In a perfect world,she wouldnt have died. But there are jews,so there is no perfect world

In a perfect world,she wouldnt have died. But there are jews,so there is no perfect world.

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Who cares about some dead muzzie chick. Faggot

Its not about race or religion. Its about human life. This time.

Looks alive to me

People die every day what makes this person so special they need to be recognized on MY board during MY meme time?

You arent special enough to get those privileges.
Its not that she is special, its that how and why it happened.

Don't give a shit. War crime is a stupid concept anyway.

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i hate jews as much as the next guy but i dont give a shit if they shoot arabs

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Palestinians planted her so she can get shot. Palestinians are like Uruk'hais in human body. They dont feel anything at all

Oh the paid jew shills ITT with american IPs. Like pottery. Fuck israhell, fuck USGAY, both should be nuked.


Fuck jews and fuck arabs OP is a faggot

>if the jews do it,its ok!
You make me sick. Hypocritical bastards.

fuck off muhammad nobody cares about ur sandpeople
we should ship all the jews to israel, cut all aid, and let you monkeys fight it out

Back to b you namefagging shit. Youll never be johny neptune.

she shouldnt have been posing for pictures

We have to open the gates dudes. There was like literally one out of a billions dudes who wasn't a bloodthirsty savage. We are monsters for shooting at them now. Like. Wow. What are we even? What is this man? This is wrong on so many different levels man. Like, man. I can't even right now.

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>war crimes
Is there a war?

>Back to b you namefagging shit. Youll never be johny neptune.
shut the fuck up selim i've been here for years and never been on /b/
i use the boomer tag bc this shithole is infested with zoomies now

look at these fucking 85iq animals in rag

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I dont give a shit what you said namefag. Infact,you wrote all that bullsgit all fkr me to hide your gay as hell comment.

ok illiterate muzzie boy
hope the kikes glass you all

Killing medics doesn't count if they're treating terrorists.

Think whatever you want. Ill never accept israels sovereignty,you jewish bootlicking boomer.

>A dirty foreigner whom i've never met before from a far away land that I have nothing to do with dies

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>Muzzie savage
>Posts on Jow Forums
Do t you barbarians throw people like you off buildings?

>imagine supoorting israel because they "ebicly troll muslims XD". You have no morals,you altright cuckfaggot.

No we throw faggots like you off buildings.

>Faggots are people
Faggot detected

faggot is it too hard to understand for ur 85iq arab brain that:
>we hate jews
>we hate muzzies
>we don't give a shit if any of you shoot one another

now fuck off to leftypol or wherever, they might care about whatever pali roastie being killed

You are such a woman,you know that?you and everyone else that argus through emotion rather than logic.

Killing muzzie scum em mass is literally the only redeemable thing about the Jewish race. Burmese have the right idea too.

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wtf I love Islamic terrorism now!

>argus through emotion rather than logic
no emotion here

Here's a syllogism for your dumb retarted arab brain faggot:

>muzzies are subhuman animals
>jews are subhuman animals
>jews shooting muzzies is not my concern

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I hate mudslimes so it's okay with me

In a perfect world there are no muslims

>literally the arab version of pic related
She was 98% a terrorist.

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Normally it doesn't, but if the kikes are involved it should be treated as ammunition against them.

>muh arabs! Please someone think of the arabs!
Fuck off. Based Israelis purging the middle east of scum.

You retards will look for any reason to hate your brethren, even if it means supporting barbaric animals.

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Go back to pol you fucked up shill

>standing up for israel
>Jow Forums
I think you got something mixed up here

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But its okay because muh gazillion


This entire thread is poI

muslims got her killed. islam got her killed. islam is responsible for her death

In a perfect world she wouldn't have been Muslim

>War crime is a stupid concept anyway.
most wars nowadays aren't total wars

how retarded do you have to be to think that everyone loves jews as much as you do?

It's not a war crime unless you can prove they were deliberately targeting the medic.

How retarded are you believing anyone cares about violent muslims