Who is the strongest and most vicious lad on /fit ?

Who is the strongest and most vicious lad on /fit ?

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me probably

Poast body

post lifts

i'd kick ur ass bro. i'm yellow belt in bjj, 165 lbs of lean muscle . i'd put u in a chokehold beore you could even catch ur breath, you fat slow meathead

Eric bugenhagen

but he doesnt browse this, otherwise the bloatlords should be counted

>Most vicious
/Fraud/ due to roid rage

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This is false

>Not the guy ur responding too
Dude 165? I could man handle your little ass, literally grab you OHP lmao1bitch and throw you.
>thinking you could beat any active person above 200lbs at 165
You know bjj doesn’t work in the streets right? Your fuckin armbar ain't gonna do shit when I can punt your head off or hit you with that oh so dangerous 12-6 elbow
Back to the pit you lanky manlet

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bro get bigger if you expect to be taken seriously and not get killed in a confrontation

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Fuck. I went to high school with a bunch of bjj manlet dyel’s always trying to say they could use it to take me down because I only lift weights even though I was 6’4 240

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For the record I was a 6'0" 165lb lanklet and choked out a 6'2" 230lb newb who thought it'd be easy to take me down because of the size difference. Being bigger certainly gives you a big advantage, especially at the beginner to intermediate levels, but at a certain point some guys are skilled enough that it won't matter as much

Who lifted weights and wasn't fat fyi

I'm 6'2, 220lbs. I do boxing, bjj and kickboxing. I'm ex military. Usually I wouldn't say I'm the best fighter anywhere because there is always somebody better just round the corner. However, I'd say with confidence I'm the best one here.

Have you ever seen Joyce Gracie fight at the start of the Ufc? He was dominating much heavier opponents who had a lot of fight training. He was beating them with ease.

Whats bjj? Blowjob jockey?

guess that settles it. Don't bother learning any other martial art, just learn bjj

Well ufc has come on a long way since then. You need to master all aspects of fighting. I was just pointing out that with BJJ training you can easily beat a larger trained fighter if they don't know how to grapple. It is always best to learn as many skills as possible if you want to be really good though.


>Who is the strongest and most vicious lad on /fit ?
6'5" minimum height requirement

>6'5" minimum height requirement

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