Do Face Pulls

Attached: Jeff-Cavaliere.jpg (300x300, 30K)

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I incorporate them at the end of every workout.
2x25 or 50x1 as long as they are quality reps.

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same here, my shoulders have never felt better

can i do them with bands at home?


Not done a face pull in my life.
I'm the best negotiator there is, believe me.

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Is it okay to do it with one rope? I can’t fucking steal 2 ropes when the gym is full.

Fuck Jeff for saying to use 2 ropes. There's some asshole doing that in my gym but there's only so many ropes.

Did them last night. Going to do more tonight. Going to more of them every night until I fucking die. Face pulls are life

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50 sets of 1 must take for fucking ever! But impressed that your able to do your 1 rep max 50 times. That's some impressive recovery.

My gym has a long rope that gives you the same ROM as using 2 normal ropes. It feels slightly better, but if you focus on activating the right muscles 1 normal rope is fine

I've started to see other people doing face pulls at the gym, feels good man

No more facepulls, jeff

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I am, after every workout, just like you said I should.


watch out user Jeff just took out his marker

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I do them after all my upper body workouts, but i always forget to do them on leg day

how can i even remember to go to the cable machines?

Why he gel his hair in bed?

He doesn’t, his hair just stays how he wants it out of fear and respect

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is this a fucking meme or should i convert

How do I do a face pull? Whose face should I be pulling? What if I want to pull someone's face off?

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face pulls are unironically god-tier

pretty please

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Been making some serious shoulder and trap gains with upright rows and BTNP

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ive been doing reverse flies sitting backwards in the pec-dec machine or whatever the hell its called for back delts, should i replace them with faacepulls? or do both

Haha get fucked loser. But we could just pass one between eachother, all you'd have to do is ask.

Can I do chest flys instead?

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Did you say.. upright rows?

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yee u mad? >:333

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Has anyone actually taken Jeffs advice on anything?

I feel like I watch all his videos and never actually end up doing the exercises he suggests

Barbell flys 3x10

If you do all the exercises he suggests you'd be doing a second workout after your normal one

im stuck with my facepulls at 9kg on the cable machine. is this normal? even after 10 reps i cant keep good form and have the feeling im fucking up my shoulders. anyone got tips?

I do and my shoulders feel great.

Can they help with impingement?

mm kake

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post his wife and kids lmao


Hide yo wife
Hide yo kidz

Imagine having this guys life.

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i forgot my face pulls today bros.
give it to me real, how long have i got left.

yea, get stronger

Come on, he's Italian

Jeff will be behind the door once he's done with his facepulls.

*runs into The Wall:tm: head first*

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>50 heavy singles

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Why does Jeff hate anime?

everyone should hate anime

Start doing deadlifts and pray Eddie swims over to defend you.