Heyyyy hey guys it's PAY DAY TODAY so post your balances and discuss your financial situations!

Heyyyy hey guys it's PAY DAY TODAY so post your balances and discuss your financial situations!

I cracked 85k! A massive milestone! I can't believe I finally did it! It took quite a long time but I got there. 5 years ago I had almost nothing to my name but now look at me.

But post yours!

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As always, fuck off.

What could have possibly driven someone to spam the same image and larp pathetically everyday?

the numbers change every time you faggot. not the same. kill yourself you poor pathetic shit.

fuck off IRS

Good job stacking that paper

Sitting at a healthy 0.97 myself

i got five bucks

I was looking forward to this thread. "Pay day" thread day is a good day. It reminds me that I was paid last week, and will get paid next week.

if its real then why you get butthurt and start calling people poor pathetic shit

if its real then ur making as much as my german grandma on benefit, congrats user.

You're poor and a nigger and would dance for me if I threw hundred dollar bills at you

>graduate high school
>don't go to college or learn a trade
>wageslave while shitposting on Jow Forums
>quit job at 24
>that was 7 months ago
>my bank account looks like this

i really want to die. can't afford to live on my own. i don't have any skills. best job i can get is like a $1 over minimum wage

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Lucky for you minimum wage is now 15 dollars an hour you fucking loser!

but but its not anonn

I just realized how poor Jow Forums is lol. I almost feel bad for them. I'm literally drinking Pinot Noir as I'm typing this and some of these guys don't even have over $10k in their bank account.

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I prefer keeping it in a retirement account so that it's not taxed

>be me 18
>work at a shit tier job ( 300-400/month)
>deposits - 7.6k
>cash on hand -2.6k
>investments - 7k
>Total 17.2k
Not too bad

I have 20$
Idk when I'll have more money

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I've never even had a bank account

what do you expect user? most bots aren't gainfully employed. maybe 1/7th of us have decent paying jobs.

the rest are either wageslaves or neet

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Serious question OP, why not put that shit in an RRSP or TFSA or whatever your country's equivalents are?
I've started making money (60k/y salary, first job ever) and I am trying to become financially literate.

Because I'm too lazy and don't like to see the numbers go down

Not a payday for me (get paid every other week) but I did pass 100k net worth last week.

You know people earn and spend money right?

to be fair I had like 25k but now down to 7 since most was spent on the race car.

normies fail to realize you cant take it all with you when you die.

I remember it consistently being at 76k about a year ago

20k+ in debt, a dollar to my name


don't use that emoticon
you are an embarrassment to the jewish people

I should hit half a million in my portfolio in a few days. I'm worth about two million dollars in total assets, but a lot of that is tied up in my ownership of property and my business.

Probably going to open up a law firm with a friend in the next two years once my business goes more hands-off.

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