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Be honest Jow Forums: Do you rerack?
Angel White
John Cooper
i actually move the weights where they should be when retards put them in the wrong place, because i'm not a garbage human being
this is assuming they aren't super out of order already because a horde of retards came through
Liam Harris
Ryder Reed
Of course, I'm not a degenerate
except I'll leave 1 pl8 on bench press because I just assume everyone can do that much and if you can't well then you're welcome for making your workout a little more intense
Jacob Martin
Of course I do, I'm not subhuman.
Ian Peterson
Yes, I'm not a subhuman.
Caleb Nelson
Fug off, I warm-up with just the bar
Nathan Kelly
Only niggers dont rerack
William Peterson
literally never, there's no point
Andrew Perez
Sometimes I organize the pl8s on the rack for a warmup
Isaiah Hill
Yes im not black
Hudson Mitchell
Every damn time.
Matthew Thompson
Before a workout I sometimes warm up by putting them all in the right fucking order. It's like fucking gorrillas have been using them.
Once came across someone doing something similar to OPs picture and started putting weights back for him, told me he was using them. Said that he's clearly not. He saw I was bigger than him and shut up.
Daniel Gutierrez
Always re-rack and usually pick up the weights the degenerate imbeciles leave lying around or in the wrong spot. Only exception is lmao1pl8 on something like seated calf, bench, or leg press. If you can’t hit lmao1pl8 on those you don’t belong in the gym you belong in a home for the physically disabled.
Adrian Diaz
Ryan Barnes
Levi Cruz
Luis Adams
Reracking is beta, you pussys can put my shit back for me
Logan Cruz
>t. homegym
Landon Torres
Fucking nigger in OP's pic..
Nolan Wright
Only homos rerack the weights, OP. Real men leave it to the zoomers as extra gains
Eli King
If you don’t rerack your weights you’re literally leaving gains on the table
Samuel Martinez
>not doing pyramid sets
Bentley Anderson
I do the same after deadlifts
Jace Carter
Do I fuck, that's the job of the monkeys that work for the gym. I have a literal PhD I'm overqualified to rerack weights. Besides, it gives those fucking losers something to do besides sit at reception drumming their fingers on the desk those twats.
Bentley Nguyen
I run a fb group called “patrician fitposting: you don’t even lift” and this is one of the qualifying questions
Easton Evans
fuck you, changing weights on the deadlift bar is fucking annoying as fuck and is the reason I dont do them anymore
Eli Collins
I lift at my own home so I do what I want. I don't leave weights on the ground, most are in a rack but I will leave weights loaded on the bar and unload them at the start of my next workout.
Aiden Taylor
nice larp
Xavier Collins
I warm up with just the bar, but this is totally acceptable.
Dominic Price
never gonna fucking make it tdude lmao
Grayson Anderson
Yes I respect the iron temple. Sometimes I have to fix the mess the shithead boomers make.
Ryan Morgan
i guess im fortunate, nobody in my gym ever leaves out dumbbells. people routinely leave plates on the squat barbells though
Ryder Scott
I find anyone under 40 and over 54 and leave them all around them. Those cunts need some practice cleaning up messes.
Caleb Collins
>missing out on 200+ days a year of re-racking weight and reps.
If you don't re-rack its like you don't even want to make it.
Leo Edwards
Men lift weights
Slaves rack weights
Ian Anderson
Everybody does
Mason Reed
>be gym
>make rule that weights must be reracked
>threaten members with ban if they don't
>don't enforce it
>weights lying everywhere
>gym wagies have to periodically tidy them all up
Colton Robinson
Fuck off just because I actually paid attention in school and you flip burgers for a living
Jayden Wright
I do the same. If I’ll leave a plate on assuming you’d be able to that just for bench and squat. I’ll always empty out the deadlift platform however
Nicholas Sullivan
I re rack everything except the leg press.
And between sets, i try to re sort the weights if possible - fucking hate the 45s with the smaller ones, then, you have to remove the 45ts first.
Eli Robinson
Christian Hall
I do.
Dylan Robinson
100% this
Gabriel Phillips
Ryan Adams
Hah girls r weak haha good 1
Reality check sexists, the strongest person in your world is your mother who endured hours of labour and years of putting up with your autistic whining so you could spend your precious lives belittling women and being an faggot.
Aaron Adams
actually true lol
Joshua Howard
David Allen
Im afraid if i go to rerack ill lose my bench
Elijah Hall
i feel like gym staff by now
Owen Green
Not bait if it's the truth
Austin Miller
Luis Cooper
Same, user
Jose Morris
Praise you. This is good behaviour that needs to be celebrated.
Brandon Ward
>Has a phd
>can't afford a homegym
what'd you get it in, interpretive dance?
Jason Roberts
May we stand together, brother.
Robert Miller
I'm creating jobs faggot. Besides, there's no room for one in my central London flat.
Thomas Thomas
I even rerack grocery store baskets, so yes.
Cooper Green
I only do this if it's convenient to my set. I don't like cleaning up after other people, but if I can fix it through the course of my workout I don't mind it.
Otherwise I just de-load to one plate always.
Bentley Wilson
the double down bait
Colton Carter
being a douche and not re-racking weights is not creating jobs you utter disgrace of a human being
Benjamin White
Those DYEL mongs who work at the gym wouldn't have anything else to do if I wasn't leaving weights to rerack. The gym could run without workers if they just put a pin on the door. Gym staff are worse than McDonald's burger flippers IMO at least they actually earn their wage.
Nicholas Nguyen
every receptionist in my gym wipes down the machines with gym shark attire and prance around with their tight little bodies. TEST BOOOST
Jaxon Rivera
I have a folder on my phone for that.
Hudson Anderson
i dont care what anyone on Jow Forums tells you 3D>2D
Josiah Reyes
It's 3D webm's. I have that VR headset you put your phone in. I strap it on while I squat.
Jace Scott
The problem w this is that now when someone walks in they think someone is still at that rack/bench or whatever. Otherwise based.
Nolan Perez
I spend twenty minutes of my workout reracking weights and organizing weights. One of these days I'm going to follow the fags that leave their shit everywhere and smash his head through his car window. Not reracking weights is basically littering
Nathaniel Ortiz
If you workout at a planet fitness or LA fitness you should completely unload the bar since the majority probably can't bench one plate
Brandon Jackson
It's so that you aren't an asshole. Did you grow up with a nanny that picked your shit up all the time?
Matthew Rodriguez
Is throwing your garbage away also beta? Or do you just litter?
Asher Gomez
How are we suppose to know if you aren't using it?
Isaac Johnson
Isn’t putting weights back where they belong a policy at every gym? Isn’t it in the contract? I think I will report people who do this, start shit with them so they can be kicked out of the gym, out of spite.
Jayden Phillips
It's not the gym staff's job to rerack the weights so you are just making other gym members suffer. Just because you went to college doesn't mean that it is my job to rerack you 8kg kettlebells, 85lb bar, and 15lb dumbbells to prevent me tripping over them.
Grayson Clark
Stay in London. If I catch you leaving your kettlebells lying in the middle of the gym floor here in the states I will drown you in the gym bathroom
Jace Jackson
I've never racked a weight in my life. They pay people to do it
Aaron Gonzalez
Whatever I use I rerack. I don't clean up after others
Wyatt Clark
I'm pretty sure Anytime Fitness is a self serve gym
Jayden Scott
Anime or POV?
Leo Cooper
Carson Young
do germans really do this?
Alexander Reyes
how much do you pay to cope in london>
Adrian Jones
If there's weights on the floor I tell the people who work there that the free weight area is a mess and pretend to warm up while they clear it up. When they finish I begin my workout and leave my weights wherever when I finish. Literally fuck cleaning up after some gym rat and paying for the privilege.
Not in mine
Hunter Collins
>Not in mine
What’s the name of your gym?
Aiden Jackson
Fuck off cunt I'm not having some acne goblin follow me to my gym and tell me rack my weights IRL
Sebastian Wright
kek every fucking time. Gr8 b8 m8.
Gavin Parker
use your mouth and ask
Brayden Lee
>It's B8 XDD
Honestly fuck off, you know how autistic people are about the gym etiquette? And you want me to say where I am work out after giving my location? Basically begging to get stalked and murdered by a tranny or something.
Tyler Butler
Mayhem, hell of earth
Jacob Barnes
You don’t even workout at all.
Caleb Anderson
Post body.
William Flores
I appreciate you user
Gym staff told me he appreciated me when he saw me do it so I'll keep doing it
Logan Nelson
Depends on my mood. I tend to only
watch anime when the gym is empty because I don't want to be "that guy".
Jacob Howard
Who's got that copypasta with the Kevin O'Leary picture
John Brooks
I recently chimped out over this, some builtfat guy and his gf kept leaving shit around and as I was loading up bench press I tripped over the 4kg Dbs left on the ground and booted it halfway across the gym towards them.
Kevin Morris
Still waiting.
Ayden Mitchell
This is one of my pet peeves too.
Cunts that don't re-rack in the correct place are usually the same cunts that cant park a car between 2 straight lines.
They need to be aborted.
Kevin Kelly
I expected all the replies to be about how this is a beta behavior. Thanks for surprising me boys.
Nolan Sanders
just after super heavy dlifts, I leave a pair of 45s, which doesn't matter, right after me someone jumps onto it.
rerack your shit, be civilized, be a bro
Zachary Thomas
And my axe