G-guys...I don't feel so good...
G-guys...I don't feel so good
Not all redpills are pleasant.
But you're awake now.
>lets unpack this
I hate this phrase
Wow, I did not know Scooby was this based and redpilled. I might watch some of his videos now.
B-but zyzz said we all were going to make it
who are you going to listen to?
a peak aesthetics guy who inspired thousands of people or a literal faggot boomer with man tits?
The random titty shot...
>no glutes or quads to speak of
>doesn't squat because muh knees
>doesn't deadlift because muh back
>promotes useless meme exercises
>gave into his homosexual urges
implying scooby1961 has "made it"
Every one of us has a little bit of Zyzz in us, you just don't know it yet.
you're all sick cunts if you wanna be brah's
Zyzz dead senpai
post body
The faggot boomer with mantits. Now fuck off zoomer
You can only make it if you keep going.
I'll stay behind brothers, they expect one of us in the wreckage.
The boomer because he's still alive.
>that jab at trump
this but unironically
Have we started the fire?
He lives on in the hearts of every DYEL who believes in themselves brah
>shitskin millennial who roided/partied himself to death
>man who has lived into late middle age and is pretty muscular
>tanned bro who lived life to the fullest, patrolled thots and inspired a generation of young men
>literal boomer that talks like a redditor and is posting itt