I just failed for the first time doing SL

I just failed for the first time doing SL
What should I do? This is my 12th workout, so only barely a month in and I'm already failing sets
I don't see how I can keep this up for 3-4 months if I'm already failing one month in

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Follow the program and eat more

its okay if you stall a little bit. eat more, get enough protein / sleep and keep going lad.

I was resting for 90 seconds in between reps, should I switch to waiting 3 minutes instead? The app is telling me to redo 70 lbs next week, what should I do if I fail next week too?

U didnt start with the bar also i was sometimes doing 5 min rest. Also i switched to 3x5 really fast which is basically starting strength.

also, I warm up before squats by only doing 1x5 body weight squats right before
I haven't warmed up on OHP because I thought it was close enough to the bar weight that I would just tire myself out
Should I buy the pro version and get the warm up feature? Can I download a cracked apk or something of the stronglift app?

I did start with the bar
I followed the app so far to the T

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i rested 2-3 mins at first. also you dont need an app to warmup, just stretch and do low weight reps.

Just follow what the app tells you. It isn't hard. You will deload and try again. Or you will try the same weight again next time. It just depends on where you're at and how you failed.

Just go use some light dumbbells if you really feel you need to warm up.

It's just frustrating since this is where I plateau'd before I started SL too, I've never been able to OHP more than 75 lbs 5x5

How much are you eating? You need to eat son. Food is the most anabolic thing known to man.

I'm eating 1800 calories a day, usually get between 90 and 120 grams of protein a day

your form or grip are probably not correct, look into that
OHP is hard but you should be higher than 75 lbs

There's your problem bro. You are eating small. You cant lift big and eat small. Go eat 3000 cals a day at least.

Eat more
t. Failed at 80lbs

>I was resting for 90 seconds in between reps
dont rest between reps. Rest 3-5 mins between sets. Do 3 sets of 5, dont do 5 sets. Warm up before working sets, google ss warm up.

>The app is telling me to redo 70 lbs next week, what should I do if I fail next week too?
you should probably deload. Its okay to not increase weights every single time you lift.

you need 2grams of protein per kilo of bodyweight. Eat 2000 calories. Carbs are good. Dont eat 3000 calories.

fuck, alright I guess
I always thought the "eat 3k a day" was a meme and that I could lose weight while gain muscle at the same time
I guess I gotta change up my whole diet

Oh I meant sets, I dunno why but I always get them confused
also I'm 88.4 kg right now (195 lbs) so that's like 180 grams of protein right
that's a lot more than I get right now

>I could lose weight while gain muscle at the same time
Thats not a meme. Its called recomping. You eat right at your TDEE. Your TDEE is not 1800, so you are not eating enough even for that. Your body needs food to get stronger.

Eating enough is the hardest part for me as a lanklet

You can lose weight while getting stronger (via CNS adapting to the lifting motions) but you can't gain muscle with a caloric deficit. But you can only go so far without eating.

Calm your tits. Wait for two weeks of data before adjusting your loads. Don't increase the load on anything that you are failing. If after two weeks you can't do it, then make some changes.

You might just need more rest per week to recover. Start by reducing the total workout volume for a month and see what happens.

You could also try maintaining the intended volume but attaining your progressive overload by doing more sets with less weight.

You could also try alternative workouts that target the same muscle groups. The body adapts to movements it is familiar with, and can plateau. By doing a novel movement, you provide extra stimulus to grow.

Weightlifting is a science, you have to be patient and experiment. Everyone is different. Also, the secret about using preplanned routines made by someone else is that they are effective ways to motivate people to start lifting in the first place (or else motivate people to change up their existing lifting routines). Most people will be far better off customizing them once they get going.

Im also on week 4. I got pissed off by the low weight and realized I was cheating when I read the detailed guides. Trex curls, too much back extension, etc. You would be amazed how much denial your brain will tell you because you want the numbers higher.
I failed too. You have to manuallly lower the number by 5. My current lifts are all over the place due to cheating form.

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dont stress about failing bro, you are just eating less because you want to lose weight, thats fine

Rest longer than 3 mins
Switch to 3x5

This is the answer, OP. People can give you all kinds of wacky advice and suggest that you change programs etc. But this alone will be enough. Keep it simple.

Sleep is critical > 7-9hrs uninterrupted every single night

Eat more i.e. 500kcal above TDEE

Continue to stick to the program

Keep plugging away

Reddit spacing

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Stronglifts was made by an Indian app developer do you seriously think that this was a legit program? Do SS for 3 months then start 531 and stop wasting your time.

Some of these guys are right but clearly none of the have actually read starting strength or any other fit literature.

Eat bigger thats #1.

Start a deload/recomp now. When you fail sets you can try again, but the better process for progress is dropping 20 -25 pounds then rebuilding at 5 lbs per workout. It's really disheartening the first time you do it, but you will start to notice you bounce back through those old PR's a lot easier than if you had tried to force it.