Reminder that Asians and whites are always bros. Whites bashing Asians and Asians bashing whites are just imposters trying to divide. We will always be friends and fellow incels with the same interests.
Reminder that Asians and whites are always bros...
Based OP. This is completely correct.
fuck off white dogs we are not friends
Not yet we aren't.
i hate chinks very much
I'm not white, but most asians I've met were quite friendly.
One of my best (only) friends in high school was a jap kid that spoke the most broken English imaginable. Only I could understand him half the time. We would play around with my collection of miniature WWII warships and recreate the pacific theatre. I wonder what he's up to these days.
Something like that happened to me.
>be me
>half Native American
>half Japanese
>in high school
>have really dysfunctional family; badly abuse
>act like a total freak
>scare people away by glaring at them like a complete autistic
>this incredibly obnoxious white scenefag starts sitting next to me at lunch while rambling about fucking his gf and then comparing it to his fleshlight
>he starts sitting across from me and rambling about skateboarding, playing guitar, fucking girls at me while I say nothing
>one day he tells me that he's in a band
>needs a bass player
>"You're a minority, you can play bass."
>I now play bass
>he's my best friend
>then comparing it to his fleshlight
sounds like a pretty cool guy, sincerely
Idk ive never met an asian but i dk know that blacks and whites cant exist together. I dont hate asian dudes. I just really,REALLY,love their women. Loving asian girls isnt the same thing as hating asian men. Dont let anyone conflate them together like that. It is a lie.
Yeah all the asian guys i ever knew were cool
Agree. I like Asian women but it is never out of dislike of Asian guys. I like all Asians.
you are literally stealing your bro's girl, essentially making you a nigger. why would you do that?
What if the asian wants a white girl? Can't we trade?
He doesnt own her. Love is love. Im sorry thats a concept you cant understand.
>He doesnt own her.
it's there womens tho, they would "own" them under normal circumstances
>Love is love.
a faggot is a faggot
>Im sorry thats a concept you cant understand.
asian girls are massive whores incapable of real love.. they are insect people
>you are literally stealing your bro's girl, essentially making you a nigger. why would you do that?
>It's like how a drowning man always takes someone else down with him.
>It ain't right
>But the nigga is DROWNING.
There are roughly an equal number of men and women out there, dating one girl or another doesn't increase or decrease the number of available women for others. Now that said to the extent that there is a shortage of women it's caus Asians have been mass aborting their daughters. Well that's their own damn problem they brought upon themselves. It's unfortunate but obviously not our fault. That's no reason for us to avoid Asian women.
I do like east asians. They are respectable. But they are still getting deported when we defeat the globohomo regime. We can have them in small numbers maybe
Asian women aren't incapable of love, they just have a more limited pool of it to go around that generally limits it to their close family and that's it. Looking at how white girls have been acting recently I can't say that's a bad thing. Having a woman who's cold to the world outside of yourself and your kids and her parents could be a very good thing.
>There are roughly an equal number of men and women out there
"roughly" being the keyword here
not only there are naturally more men of youthful age but:
>chinese one child policy
>muzzie poligamy
>african poligamy
>mass immigration to the west (85% males)
make the men:women ratio really unbalanced
We're talking of 10s of millions of statistical INCELS who WILL NOT obtain a partner
PS: the sex ratio equalizes very late in life only due to women longer lifespan
Asians dudes are bros no doubt. Always willing to hook me up with their little sisters
>It's not my fault
>The reason I can't laid is some patriarch in Ghana has too many wives and there is is miniscule statistical imbalance over the entire world's population
i was explaining demography to ur retarded ass
i am married dipshit
does this mean i can live in japan?
I know that's a problem, it's just no reason for white's to not date Asians. None of those things are our responsibility. If anything we should just be making sure our immigration was gender equal to not fuck up the dating market, but of course boomers don't give a shit about that as long as they get cheap Tim Hortons workers.
White anons on white women:
>fucking roasties
>they're disgusting
>they fuck niggers
>they're not traditional
>race traitors
>niggers fuck our women
>once you burn the coal you pay the toll
White anons on Asians:
>hahahahah they're so cute and traditional that's why they obviously will go after my white dick
>lol it's cool if we fuck your girls right I mean love is love and it's not like they're YOUR women lol
>just because I'm cucking you out of your waifus does not mean I HATE you lol come on bro cheer up she's just your sister / oneitis / mom / daughter
It's almost like you guys are hypocrites. White guys lose their fucking minds if white women go for a black guy, and yet WMAF is the most common interracial relationship. White guys will go on about niggers defiling white women, but in comparison to Asians (crime rates, IQ) they're essentially niggers to us and fail to see the issue.
I don't really care if someone thinks Asian chicks are hot, but these flagrant double standards and insane degree of hamstering / cope is just pathetic and absurd.
Yeah okay but no take backs!!!!!!
>cool guy
He told me that he and his gf perfected the fleshlight quality. Something about microwaving it slightly with some regular store bought lube inside gets it to almost-pussy like quality.
Too bad that gf turned out to be a fucking lunatic. She cheated on him. She really liked me though and I admit he could be difficult. I ran into her and her husband (the guy she cheated on him with) and we went out to dinner. It was nice but boy did I feel weird / guilty. Friend's current wife is a really great gal.
>White guys lose their fucking minds if white women go for a black guy
Too much internet for you, lad. Get out of the house and find yourself a nice white girl and make adorable hapa children
Aisan woman are nice, I like them but I will never fuck one because that's a disgrace. I will only stick to my own kind. I don't understand the double standards.
If an Asian woman would go with me, a white man, she's a degenerate racemixing whore that's only interested in biggu whitu dick anyways. I couldn't respect them.
Over half of Mullatoe kids are bastards with a run away nigger dad and hey live with their white mom on welfare. Hapa kids have the highest household income of any racial group cause Asian girls sweep up the urban professional men who get no love from white women (cause they're busy chasing Chads and drug dealers).
White women are attracted to niggers cause they like their extroversion and get excited in the moment.
Asian women are attracted to white men cause we're successful and social.
It's not the same at all.
>it's just no reason for white's to not date Asians
i wasn't commenting on that
fuckin hell thats wholesome
>too much internet
Perhaps. I don't think the average white dude is as crazy at the users on this website but I do think there is something hilariously ironic about the vitriol and ethical posturing flung at white women, niggers, and racemixers - only for white dudes to simultaneously act in the exact same fashion towards Asians without a tinge of irony.
I can respect this perspective because at least you're morally consistent. You're not expecting things of others you do not act upon yourself. Godspeed, racist user.
The cope of this post.
>who get no love from white women
Except that isn't true. Although I do find it a little sad that you're basically conceding that white men go for Asian chicks because they can't get a white woman.
>"Yeah but when we racemix we make good babies!"
"A new study of Chinese-Caucasian, Filipino-Caucasian, Japanese-Caucasian and Vietnamese-Caucasian individuals concludes that biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder."
>"extraversion" is different from "social"
Hahaha, what?
Anyway, in the strawman scenario you made up, I would have much more sympathy for some dumb white broad looking for some Kissin' Kate Barlow fantasy over some manipulative Dragon Woman trying to hypergamously game the system. Probably because the latter actually destroyed my ability to function as a person. Nevertheless, that's the crux of my issue, is the hypocrisy. White dudes complain about hypergamy and roasties marrying up, but when they benefit from the hypergamous system ("gonna marry me a rich white man and have pretty biracial babies") they suddenly don't care. It's a lack of principle I find contentious.
It was until the Pig Baskets showed up. :) I'm allowed to make this joke, gaijin.
>Except that isn't true. Although I do find it a little sad that you're basically conceding that white men go for Asian chicks because they can't get a white woman.
White women and Asian women have different standards. The kinds of white men who go for Asian men are usually the kind that fit far better into what Asian women seek out than what white women seek and thus can get a relatively higher SMV Asian girl than White girl. It's not sad it is what it is.
> I would have much more sympathy
I don't want your sympathy.
>gonna marry me a rich white man and have pretty biracial babies
If Asian women just wanted money they would date Asian men. Instead they pass up wealthier Asian guys for poorer white guys. But no that's not like niggers cause we still have jobs and don't flee to the wind as soon as she's pregnant.
>It's a lack of principle I find contentious.
Ok, go murder some more female fetuses Wuang.
Earlier in this thread:
>"We don't hate Asian men, lol, we just love Asian women."
The moment white men are called out on their hypocrisy:
>"Ok, go murder some more female fetuses Wuang."
And look, the only time my Jap ass murders Chinese babies is when it's pic related you fucking bigot. We may rook same, but we ain't same.
>White dude tries desperately to defend his fetish
>"T-they're not m-money grubbers, they love me for me! They say my glasses are cute!"
Look at the stats, fag. Per income, husband-wife, it goes:
You're being had.
I don't specifically hate Asians but I do hate any non-whites who bitch about us while flocking to our countries. If we're so bad fuck off back to your homeland. If you want to stay shut your damn flapper.
Whites date up in SES in all racial pairings. WMAF income is the highest yes but that's because it's very high SES women dating high SES men. On dating sites they're found that for an Asian man to be as interesting to Asian women as a white man he had to make 100k+ dollars more per year. That means Asian women will pass up wealthier Asian men for poorer white men, and here in the West there's no shortage of giga wealthy Asian guys floating around.
What the fuck is wrong with the yerrow man? They look like they are proudly hoisting up their national flag. Look at that cunt on the right! Fucking bug people, Savages. You all should be nuked out of existence
>fuck off back your homeland
Holy fuck, white boy just told me, a literal fucking Injun, to fuck off back home. Yeah, sure thing, bucko, I'll hop across that Ice Bridge for you. Have fun teaching English this summer.
We learned it from watching you, okay!
Imagine smiling at the sight of a newborn baby on a spike. He's probably thinking it is gonna be tasty. I'm surprised they didn't cook it alive, it's not like asians to kill there food first
>dating sites
Yeah, because those people are looking for marriages and not hook-ups.
>it's different, white women fuck niggers for the thrill
>proceeds to use an example of Asian women using Tinder or OKC for a cheap thrill flocking to white men
Anyway, I gotta take my bug-ass to work.
>cooking the baby
Fucking stupid gaijin, I swear to fucking God. You make that ass sashimi. Go eat a burger, retard.
>and now I'm thinking of that exact phrase being used in a Hideshi Hino comic
Are you saying you sick bastards don't even cook your food? Disgusting! Bet you're all full of parasites
>Holy fuck, white boy just told me, a literal fucking Injun, to fuck off back home.
Fine, you can bitch a bit if you're an Injun but I'm still gonna fuck Asians.
Never really had any Asian friends. Maybe one or two loose acquaintances at best. There are very few Asians who live within sixty miles of me.
>Fucks asians
>Creates mutt babies
>Offspring become apart of the rootless hoard of globalist cattle nigger that will be butchered when the fourth reich comes
Jokes on you I'm already a rootless globalist. My parents and grandparents all moved far, far, far away from where they were born.
Kill me.
>self hating asian so triggered by wmaf he wants an imaginary fourth reich orchestrated by poltards
Doesnt this just prove white male asian female couples are the highest earners meaning they're the master race?
i just want a japanese gf
t. hapa that looks like an indian
> native American
I guess if you are the only group anyone remembers on the continent you get called native. You are Siberian. Solutreans (stone age people from France) were here first
Asians truly are best bros. Never met one that wasn't at least decent.
By that logic we are all Africans (or another race if you don't believe that theory)
I'm pretty sure tens of thousands of years in that area would make them differ from Siberians. Those people from France might also be considered natives if that's true.
I've never experienced a problem with Asians in real life so I can get behind this.
However, online chinks can rot in hell. They purposefully exploit, zerg and ruin every MMO they are allowed in.
>China's Century of Humiliation
>Unequal Treaties
>Forcing open Japan
>Nuking Japan
>Splitting Korea in 2
Yeah, we're not "friends"
keep importing minorities you fucks
You realize there's literally a Japanese guy in that pic Chang
Where did they learn that from, who gave them the technology and the ideas?
Japan specifically and purposefully self-imposed isolationism and seclusion for 200 years after they saw white people fucking everything up in Japan and everywhere else in the world
And then they were literally forced out of it. By whites, of course
that's what you think buddy
And after that their country was more successful than before, even being able to recover successfully after WW2.
I'm Mexican I don't mind trading with Asians. I know Asians on here that like Crispy and she is Mexican.
>white people are bad for conquering and warring asia
>it's okay when Asians do it to other Asians though, that doesn't count
>Asian(laotian) kid was my best friend when I was a kid.
>He showed me anime. I watched guyver before other kids knew what dbz was.
>We pretended he was guyver 1 and I was guyver 2 on the playground.
Also, in preschool I knew a kid from Japan. We watched ultraman together and he taught me origami.
my childhood friend danny and me used to play bionicles and model trains. He went back to south korea about 7 years ago. haven't seen him since.
I hope he's doing alright.
I don't give a shit about a bunch of white people killing white people in their big-ass wars (WW1), I literally do not care at all & go do it more if you like, Asians had their own wars, it's when a group of foreign interlopers comes in that it's a serious fucking problem
why do you post public 'reminders' like this? you know the people that respond will be the ones out of the loop, and trolling.
shut the fuck up chang u're just upset westerners came and stopped china from bullying everybody else
fucking starving peasant dipshit insect brainlets
>live in new Orleans
>in school always taught how racist America was to blacks
>have very few Asian kids in mostly black school
>few Asian kids get heavily bullied and shit like "chikn fry rice!" constantly yelled at them
Asian kids went through so much more racism here, I feel so bad for them. They dont deserve it.
Base OP btw, incels need to stick together
like this guy, biting hard on that bait
Nah I would say you only need a few hundred years to be considered native. The whole native American thing is newspeak. It totally takes away the proper meaning of "native". Can you just accept you are no more native than a Mayflower descendant? You may have a longer history but are not "more" native. Europe is as alien to me as Siberia is to you. Modern Europe has a vastly different culture to America's white culture. Football is one notable example.
>a-at least they're not white otherwise this would be a serious problem
-half-dead chinaman getting tortured by the japs at unit 731
How old were you when he went back to Korea user ?
lmao whites have never done good for asians. they had 15 minutes of superiority and now are just entitled dinosaurs. we took what we need from them and are going to leave them behind. I'm glad to see these soulless corpse eyed cumskins going extinct
t. muzslime
I'm (the guy you replied to) not the guy who claimed he was native, but you do make a fairly good point.
t. Chang
see this why nobody likes muddies - yall so hateful. im glad israel is removing palestine desu
>thinking thats a rice muncher
thats why these threads are just asinine - all you get are trolls and people who take the bait.
One of my best bros is a 6'4" fit chinese dude. He's also a total right wing shitlord. That's ok, because so am I.