What do you eat today? I eat this + noodles and curry powder mixed in
What do you eat today? I eat this + noodles and curry powder mixed in
That looks good. I'm eating spinach, sweet potato and beef patties for lunch today.
Breakfast was:
1.5C grapenuts
A cup of yogurt
Tablespoon of honey
3 eggs
4 chicken breakfast sausages
A cup of kefir
Lunch was:
12oz lean ground beef
100g rice
Breakfast: 4 fried eggs with salsa and 150g cottage cheese (eaten separately)
Meal 2 (pre workout):
100g oatmeal
150g frozen berries
20g whey
100g skyr
1 banana
1 tbsp peanut butter
all mixed together in the oatmeal + 1 kiwi on the side
Meal 3 (post workout):
80g frosties, 300ml milk and 30g whey
Meal 4: 300g(cooked weight) pasta
1 can of tuna
2 tbsp light mayo
50g cucumber relish
150g mixed frozen veggies
meal 5: 1 apple, 1 bag of microwave popcorn and 100g trail mix (almonds + raisins)
Totaling about 3500cal, which is maintenance for me.
2 donuts and a small beer
>3500kcal maintenance
Well, first reason is I'm 6'2 and 210 pretty lean. And fun fact, I'm not even that active, apart from the gym I'm sedentary most of the day, probably spend 30 min tops walking.
And secondly, it's just been built up overtime from lifting and bulking/cutting. Your maintenance isn't something static, and apart from activity level, it adapts partly from your amount of muscle mass, but mostly from how much you eat overtime.
For example, for my 1st year of lifting my maintenance was probably around 2500 iirc, for 2nd year 3000 and 3rd and onforth 3500. And during my lean bulk last year, in the beginning I needed about 3800 calories to gain 2lb a month, while at the tail end of it 6 months later, I was up to 4300 to keep that same rate of weight gain. Which would have made my maintenance at peak bulk around 4000. Then after cutting for 4 months and it slowing down overtime, at the end of my cut it was down to about 3400-3500 again. Of course metabolism is also a bit individual, but this anecdote was to show you that it really is very adaptive aswell.
Breakfast: boil 2 top ramen noodle + add soup
Lunch: half of large pizza + 1 liter soda + 1 XL doritos spicy nachos
Dinner: reheat left over pizza + monster drink to last you all night + 6 pack beer of your choice
Damn that's interesting, never really thought about that. Can you please post body?
Not gonna lie, that meal plan is depressing. It would be better for you if you stopped eating like a manchild
before gym 4 pb&j samiches
after 3 scrambled eggs
bowl of oats and protein powder
I barely have any pics of myself as I don't feel a reason to take any but here's one from about 1.5 years ago, am quite a bit bigger now.
And here's an arm one
Mirin, how does a skinny dyel get to where you are? You have my goal body
years of work and some gear thrown in
We're all different genetically. There's no point in trying to look a certain way. It's good to look at others for motivation, but don't become fixated on a certain look. For example I have the lower ab V-line even at high bodyfat, meanwhile some people can get shredded as hell and still not have it. I would say just train and eat and sleep as good as you can, never stop learning, never get the feeling that you ''know it all'' and are doing everything perfectly, for example I'm 3 years in and still learn new shit often, be disciplined and be patient. And don't compare yourself with others, because as I said, we're all different, we all have different strong and weak points, people will look different even at the same height / level of muscle mass / body fat %. Just try to become the best version of yourself that you could be. And no, I haven't used any steroids as the other guy insinuated. For example that arm pic is with a large pump + good lighting & angle, my arm wouldn't look like that if I was walking on the street and randomly flexed my arm
Beef and broccoli
Looks tasty op, today I cooked bacon with frozen veggies and potatoes, with some chili, curry and basedsauce. Other than that I'm hooked on bread with butter and a bit of salt because where I live most of the time butter is atrocious (and white bread too). My usual breakfast is oatmeal but today it was aforementioned bread and cottage cheese. Besides that I drank banana flavored protein yoghurt and ate some Oreo chocolate and a cookie. I stopped working out like 4 months ago I think, and I don't buy junk food myself but there's some lying around family's house and fuck it I'm gonna eat it without regrets.
Red curry chicken and red lentil Dahl with a quick pickled red onion and Thai chili topping.
That’s a weird fork, kind of spork-like
It is. Spoon one side, fork on the other. It's pretty good for camping.