/britfeel/ Morning

This is ours now. Pic related.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This thread is for the discussion of LARPcels, tinnies, cocaine, brincels, avin a line, virgins, scooners.

>t. LARPing sconners
how could you go for a run when you've never left the house?

You need to link it in the other thread though

why do you envy them?

>Threadly reminder that your team of hired niggers failed to "bring it home"
God it was so pathetic. You lads were like a cheated husband cheering on his wife's masculine black lover. How the fuck are Englishmen even real?

Right in the childhood

why are the zionists so afraid of jezza?

Use the proper thread format and picture you mong

Imagine still caring about this a year later

Thread theme..

Should I make a proper thread?

Why are you intimidated by my thread formatting?

>a brit/pol/ thread
holy shit bros I'm gonna say the N word!

No this is a perfectly good thread.

>Should I make a proper thread?
Is your autism really that bad?

Lyrics are trash but she's naked anyway so I like it

Why are you intimidated by this thread type?

>drop bit of food on the carpet
>pick it up quickly
>pube on it

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The word of the day is; intimidated.

>There is no door
>No sunlight coming in
>Just concrete walls
>And loneliness

prefer Down desu


>driving somewhere
>dad tells me to pull over so he can have a piss
>pull into a side street
>he's pissing
>notice signs about no fly tipping cctv in operation
what are the chances they get my number plate from the cctv and fine me or something

Quick lads get posting so we can get a proper thread after this one's done

You're pretty much done for and your dad is going to be cautioned for public indecency.

Best be fast because I have another one ready to go.

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they wont check cctv unless there is a good reason. youre finee.

tbf i couldn't actually see the cameras

>British Orwellian Society : The Post
lmao pathetic. You got your pissing loicence, m8?

Much cope

Is it to early for Chaturbate[spoiler/]


maybe work today?

I'm able to post from work today

Though I'm off the phones so I need to SMASH it, so won't post too often

>I have got to change my ways
>Because I'm losing my mind
>I have got to stop drinking
>Because I'm dying inside

Smash what you dead shit

why do you listen to Keane?
why do you drink Horlicks?
why have you never been invited to a party?

its never too early, but will the best people be on at this time?

She doesn't have a regular schedule so I'm just hoping to catch her when I can.
I've never been attracted to a trans before and I'm totally besotted. I try and stay awake as long as possible in hope she'll be online, when I wake the first thing I do is check if she is online.
WTF is happening to me?

not seeing a difference there lad

Having my cat put down today lads

>You won't find me in Wetherspoons, you'll find me in Waterstones

Attached: fedora8.jpg (439x603, 27K)

What's with the royal family befriending eccentric sex offenders like Jimmy and Rolfe?

No fuss from the weed man today, got to head off at about half 11 to go get my draw. Lovely Jubbly. 2nd Sesh of D&D tomorrow as well, gonna be nice to get out and pretend to be a normie.

I'm going to find you and hurt you, boy.
Would you like that, boy?

Attached: Apu Fedora.png (680x412, 78K)

Why do you envy the royal family?

dog very naughty kept trying to come to a halt on the walk and ended up dragging him home

>Why yes, I do indeed drive the legendary Honda Civic

Attached: fedora20.jpg (425x960, 63K)

Sorry to hear that lad, its not easy saying goodbye to a pet

Just went to a mortifying job interview

My paperwork fell out of my pocket and the interviewer had to pick it up for me. It was only a fucking trainee job but they had a lot of prodding questions I had no idea how to answer. They never properly described the job so I was dumbfounded.

Definitely fucked it up. I just want to be dead.

>Have to walk past reception to go into the gym
>They always say Hi and Bye upon entry and exit
>Some of them know my name now and include that

Attached: e3f.png (477x642, 58K)

At least you got to the interview stage lad, you will be better prepared for the next one. Assuming you even failed the interview

Just went to a mortifying interview.

Dropped my papers and they had to pick them up for me. Got the card they put around your neck stuck on my massive Dumbo ears.

In the interview, it was meant to last 40m but only lasted 20m. I had no idea what they were talking about. It was a fucking trainee position, what was there to know? Apparently I'm meant to know the ins and outs of the corporation, when the job application just said it was an admin job.

Want to be dead now. This was the only interview I've gotten after looking at 100s of jobs.

>make a joke on another board
>get a dozen (you)s laughing
>I feel nothing

wish I had a gf to watch conspiracy documentaries with

gonna have a wank cause I'm bored

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Just date user's dad

Why is Britain so bad lads?

how many wanks do you lads have a day? I have had 2 and thinking about a third soon. numbers are up because I have the hangover horn, it is usually only one a day

May you have lots of happy memories to look back on

Gonna go to Sainsbury's for some snacks, then hoover down an enormous boof to start my day off

Got my new Apu sticker for my laptop today lids waheyy

Attached: Helper sticker.jpg (3226x1527, 1.09M)

Can't really put my finger on it, but I feel like we just fall a bit short in every area.

I like this edition, everyone is bringing their best posts.

Yes this thread was made by a underaged mong of a underage mong

Im thinking of getting one is it actually a fedora car?

Aw that's cute lad

got into an argument with my cat again lads

might make a bacon roll desu

I spoke to this qt at work about alex jones and conspiracies she was quite into it aswell.

Should have asked her out

Let's see if we can make this edition last the entire weekend. Just keep the pace.

The fat bastard never had a chance

the hamster said we should take a break lads

Its the go to "Very reliable, good car" that you can't go wrong with

Drop salt and vinegar crisp and it falls under the sofa.
Pick it back up and eat it.
Stale cheese and onion.

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Want to make a sandwich but can't go downstairs because mum's watching loose women and they're always talking about filth.

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*looks up your skirt*

Cheers lid. Might get another one but this time a happy apu sticker.

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Nice job using an unfamiliar OP thread image.

Now the thread's properly fucked.

*has a penis and hairy arse*

>play LoL again
>get to promo easily
>subhuman retards in promo games
>stuck in plat 1 on positive win rate
Any LoL lad in? and want to duo

Attached: yasuo.jpg (600x668, 53K)

Not played LoL in years, but I think Annie is pretty cute

Attached: Annie_5.jpg (1215x717, 203K)

>he isn't a georgist

Not at all, he's just being a cunt. Civic is an excellent choice although it's hard to get one that isn't knackered for a reasonable price

>Annie is pretty cute
haha yeah she is what's your address lad

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My clothes are from primark not george


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You should look at second hand Accords - cheaper than civics and easier to find a good one

At work hiding in the toilets so I can shitpost lol

4 Whitehall Place, officer

Oh I've already had one in the past lad not looking now, just stating facts

Ah fair. Yeah they are good cars, not sure where the fedora thing is coming from


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You forgot your tripcode moni

very likly because you're a primo nonceoid

isn't it funny how jews go to such great lengths to shut anyone down who exposes them, or so much as treats them as normal humans and not the elevated God's chosen they believe they are.

you can't even mention the literal fact that the tiny population of Jews are in so many positions of power and control without being shut down by the anti defamation league. you can't be a politician in the UK and support the right for Palestinian people to live in their own homeland without being shot at by an occupying colonial force without every news outlet slamming you for being an anti-semite and a security risk.

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I'm so excited to go back to London! I left in 2012 and I'm finally going back for work. Any Londonbongs here?

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>white women

Thats illegal now mate. Off to jail with you

Whereabouts? Lived there for most of my life but in Surrey now