/mire/ thread

>at work
>started wearing tighter t-shirts
>qt intern always looks at me when she passes by, even if she is several feet away and must use peripheral vision
>sadly she has a bf, with my eagle vision I spotted on her phone some pics of her with some decent looking guy (no homo)

feels good knowing I am not completely invisible to women, but it sucks knowing I will be in 2 months when I cannot wear that shit until next year

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Other urls found in this thread:


i dress like a homeless person so i know my mires are genuine

>in bar
>chatting up attractive but married milf
>constantly feeling my arms and shoulders and rubbing my ass
>looks me directly in the eyes and says "you're so beautiful user"

never been mired that hard in my life

that squint game is strong

How to make eye gains

>be me
>in college
>on campus
>walking down hall
>hear "hey user" from behind
>turn around in hallway
>just got through with shoulder day
>shoulders too juicy
>pinned between walls
>femanon starts laughing
>"haha you're so buff"
>she walks closer
>I'm scared
>reaches down to grab my cock
>jokes on her
>my cock was blown off from lmao70pl8 diddlies
>tfw she notices
>"your cock..."

I'm getting lots of mires boys

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Premium snap thot gave me free lifetime to her story, said she’d meet up for free too

I was recently asked if I had gotten fatter because I was looking bigger

her husband probably has ED lol


bonus points if you permafrown too for less upper eyelid exposure

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>go to mcdonalds drive thru for dat dere mcdirty mcbulk
>order 2x mcdoublesdoubles and a mrchicken
>pull up to bag, qt black home hands me my bitch
>"you look like you could be"
>t-thanks you too
>drive home feeling good about one a dem hollister models
>get home, open window
>stupid food forgot my chicmcken

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He just looks like Steve Buschemi's aborted fetus of a son.

more based every time


Dude what the fuck, I thought you'd swapped their whole faces.
Saw someone else commenting about eye gains and thought "I wonder how much of a difference the eyes make, lets cover up the eyes and see if the difference is still there" and only then did I realise.
Is "face" really just all about eyes? Got any more pics like this?

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I hope that medic guy from yesterday comes and shares more

From Gigachad to Beyond Chad
And yes, eye area can make or break your face

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I swear....this gets me every time

You can't change it anyway so forget about it, focus on mewing instead.

>bulking ever


Face is mostly about jaw, and facial positioning. Average eyes aren't bad, but giant eyes kinda suck. There's more to it then that, but good jaw and okay cheek bones go a long way. That guy just happens to have horrible eyes versus the other guy's chad everything.

Anyone else getting mired by fat middle aged women with unearned self-esteem, gigantic hambeasts covered in makeup, prepubescent girls, flaming homosexuals, and tripped out homeless?

I get occasional mires from qt3.14's, but it's the exception. This is normal, right?

>was at mcdonald with my homie
>eating in
>cashier brings the dirty bulk tray
>looks me up and down and smiled
>she awkwardly mentioned she liked my eyes when bringing our food on the tray
>I say "what are you doing"
>she awkwardly leaves
>homie looks at me like I'm a dick

trust no whore

holy fuck he's made it

Damn I've unironically wanted this. Go fuck her brah

absolutely based and thotpilled

>I say "what are you doing"
actually fucking brutal, nice

Kinda looks like Elon Musk's jacked brother

a mire by my new room mate
>I show him around the house and where the stuff is
>we stand in the kitchen
>he asks me where I work out (assumes that I work out without asking)
>he sees two shakers in the cupboard
>"these must be yours"
it felt kind of good, I hope that qts think the same

>making out with fwb
>start going down on her
>my head/neck is between her legs
>she gasps
>look up, 'whats wrong?'
>'nothing it's just...you look like a romance novel'
>'your back, and your shoulders! they're so nice'
>y-you too

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lmfao gotta remember this

source on the beauty on the left? anyone have a name?

Bottom left is Elon Musk

>you're going to love this, trust me

>trust no whore
y'all motherfuckers are gay as fuck

>start going down on her
ultumate cuck

Hoes mad

>Is "face" really just all about eyes?
no, it's about HAIR

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Based strokeposter

Not always

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Same bro. Unearned self-esteem land whales are beaching themselves on my shores constantly. Needless to say I fucked one and instantly regretted it. But I am a kinasthetic learner.

Medicbrah post more mirin tales we need that descriptive o.c that's been missing for years from Jow Forums all these stories are dull as fuck

How are you all this retarded?
It’s all head / brow structure.
If your chinamen and you squint no one gives a fuck.
If your pasty skinny-fat and you squint you just look like your smell bad and proselytize atheism.
You need a goodly shaped skull, neck and shoulders to frame it too, it’s all in ops pic.
Squinting while /r9/ will just have cuties sneering at you and thinking your constipated or some shit.

Since I got in shape it the opposite.
I used to attract ham beasts but now the act like their afraid of me, and only college ace wannabe thots and jail bait approach me anymore.
Homeless will always talk to you idk what to tell you, there no real standard there.

>you look like a romance novel

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kek I'm sure that's what she meant. she's way into pokey-mans

>hitting tris in company gym after I finish work for the day, getting hot & heavy
>milfs doing meme circuits
>one of the ones on the stationary bikes keeps locking eyes with me
>hey which high school did you go to?
>are you not from around here?
>oh. you look just like my son when he was in school... how old are you?
>oh.. nevermind

what does this mean and am I no longer a virgin?

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>you look like a romance novel

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older women have zero shame, they fucking get after you if you go to the right places

>ywn make penis gainz from fucking dolphins like jotaro

she has a fantasy about fucking her son

I'm the guy from yesterday. Some anons were asking for a pic but this is almost a year ago I was probably 210 in the pic now I'm 225 and a bit leaner at 5'10. Also I live in Ontario, Canada
>we get a call to a very nice part of the city where money is clearly not an issue
>get to this huge house with gated entrance
>My partner and student grab the stretcher and bags(both female lol)
>I tell my student to just go inside introduce herself and ask why we were called today
>theres about 10 people in what appears to be this massive kitchen
>my student gets a little flustered because she makes patient contact but realizes quick that this 95 y/o woman can't speak english
Really wish they still taught therapeutic communication in school
>ask one of the family members if they can translate for us and this hot as fuck granddaughter says she'll do it
>my student continues doing her assessment/ figures out grandma took pills from wrong blister pack and is feeling the adverse side effects now
>tell student get iv kit ready and I ask her what should I give her. Kid says Gravol and I agreed
>as I'm inserting an angiocath into old ladies hand I hear a bit of giggling and shit come from the Turkish girls in the family
>look over at my partner and she's sort of giggling too but more so to herself
>I explain to the family what's going on and let them know we'll be going to the hospital
>I ask if a family member can come to help with translation
>hottie says she`ll come
>get to back of ambulance with hottie, grandma student and myself
>I go to check to see if iv line has blown (cause old people skin sucks) everything is all good
>grandma starts touching my face and smiling says something in Turkish to her granddaughter
>girl says that her grandmother said I looked like her husband when he was a wrestler and my age and how men aren't made like this anymore
>laugh and thank her for the compliment before she sleeps
>make small talk w/ hottie till we get to hospital

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>find out hottie is finishing up her clinicals as an ICU RN
>I ask her if she could write down the blister pack of drugs her gma took and give her my pen and a piece of paper
>we get to the hospital and I tell my student to tell the nurse the triage report
>the nurse starts asking what it was that she took I hand her piece of paper that hottie wrote on
>nurse tells us what room to go to
>drop off hottie and offload gma give our goodbyes
>walk past nurse and she says I guess this is for you winks her eye and hands me half of the paper that hottie wrote on
2/10 for situational awareness
>I look at the paper and it's hotties name, # and address
My partner tells me why the girls were Giggling at the house(my partner is Macedonian so she understands Turkish but doesn't speak it) and according to her it was how my uniform was very form fitting and how vascular my arms were and its too bad I didn't walk in there without anything on. What was even more crazy was that this convo was between a mother and her 3 daughters. No husband or male family members were in the room at the time.

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May not be a mire but
> walking home from work
> girl is standing in front of restaurant to advertise for it
> turns her head to me as I am getting close
> she locks eyes and smile, but say nothing
> return smile
> she smiles even more, says hi
> return hi but continue toward home
> she keeps eyes locked in mine as I am going past her
Could be the case she was just trying to do her job, but as she did not engage in explaining the promotion or anything, my ego prefers to think she was genuiinely interested. Too bad I don't speak the language.

>I am a kinasthetic learner.


>you look like a romance novel

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>kissing and going down on her
Reevaluate your life completely.

>respond to a traffic accident, no fatalities
>uniform a little tight because of new shirt-stay policy
>6'1", 180 lbs, 15% bodyfat
>lady that got rear-ended is belligerent when i arrive, screaming at the balding, overweight 60 year old man that rear ended her
>8/10 qt, short hair, big booty, exactly my type
>spaghetti falls out of my pocket a bit and i tell the guy to go wait in his car
>girl's attitude changes immediately when she's alone with me, completely cooperative and even shakes the guys hand when they exchange insurance info
>asked to put her number in my phone so i can text her sometime
>department has policy against this so i am forced to decline
>visibly upset, sends me a message on facebook later that night
going for dinner on saturday, god i hope it was because of the physique and not her being a badge bunny

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How did she find you on Facebook? Sounds like a crazy person

lel he's real and he's gotten better lookin

we have our names on our uniforms and i told her to look me up, brainlet

nice user

Based as fuck

yeah, then she'll charge you for sex

how's he supposed to know that you oinker

Topkek post some cringe autistic mirin' stories please Jow Forums

I perma frown but along with my strong eyebrows i just look intimidating.
I was at a work dinner where everyone was drinking and they all asked me why I'm so uptight. Doesn't make me very approachable

The chieftain is serious always. You intimidate normie girls. But the ones with true power, those are the ones you want,

The crazy bitches? No thanks


typical shitty cop attitude.

Get fucked bitch tits

Against policy too for EMS. Sucks for you guys because almost every encounter is video recorded. I just make sure I get a good gauge on who my partner is and 9/10 times they don't care if it's a female I'm with that day.

Squinting doesn't fool anyone. Check the distance from the brow to the top eyelashes on them

Fuck the bussy bro

>qt tells me I'm wearing a nice shirt
>it's a $3 plain colored t shirt, so I know she's just complimenting my physique
feels good man

A classic

I laughed hard as fuck bro lol

fucking sick dude

what language?

highly intelligent

only mire i have from recent memory:

>hoofing it to my class because i'm running late
>campus is full of kids who are doing summer programs and stuff while most the students are away
>late 20s woman in a black dress is corralling a bunch of kids to get them on a bus
>start checking her out while I'm speeding by
>we lock eyes and I throw her a smile
>she gives me a really nice smile back too

she was just being nice right

Squinting like that makes people look like honorary chinks

No, the left is the only good one, everything else is plunging into the uncanny valley

But muh androgynous pretty bois...

it's an average shop. Point is he would look even better with hunter eyes

My point is hunter eyes are a spook imo, they just make people look creepy and caricature-like like pic

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>go to mcdonalds drive thru for dat dere dirty bulk
>order 2x mcdoubles and a mcchicken
>pull up to window, qt black girl hands me my food
>"you look like you could be one a dem hollister models"
>t-thanks you too
>drive home feeling good about myself
>get home, open bag
>stupid bitch forgot my mcchicken

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I wear t shirts trough the entire year, only women cant handle a bit of cold

Have sex

Something my dad used to tell me: Only the poor and stupid freeze. Do you really care this much about how you look?

Has he finally ascended boyos?

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She was implying its time to cut you stupid sperg

So a little bit about me before I start, I already have a girlfriend and apparently according to my gf I flirt without even knowing I do and I'm totally clueless when girls are hitting on me.

>Be at a small local board game store. (I'm a huge nerd/geek It's why I'm here bois)
>Only 1 cute blonde girl with green and brown eyes working the entire store and the only other people was me and my friend (not gf).
>Walk pass the cashier and go straight to the D&D manuals.
>She kept her eyes on me the entire time.
>I thought she was just making sure we didn't steal anything
>Go to check out the dice at the front counter.
>"Hey there! Need help looking for something?"
>"Oh no thanks, just looking at your dice sets."
>"You play D&D?"
>"Haha, Yeah, I know, lame."
>"I'm guessing you play a Barbarian?"
>"No, worse, I'm a Warlock. Why'd you think that?"
>"Because you're built like one!"
>I laugh it off and in my best barbarian voice I say "D'aww! Thanks!" (You would have thought this act of autism would have screwed my chances with any girl, But....)
>"Oh! You do voices for characters too?!"
>"Yeah! I'm huge into the role play aspect of the game and playing true to the character"
>"Well if you need someone to play with I would love to role play with you!"
>We continue talking shop and me and my friend head out and leave.

I just thought up until now she was being a friendly sales clerk and my friend told me once we got in the car she was hitting on me HARD.

>"Nah, really?"
>"Bro! She was practically asking for sex!" Her jaw dropped when you walked in the door!"
>"Lol, Nah!"

I find these moments funny. Drives my gf crazy though.

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You can mog a lot of people at hobbies known for neckbeards

>Be playing Warhammer 40k
>Go back home for the holidays from university
>Local warhammer club is full of 20-30 yos with beer guts and stick arms
>Im dyel as fuck but my shoulders and traps alone seem to make whoever I play against uncomfortable

this wasnt a problem in my uni's club because most of us workout together too.

>black out drunk
>5 miles from dorm
>following the tower on the horizon
>homeless lady approaches
>Her: You're just in time! I'll fuck you for a ride!
>Me: I'm shit faced lady...

>chad is always hostile and aggressive
this picture confirmed made by a seething virgin

The 4/10 is hotter than the 9/10.
Also have you ever seen Brittany Venti without makeup?

wow your dad is really an idiot, isn't he?

Yeah there was a guy I went to college with who's skinny Asian with glasses. He has a lot of those average cutie friends he knows from a bunch of different classes or clubs.

>At a small get together with him and he's surrounded by like 3 girls and a couple of other guys.
>"I walk up to him. Hey man! haven't seen you in like a year!"
>"Yeah, man! You stopped playing League! What's up with that!?" (Around this time the girls start to focus on our conversation)
>"Sorry man, I'm into WoW right now."
>"What?! What class and level?"
>"Undead Warlcock (I'm sensing a pattern here) Lvl 100" (The cap at the time)
>Girl one: "Wait you used to play League?"
>Friend: "Yeah! We used to play together!"
>Girl two: Doesn't look like he plays any type of game!"
>What?! I love video games!?
>Friend: "He's probably a bigger nerd than all of us!"
>"No! That would be you! You've seen anime I haven't even heard of! And wait! What does it look like I do?!"
Girl 2: "Go to the gym all day!"
>"Hey! I have a job too! I play games on my free time!"
>Girl 1: "What do you do?"
>Friend: "He works at a library"

After more small talk I leave and head home. I get a text from him later saying that I was all those girls could talk about after that. Saying things like I was so interesting (I guess in a good way) being built and being a nerd and working at a library.

>Friend: "Dude I'm so jealous of you right now!"
>"What happened?"
>"The girls were arguing about which one of them should ask for your number!"
>"Yeah man give it to them! They want to play League of something?"
>"Bro don't you have a girlfriend?"
>"WHAT?! Ohh...Oh that's why...."

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I look like 3-4 but I have a girlfriend