>Raised by radical feminist mother and submissive beta enabler father
>Raised to believe that male sexuality is inherently evil
>Raised to believe that pornography or any media remotely sexualizing women is "supporting the rape and torture of women"
>Mother openly treated my sister far better than me
>Claimed she did it "to make up for the fact that society will treat her better than me"
>I had chores and she didn't, same logic
>Raised to believe that any of my accomplishments were not legit because they were gained in a system that was rigged in my favor
>27 years old now, been living on my own for 4 years
>To this day I can't socialize with women
>Literally can't fap to real porn, just thinking about a real woman sexually make me feel extremely guilty
>Can only fap to hentai as it doesn't induce extreme guilt
>Tried nofap intermittently for a few years thinking it would help with my issues but it only made things worse for me because I thought about the women around me sexually which caused me to feel guilty and depressed
>Mom called me the other day
>asks if I'm getting married anytime soon and tell me she wants grandkids
>Sister is a lesbian so in her eyes I'm her only hope for grandkids
>blurted out "after how you raised me I can't even socialize with women!"
>cucked out and apologized profusely
>Hate myself even more now
Raised by radical feminist mother and submissive beta enabler father
if you weren't a beta from the start you wouldn't even have cared about the way they raised you to begin with, accept it
Write her a text message or some shit explaining how you feel, and then cut ties with her completely. I say do it in text, and all at once, because that's easier than saying it in real time. Cut her out because she's just holding you back. Maybe getting some male friends could help. Not sure how useful it would be at that age, but I dunno.
Where do you live, user?
Do you have male friends?
>and then cut ties with her completely.
I could honestly never do that. She's literally the only person who even cares about me at this point.
I live in NJ. I used to have male friends but not since my early 20s. They've probably all forgotten about me by now. I have nothing in common with my coworkers and I have no idea where to go at my age to meet new friends since I have no age appropriate interests.
>I have no idea where to go at my age to meet new friends since I have no age appropriate interests.
Visit forums or normiebook groups related to your interests. Ask people to meet up.
Get friendly male companions to ease yourself back into society.
It's good to not feel alone all the time. You don't really need women for that but there's a chance you'll meet people who will take your resentment away.
And don't care about what your mother wishes for. She's obviously crazy.
>She's literally the only person who even cares about me at this point.
She doesn't actually care about you, she just uses you.
>Visit forums or normiebook groups related to your interests.
I never had a facebook account. I thought about making one but I would be a 27 year old with a brand new account and 0 friends. That would look really weird and I wouldn't know how where to start as far as growing it to a point where it looks normie enough. Any advice on that front?
>That would look really weird and I wouldn't know how where to start as far as growing it to a point where it looks normie enough.
You are not a normie, you are a bit weird. It's not a big deal. Others will have to accept it or you wouldn't have much of a good time with them anyway.
Also you aren't using the account to share baby pictures or vacation stories. You need it to communicate with others about your interests. People who are in those groups for hobbies don't care as much about your social status. If you are a pleasant fellow they will accept you regardless.
You have been taught to be ashamed of yourself by your mother. That's the only reason you are ashamed. There is nothing actually wrong with you.
Are there even any meetup groups for weebs who are 25+? It would be really awkward going to a meetup full of zoomers at my age.
There are. Many weebs are 25+. You don't need group meetups though. Make online acquaintances and ask them to meet in person. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.
Internet people are strange sometimes but you have the chance to get to know them online beforehand. Don't rush things. You want potential friends, not just anyone.
> Many weebs are 25+. You don't need group meetups though. Make online acquaintances and ask them to meet in person. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.
If not meetup groups how to you find people with your interests who are also in your area? Just hope you'll eventually find people in your area with a similar age and hobbies who are willing to meet up?
>Just hope you'll eventually find people in your area with a similar age and hobbies who are willing to meet up?
Yup. Or after you got settled in the community a bit you start asking for people to share your hobby with IRL. The internet really makes finding similar people easy. Don't be afraid of your shortcomings and take initiative. There are others like you in hiding who'd be happy for someone else to take the first step.
It's probably not going to work out right away but eventually you will find people you can connect with.
this is bait, right?
this can't be real.
if not... eh.. i don't know. if you're on you're own why do you even need her?
asserting yourself to her probably important for some kind of personal growth reasons.
i figure just make a list of all the ways she's wrong bout the world & men. read it to her face. tell her you can only speak to her again when she considers that you might be right.
if you do have kids you don't need her poisonous ass around em - unless she takes a turn
your mom is a fag dude
>if you're on you're own why do you even need her?
As shitty as her parenting was, I'm convinced she's the only person who cares about me at this point. Not to mention if I cut her out of my life I would just end up regretting it and feeling guilty for the rest of my life, especially after she dies.
The only way to save you now is for you're mom to give you daily milkings till you can have a healthy relationship with a roastie.
Jesus dude I thought I had it bad being a pajeet raised by a single mother around niggers but you really got fucked. At least be happy you made anons like me feel some gratitude when you an hero.
Commit suicide. With a long note describing how your mother tortured you. About how it isn't wrong to be a man. About how she dishonored you, and this was the only way to regain your honor. You aren't going to accomplish anything anyways. Just make sure she knows you hate her.
Best course. Your mother is likely not able to have any more children, make her regret her terrible decisions.
>lives in New Jersey with a feminist cuckolding mother
I don't think your life could get shittier if you tried. That's an awful fucking hand to get dealt.
OP you're torturing those poor women around you by not thinking of them sexually. They are beautiful women, how dare you! Should only supermodels deserve to be thought of as a potential sexual partner? And would those women be sluts if they had sex with you? Maybe they like to have sex, is that so wrong? You are reinforcing the patriarchy by not fucking those women.
Now we both know you had life a lot easier on account of you being male and all, but the fact is you have been living on your own for 4 years and are an established adult male. If you don't feel proud of that, how do you think a woman (who's making less money than you for the same job by the way) would feel? For their sake you should have some pride like you got some god damn ovaries for fuck sake.
>It doesn't matter how you're raised, you're either a beta or an alpha from the start
Imagine deluding yourself this much
Dude if this is real you just have to try and be a man. Jow Forums memes aside girls will sleep with shy/awkward/hopeless men, some even like that kinda guy. You have to try though.
A. Grow the fuck up and get some self control. You're a grown man. It's pathetic that you can't control your own thoughts or desires.
B. Embrace those radical feminist beliefs. View women as people. It's not that hard. You can socialize without thinking about sex. Just treat them as NPCs.
C. Have normal sex that doesn't harm women.
Nothing wrong with how they raised you. That's how many religious kids are raised and they turn out fine, unlike you. So it seems to be a you problem. You say your mom is the only person left that cares about you, so she's not the evil man-hating witch that other anons are calling her. Make her proud, give her grandkids.
you should tell her what you wanted to say, don't just let her suppress you like that.
Nah it's true. My dad was an alpha fighter pilot and he raised me to play contact sports and aggressively pursue women but I could never do it. I am a beta to the core.
You should still send her a message explaining how your upbringing fucked you up. She will either sperg off on you or understand some of the things youre saying and possibly help out. Either way its a first step if you want to be less beta.
>not being a rebellious teenager
Why didn't you question the authorities you beta virgin npc cuck? Why did you just swallow up all the propaganda? You're an adult living on your own ffs. Why don't you tell your parents to fuck off? Why do you fucking apologise for telling the truth? Yeah of course you were a dumb kid who didn't know any better but there was a point for you to develop independent thoughts and tell your parents to suck it up. You clearly missed it.
you should seriously cut off contacts with her. She is the main problem for your shitty life and now she demands you to have grandchildren after her pampered girl became a failure? Fuck that lad, just block all possible communication. And yes, I've read that she is the only one who "cares" about you but that's only because she wants to use you, she wouldn't care about you if your sister wasn't a lesbian and had children.
You need to accept that she doesn't actually care about you. Thats just a lie in you mind from years of wahmen are qweenz. You should send her a text saying she's fucked your life over and cut all contact with her and block her number.
>lives on his own
>still cucks to his parents
At this point its your fault, go fuck yourself faggot.
If you want user, add me on discord and you can work on your socializing skills and female issues alittle with me.
Email my throwaway if you really want to: [email protected]
>>Literally can't fap to real porn, just thinking about a real woman sexually make me feel extremely guilty
Hey. I have experience with guys like you if you want to talk drop your discord. I can help you learn to socialize with women since I am one. I do this because I enjoy it.
Take the revengepill
*just a joke! Glowniggers, let me go! Ahhh!*
It's a trap OP. Never go on discords which are posted on Jow Forums.
>realize that if they did that to you that you do not need to feel guilty about anything
>being this cucked
If real, I feel sorry for you. Hope you find a way. Don't give up.
>Can only fap to cartoon as it doesn't induce extreme guilt
I know a similar feel. Peers made fun of me in High School because I never checked out women. A decade later I deliberately don't look at women at all. I'm a creep, I'm not allowed.
I did once and it was fun.
Unfortunately the admin was too autistic to not delete the server next day, I still miss the it
I want to talk one on one not on a server with server drama. So drop discord if you want to talk.
You are responsible for your own actions as well as the way you confront the calenges your past presents to your future. It is all in your hands, and if you fail you have only to blame yourself, not your mother, no matter how much of a femicunt she is.
Please Please user, Cut ties with that horrible woman. no one should believe that one gender is better than the other. she is an evil woman.