Friday Feels Thread

Alright robots it's Friday so time for a thread. Wagies are waiting for the weekend so they can get rejected by club whales whilst ingesting overpriced sweetened liquor edition.
>Woke up looked up jobs felt like shit because everywhere wants multiple specific skills and experience you can't get unless you are a connected boomer
>Fapped to tranners
>had breakie
>Had goffee which I am unironically addicted to
>Looked up jobs again applied for a couple
Welp I'm done for the day I can't decide if I want to go the gym and work on my deadlifting form or go for a 10km walk but basically I got nothing going on but what I make it. How about you robots?

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this made me weep

Why are you a wagecuck or is this just relatable as a NEETfag? Explain.

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For real I want to know if it's because you have gone off the deep end or something?

im a former neet who has been able to find permanent work after lots of hard work and dedication to change myself and my environment.
r9k and neet culture lead me to drop out of hs and become a shut in for over 2 years, but i worked hard and got my GED and went to school. I now have work and doggo. Life is good
It gets better user

My working week is Saturday and sunday this week. Just woke up, having a wake and bake then off to the shop for some cider and some food for work. I only work in a factory so it is very mong tier.

I've been NEETfag before. Honestly it can be better then having a job depending on what that job is.
>Factory work
You on welfare nigga?

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>uni fag
>friday night
>finishd my last semester test
>knew i fucked up
>go home
>luxury apartment
>no friends to drink/talk with
>here I am, drinking myself to sleep knowing i have no friends, will be alone the entire semester break and will never be good enough to take over my father's business

>Father's business
Boohoo faggot some of us don't have nepotism options. And every robot drinks alone normalfags clinging together peaks in university because they can just hang out with friends they made years before who went to the same university

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No vagina.
Literally the best part of the female body.
Why would anyone want this abomination, unless they've cucked themselves mentally into believing that even in porn and fantasy, they don't deserve a real woman and should have to settle for a feminized man.

true, but I have witnessed so many friendships being created in my uni right before my eyes

You don't really understand. Being born in a business influenced family as the only boy(I'm Asian btw) means everyone has high expectation of you. Imagine enjoying so many privileges(no rent because family own properties, brand new Mercedes, wages from family company each month for not working at all) and come to the realisation that you have earned none of that and will probably end up as a parasite of the family. Also, all my family have is money. We don't really have any connections here because I'm currently living overseas.

i'm feeling really fatigued for no apparent reason. must be my depressive episode kicking in, always happens at this time of the year, don't know why. got a tooth extraction scheduled for next tuesday and im really not looking forward to leaving the house for that, but it's going to cost me basically nothing so i guess its cool
just laying in bed playing pokemon in the meantime, can't really do anything about the fatigue so just waiting until it wears off

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>Obsessed over roast beef that Jamal and Chad have been going at for years
Okay user
I had an azn acquaintance in Uni he studied law and had an industry connection via his gf's father back home. He cheated on her with some ugly poo in the loo and wound up with notthing.
Which one user I have the switch game and its comfy if not a bit easy. I been playing Borderlands recently and my switch is back to gathering dust tho

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Nah, earn more than the bare minimum so get fuck all. Plus had my tossing it off years from 16-25 so got fed up of dealing with the gubmint.

Yikes. Ever think of going back to school? Or are you resigned to the minimum wage grind?

Well no not really. I'm really old and have given in decades ago. Was ready for sacking everything off last year, but found out i was going to be an uncle so decided to try get some money saved for her when she's older/needs it. It wouldn't be loads and doubt it would do much but a few thousand good babby points might come in handy. And it's not minimum wage, I'm a mong from the land of the bong, and I'm on more or less 15pound an hour, and i only do 12 shifts a month. They are 12 hour shifts though, but 4 shifts then 5 days off ain't too bad. Unlike my blog post which is bad. Sorry

>Tfw work in my dads business
>Work hard everyday, not even in college
>Making ridiculous progress, gonna hit 6 figures within the next year or two for myself alone, not to mention profits for my family
>Tfw family is proud of me and I'm making tremendous personal progress


Are you actually retarded or just low iq?
>Muh six figures meme
I hate zoomer larps

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neither really, but also a little of both. never been diagnosed but probably have a lil tism in me,and i am a little bit thick. but never enjoyed the schoool environment and doubt i'd like further education. plus my mum wouldn't have me back at hers so no money, no roof over the head

You don't sound JUSTed so no regrets?

yeah, i was a shit when i was younger. was a filthy smackhead and stole off family. regret that time period.other than that it is what it is. i'm old enough where i haven't learned from past mistakes so just think meh, it is what it is. also i don't know what JUSTed means

I actually have a feel to share today
>december last year started working tech support in small company
>the office is just a large room with computers and everyone works on the same enviroment, the tech support guys and the programmers
>there is a qt programmer girl there, literally r9k dream girl, shy, smol, cute face, glasses, thin as fuck
>instantly fell for her and try to pick up signals but I cant sense nothing concrete
>until then the job was acceptable
>we low on staff so this dude gets hired
>hes also somewhat autistic but is on a constant roid rage because he roids and have a somewhat big roid gut
>raise his voice constantly on others
>tries to get in a argument with me over stupid petty shit sometimes
>I respond but im a zero confidence autistic man so I just mumble around and sound intimidated as fuck
>all of this in front of the qt and everyone else, my morale is getting lower by the day
>its hard to fight back when that eerie feeling of getting bullied settles in
>some day out of nowhere while the qt is on lunch time out of the company he says hes interested in her
>didnt explicitly told her but made it somewhat clear
>while continues to be a cunt towards me because im a easy target
>her voice sounds awfully comfortable when speaking to him
>while when she speaks to me she doesnt sound uncomfortable but doesn't sound very good either, she sounds strictly professional and avoids all unnecessary interaction, sometimes dont even answer when I message work related stuff on her skype, just sees the message
>i start to think of the worst, that he will eventually date her
I feel so much emasculated I can't even describe. Until this dude got in the workplace was as stressfree and it could being tech support, now im on the edge all times, and I cant ecen properly respond because I have this weird trauma in my brain where when I feel any sort of physical conflit might happen I just freeze. Everyone notices this and I can feel everyone treating me worse, fuck man

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Are you like 50 nigga?
Did you live trainspotting?

Fun story. There was a QT. In an old office job I had many years back. Some balding Manlet got her. But he already had a kid with another woman ended up knocking up this girl almost immediately and now has two kids from two different mothers and is perma JUSTed laying for them. The best part is that she used him so she wouldn't have to work. Get fucked faggot working overtime won't ever pay off two childrrent at that job

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nearly 40 nigga. and to some extent

Well you got nearly a decade on me. What does an old fuck do in his downtime? Please don't tell me jack off to hentai and play Vidya?

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>go the gym
Lift your way out user. I did. You can do it too.
Just keep lifting.
And even if it all fails: if you are gonna be a neet you might as well be a strong neet.

weed,alcohol,vidya, eat nice sweets.not really into anime that much, i like some stuff but am not overly bothered by it, same as normal tv

>cheated on her with some ugly poo in the loo
Honestly, he deserved it.
good on you m8, what industry is the business in?