit, or alternatively I'll be dead.

Not necessarily. There's so much divorce and single mothers nowadays.

Not true I'm a 32 year old virgin and women throw themselves at me. Just not any good ones.

Im more of worried of being taken advantage of, some woman might notice that youre a pretty good dude except for the virgin thing and use that as a free in for a husband

A a guy who had a GF later in life and had to fake being inexperienced, learn to eat pussy through the internet. Saved my ass.

You had sex before marriage!??

just dress up take a shower and got to a club it's not hard.
Get like 20 bucks and find a place that isn't for fags, drink a bit & sleep with christmas cakes.

you guys aren't retarded.

It's alright user, the ones that end up choosing you can deal with it.

Getting an escort will fix this or any other relationship anxiety you might have

How to eat pussy trough the internet?

Download the pussy app on your iPhone 8+ Pro

>learn to eat pussy

i'm not worried because i don't anticipate getting a gf ever

No because I'm already in my 30s.

This. It just gets harder and harder.

You dont need experience. Sex is so easy a caveman can do it. A dog can do it.

This. Why would you eat a pussy thats had tons of dicks in it?

>still planning on being alive in late 20s

lol check out this normie

>getting a gf

haha luckily I don't have to worry about that.

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No. Anyone I'd be willing to date would like, or, at the very least, not be bothered by, my inexperience.

Bullshit. It gets easier and easier. In your 30s getting girls is super easy. As long as you're not a loser still living in the basement.

I don't get the meme. Why would I want an old used up cunt?

You might as well stay single, fuck hookers. There's plenty of other betas for stacy to settle down with.

White. About white. It's not like some mission to find a partner to procreate with because God is going to castrate you in the afterlife.

No, because I'm already in my late 20s and don't have a gf, and it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon

>turning 30 this year
>prepared for 60 (more) years of solitude
life eh

i will never get a gf because i have made the conscious decision to stay pure.

and why do you think that is, retard?

>super inexperienced in every aspect

like what?

>girl posts romantic ad online
>she likes it
>send her a picture of me
>she doesn't block me

OH FUCK what do I do, robots. I'm panicking and nothing has even happened yet.

It's okay, user, with your eating habits you won't last that long.

She feels like trash because of it. So you kiss her boo-boos because women are literal children.

Older you get the only women available are the throwaway women. All the good ones will be taken and you're left with a choice to either die alone or settle for some 30 year old single mom with a drinking problem who emotional abuses you.

Should have been looking for a suitable partner early. 18-24 is the time you have. After that it's all down hill.

27 and I didn't even touch a girl from 18 to now. Guess I should start looking into suicide methods.

>Older you get the only women available are the throwaway women.
This is complete nonsense tho

The older you get the larger age range you can date

>All the good ones will be taken
women get in and out of relationships all the time, date around till 30 or more
You seem to have a twisted concept of time

If you mean that the good girls get married young, then you still get one (and more easily) as a boomer

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where did that come from? kill yourself, fag

You retards saying women get old and so you dont want to date em. Just date younger girls. (if your in america where the women have cucked men with the law from doing this travel to another country)

>thinks he will live till 90 in solitude

That is adorable

It happens to everyone, retard. You're just too young to understand.

It's the way things work if you don't die

I am not getting a gf until I am 30 dude, I kinda shoot myself in the leg with university I have no time to know anyone or date or time to have romantic dramas. Once I finnish this big mistake I can start thinking about dating someone

tfw no inexperienced christmas cake bf