fitness will provide a long life they said
Fitness will provide a long life they said
wtf would she not run on flat ground?
She fell 65 ft and that didn’t kill her?
This is why women should stay in the kitchen
Doing dangerous things tends to kill you, yes.
she was pretty, smart, and fit.
a loss.
Whiter than you Amerimutt
proof cardio will kill your gains
running is dangerous to Americans?
Not standing on the edge of a cliff will provide a long life.
Clearly not fit enough. Having a higher bench would save her from that boulder.
how likely do you think it was that she was taking a selfie or some photo for her social media and then slipped
>British astrophysicist
I'm American and I know not to run off of a cliff into a 65 foot ravine. My jog to McDonalds involves no boulders to crush me or the possibility for long falls.
she looks indian
so... she looks British
Not even once
Why does it seem that really smart people go for these faggy marathons?
I don't care what anyone says long distance anything is fucking gay and you'll look like shit.
Remember Cawnpore
Literally made for the BBC
Big Boulder Crush
mild chuckle
Can you imagine falling off a 65ft cliff, surviving, and then just getting crushed by a boulder? It's something out of Tom and Jerry.
I guess she smelled what the rock was cooking
This is why I don't leave the house.
ay dios miooo
Top kek
Lul, the replacement is pretty much complete at this point isn't it?
Greek here, the police initially found blood in the couple's room and they said the neighbors heard yelling and there were bedsheets laid on the couch meaning they had slept separately
Now they say she went rock climbing and the rocks fell on top of her
I don't know what to believe sad either way
75% as a baseline.
>am*rican humour
More like the Road Runner Show. Only this time it was the runner who got flattened.
But in all seriousness, poor woman.
A few drops of blood doesn't mean anything on its own but it is a weird coincidence if it is one
The more "safe" women's lives are, the more they think they are invincible and the world is their playground. It's always all these rich city types who want to travel to "exotic" third-world locations and then end up completely taken by surprise when "exotic" third-world things happen to a pretty rich white girl there.
Give women an inch and they'll take a mile, every time. I'm always scared for my girlfriend when she goes on hiking trips and shit. I know for a fact she can't handle herself in the wild, she has no idea what to do if she sees a wild animal, etc. Just because things have always been fine up to this point doesn't mean things will always be fine. Everything's fine until one thing fucks up, then you're fucked. If you can't predict and plan for it, limit your exposure to it, this is basic shit.
Probably on her period and bled on her bedsheets. It's not unusual.
>why lift when you'll die eventually
I dunno OP, why'd you make this thread? Why haven't you killed yourself yet? You're going to die anyway
turns out she was just another dumb diversity stunt