i never learned how to ride a bike can i get some Jow Forums advice?
I never learned how to ride a bike can i get some Jow Forums advice?
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Literally get a bike / borrow one, go to a local park by car or walk with it very early in the day (or midday if a work day) and just keep trying until you get it.
Bikes are for poor people.
Swim if you want cardio, and drive a car if you want to go places
weird, I would say have someone hold the bike by the back of the seat and walk beside you while you get used to it at very low speed
generally that and training wheels is how everyone learned as a kid
Brah, you need to 3pl8 squats before you even try biking.
Get a trike for starters to train dem quads, make sure you load plates in the back
Train on a stationary bike
>t. fat americuck
But what if I want to go places but also want cardio
make sure to record it so we can have a good laugh at some fat incel weeb falling off a bike 24/7
>never learned to ride a bike
>dont know how to swim
>never had a gf
>never had a friend
>no job
and yet
>not a weeb
>never wanted to kms
funny when you think about it
at least im not a nigger
This is the easiest way to learn, that even 4 year olds can learn ito ride in a singlenday.
Remove pedals from bike. Lower the seat so that you can easily plant your feet on the ground. You might need to use a small bike. Push yourself around on the bike with your feet to the point where you can take both feet off the ground and have fun.
Make sure you know how to use the brakes and you won't even have to worry about falling since your feet easily reach the floor.
I never learned till I was 19. I was on break form college, borrowed a roommate's bike while he was gone and putzed around town until I got the hang of it. I was so overjoyed I didn't even realize one of the tires was nearly flat.
You can do it user, seriously. It's a muscle memory thing you get do in a day or maybe even an hour.
t. gf cheated on him with a bike
>learned to ride a bike
>know how to swim
>had a gf
>had friends
>not a weeb
>want to kms
I agree it's humorous.
Have sex
My 4 year old learned in like an hour. Just do it, it isn't that difficult.
but you are though
>Bikes are for poor people.
just go on a popular route some time, dudes with $10k+ bikes everywhere
swimming on the other hand is included in gym membership for no extra cost
user, some bicycles are more expensive than a brand new car
sauce on this instathot
>tfw 27 and bike everywhere i need to go because even though i got license a few years ago have never driven a car and get anxiety thinking about it
I started cycling to the gym and back after I was put on a driving suspension. I still cycle to the gym and back unless it's raining, it's the only cardio I enjoy and it means I can do weights all gym session every gym session.
>t. DUI vagrant