/JustJuji/ tom won't stop giving commentary edition

Morning Jow Forums

Fresh Juji content. I will get to the more recent videos have sections uploaded on the day they drop.


I have the entire catalouge downloaded now and will be doing a mass upload of all the pre-tom videos shortly.
Editing on the Eric Bugenhagen videos are almost done, just having to get a bit creative to edit around tom.
just been a bit delayed, work got busy again out of nowhere.

Current progress 4/532

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Other urls found in this thread:


absolutely based

Based, fuck Tom

>Jon's wife is now traveling alongside them

I thought him fucking other women was just a meme. Maybe it really was blackmail.

You didn't edit his voice out.

where did he ask for anything you moron?

Nice bro, doing good work

Still messing with some editing to make that happen, I think I can actually isolate and remove it completely but it is tricky when he literally yells over people talking and juji.

this will stop tom commenting while juji is lifting for sure :^)

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Fuck off Tom

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inb4 hissyfit on Twitter.

I like Tom


>eric judenhagen fanboy has uber autism
post body OP

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this is literally not what Jews look like

>eric judenhagen
Wtf, I like Jews now!


>deceptive camera angles to hide blocks in heaviest home videos
>goes to the gym and lifts 200-300 lbs less with no blocks
>meets up with jujimufu and lifts 200-300 lbs less with no blocks
>not a jew
LOOOOL spotted the NPC, DYEL fanboys

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Hes a wrestler an entertainer if you will. His videos are entertaining as hell. I mean its not as bad as using fake weights, yes its deceptive. Your acting like you have been bamboozeled calm tf down guy. i watch his vids for entertainment the autism is great.

I'm an editor my job is to stay behind the camera.

Nice cope Eric, it’s deceptive Jew tactics and you know the videos aren’t as entertaining now that you notice it. He wasn’t a “wrestler” or “entertainer” back when he uploaded these videos. He wouldn’t be nearly as popular if he was lifting as much as he was in the jujimufu video in these videos. Plain and simple: he deceived people for popularity/money which is as Jewish as it gets.


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BASED and editor pilled

Its not a block its a foam mat you retard. You can them in the background too.

Fucking hero

He made videos calling out Nether for literally the exact same shit. It's almost as bad as when he continually back-stabbed AlphaDestiny who basically built his channel which subsequently got him higher up the ranks in the NXT. Dude is an absolute vile scumbag in every sense.

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the starting position of the bar is considerably higher in these videos making it the equivalent of a block pull regardless of the material it starts off of.

here you can see it lmao, it’s a solid 2-3 inches above where it would be if the weights were on the ground

It starts even higher in the other videos than this one.

Those fucking digits.

Absolute madman

should be the other way round

links wont show in comments



that his bicth?

Tom still received the message

yes it’s his wife and pic related is his daughter from one of his videos

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hes till pulling 800lbs which is more then you can. Pulling off blocks means nothing and people train this way to get stronger at the bootom/top

This is pretty funny but its just gonna get taken down.

no, his sumo and regular deadlift are less than mine and I weigh ~30-40 lbs less. I’ve never tried btb deadlifts off of blocks before so your “argument” is irrelevant.

Based. I actually kinda liked Tom until the "Jujimufu is quitting youtube" video which was 30 minutes of Tom crying about not getting enough attention. I literally unsubbed from their channel due to that shit. Fuck Tom, you can tell that in that video almost everything Juji says (like "I don't do shit, Tom is the entire channel" etc) was scripted by Tom. Tom did a hostile takeover of Juji's channel that he has had for more than a half-decade before even meeting Tom, and had nearly a full-decade before Tom started helping.


Fuck you, Tom Boyden. Jon Call deserves a better business partner.

>I’ve never tried btb deadlifts off of blocks before so your “argument” is irrelevant.
>I’ve never tried btb deadlifts off of blocks before
>I’ve never tried btb deadlifts
>I’ve never tried

You forgot the fact that my sumo and conventional deadlifts are higher than his at a lower bodyweight LOL. Settle down now Eric, you got exposed on your Jew tactics bud.

>Editing on the Eric Bugenhagen videos are almost done, just having to get a bit creative to edit around tom.
Wait, you're editing the videos with Tom to erase/minimize his presence?
Absolutely based

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That's the whole point of the channel senpai, just jujimufu.

I must subvert and destroy my host channel


I barely watch the channel, who the fuck is tom actually? Just a friend?

He’s the editor but when his personal channel didn’t take off he just decided he’d take John’s

Doing gods work user.

>just having to get a bit creative to edit around tom
why not just leave the video as is but blur his face or something?

>the video as is but blur his face or something?
I have found today after talking to a much better editor a way to literally layer tom out visually and isolate and remove his audio.

I could always do the easy way of blurring him but then he would still be in the video.

Based Tom

Literally the other way around.

Post body.

Based madlad editbro. If you pull off this project you will be the video equivalent of sir

Cant he copystrike your shit into oblivion though?

Holy based, thanks for doing this.

Holy shit. That's hilarious.
Godspeed user.

absolute madlad

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so this is juji's wife...

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judenhagen still wifemogs the shit out of juji
why couldnt juji get a decent looking girl?


I can see why she doesn't want to be on camera lmao

You can make the argument its transformative. Regardless, the point is to fuck with kike tom so either way is a win.

Worst case scenario, editbro can just store them either locally or on some user cloud service and just re up the shit on a new account.

shes probably somehow forcing him to stay with her

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me on the left

This. Tom is an insufferable faggot who rides Juji's hard-work and recently tried to take literally 150% of the credit for the channel, despite it pre-dating his help by nearly a decade. He made a big long 30-minute video just crying about how Juji deserves no credit and he deserves it all even though Juji launched his career, not the other way around. All in all he is a typical attention-seeking DYEL-mode literal faggot who needs his ass kicked back to reality.

You should do also a toms cringe compilation ala copedestiny

imagine having a fitness obsessed husband and being a stereotypical amerifat trash yourself

fucking lmao

You do not deadlift over 650 at under 200 kbs

what is "being based" for 500

so pulling 600+ is bad to you?

ok manletdestiny

post lifts

Kek, would watch.

Fuck off Jewji.

hilarious. fuck that crybaby tom.

Bugenhagen weighs 220-230 lbs


Yes because it isn’t even 3x bw for someone like judenhagen who is 220-230 lbs

lol wut?

Isn't that the same stone that fat guy from yesterday's thread was carrying?

More? Source?

Actually searched through all the comments. This commend is deleted.
Also lmao at all the comments that were addressed at Tom. Like the bottom one in pic related. I really hope this is just soiboys pitying their fellow soiboi

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They're balding at the same rate


so only the Uploader of the video sees a comment if it contains a link?

I think this shit will backfire hard as soon as Tom plays the Jew Card and then Jow Forums will take over and meme him out of existence.

Great work



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Still kinda cut that was all I could get from that video. Eric Bugenhagen is up next, a lot longer, a lot more lifts.

Still learning the editing to isolate Tom's audio out and layer him visually out of the shot (luckily they film in the same spot so it will be a seamless layer)

It's the thought that counts really, but yeah. Keep doing god's work user, immensely looking to the bugez video.

it's sad you had to print two times only to show the last 3 lines

Yes, the useful idiots