*blocks your pat*

>*blocks your pat*
are you fit enough to get across the bridge in this situation ?

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>Boob plate

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*annihilate her thot skull with a swift right swing of my morgenstern*

Heh.....nihil personalis, puer ..

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Obscure reference but I’m getting a first law sharp ends vibe from this scenario.


>not using based schwert und messer
>having no squires
>not being mounted and simply galloping through
>needing to fight a duel in order to do something so trivial as to cross a bridge
>not convincing the sword maiden to join you on your quest

Pic related

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Thanks for reminding me about this series. The standalones have been on my to-read list for the better part of this decade.

Unless her swordplay is actually passable, then unironically, Yeas. I'd tackle her to the ground and cave her helmet in.

Guns are the only levellers of the physical playfield and even then, a woman would struggle to to keep even a .556 on target.

Literally any adult man could.


I doubt she has the upper body strength to effectively fight with that armor on. All I'd have to do is push her over and keep walking

Oh no! How could I possibly lift this 40kg girl in her plastic armor out of my way?

>not using your superior physique to impress and seduce the sword maiden
How did I know you guys are incels again?

This cosplaying thot got nothing on me. SPQR Master Race bitch.

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The stand alone are fucking great. I tore through the whole series a year or so ago.

>sword maiden
>calling others incels

Return ye to the blackened hell-hearth which spawned you, wretched heathen!

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Does she even joust?

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>ywn be her trusted assistant that after a week long campaign helps her out of her sweat drenched armor and into the large bath where you softly scrub her fit, scarred back while she hisses and moans softly from the tension being washed away


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not sure if concious trap joke or poor latin.

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>severs your biceps
>heh, what now peasant?

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Noi wut in da hell wud I wanna go souf over den bridge eh? Fookin lass get her heady bashered if she troied to get in ere

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Ur a faggot

>implying she has the strength to lift that sword let alone swing it without dragging it on the ground
>teehee user I'm just playing
*WAHH WHAAAMP SPLACK is the sound I make when I bash her nose in with my gauntlet