post more of these pics
the more ridiculous the better
Post more of these pics
This describes me disturbingly well, except I'm 22.
god i didnt know it was possible to cringe this hard
I hope everyone who unironically posts garbage like this dies an excruciating death
wow dude that's totally my horoscope
Overly dramatic pulp magazine
NPC posts are sometimes hard to believe.
op\s image hardly says anything like that
I'm 26 but let's see how well this one fits me
>strange fascinations with planes
you mean airplanes? or planes like in mtg? I don't give a shit either way though
>maladaptive daydreaming
I daydream, like every person on this planet
>dropped out of highschool and uni
nah I got a meme degree at college
>lives with mother
yeah, last time I saw the stats I think more than half of the people here live with their mom, such is life in a poor country
>so well adapted to poverty he considers rice and cheese a good meal
I mean, rice and cheese is pretty good but you'll have vitamin deficiencies if you don't eat other stuff
>future: suicide or homelessness
I have enough passive income to pay my bills and have a room in the family house so I think I'm good for now
>only thing preventing drug addiction is accesibility
nah I don't wanna do drugs, I don't even drink coffee or smoke
>kid A
what, like, being insignificant? I suppose, it's all the matter of relativity though, in the grand scheme of the universe everyone is insignifcant
>raised by Jow Forums
maybe old Jow Forums, not this wojak and pepe reddit garbage
>should go to a professional but too anxious
I assume you mean a mental health therapist, they're expensive but I suppose everyone could do with one, everyone has their crosses after all
>thought about killing himself at 27 as a meme
what, nah
>chronic internet addiction
the internet is pretty good, what's wrong with that
>talks to self
just like everyone
>used to have friends but never really connected with them
idk, I don't mind people but I prefer being alone
>constant nonsensical thought loops
so boredom, you don't think about stupid shit if you're busy
>no car. /nightcycle/
I don't have a car, have a driving license though, you mean cycling at night? hell no that sounds dangerous as fuck and I'm partly nightblind anyways
>video games feel like a chore
shitty games feel like shit yeah, good games are fun
I swear to god if ill have to do one more goddamn captcha im throwing the phone out of the window
>remembers that one time 3 years ago when someone looked at him funny
I have massive scars on my face, people always look at me funny
>unfounded hipster elitism
you're posting wojakshit so I doubt you have any elitism, still there's nothing wrong with elitism, it means someone is interested in intricate works not just cookiecutter garbage for the masses, like your wojak
>makes music but too shy to show people
I don't make music
>there must be someone
some for what? a lover? Idk if you want to get a girlfriend then ask girls out, who cares
>*goes outside for 3 minutes gets annoyed by birds and comes back in
I was outside all day, birds are annoying in the morning though, why the fuck are they so loud the moment the sun comes up, they're chill the rest of the day
>neet for 7 years
I had a job that I quit today, before that I was neeting for about half a year, I'm usually bouncing between jobs and neeting
>no phone, completely ignores messages from concerned people
I have a phone and I don't think anyone is concerned, sometimes I talk to old friends on facebook but I don't think talking on the phone outside of business discussions is that common in our generation
what, so you're bored? half of these things can be boiled down to "I'm bored", go volunteer or something then or idk
>pretends to be edgy but secretly has a heart of gold
so you were raised by a single mom or something? this sort of behaviour is generally the result of that
I guess being a whingey bored young adult raised by a single mom is pretty common here so you should've tailored it towards that rather than listing a bunch of normal things
Me no matter, me no happy
love these pics
give me a giggle
goobers unite.
based and nanana pilled.
Based and talking heads pilled
kill yourself familiaa
>full hairline
>only thing preventing drug addiction is accessibility
oh my feels
>imposter syndrome
Well that goes on the list of things i didnt know i had
I was pagliacci in middle school and high school, but now everyone avoids me
fuck off op, fuck right off with that horrificly accurate meme
hoo boy
i just wanted to grow my collection of these dumbs pics, not start a thread for dumb teens to masturbate their egos that 'hes just like me'
>dropped out of high school due to mental breakdown. went to uni and did the same
Fuck that's me
>gets annoyed by birds
why? birdes are FUN!
Birds are annoying as fuck
kek this is a good one, got me until the "qu'est-ce que c'est" part
wish I was clever enough to make one of these massel
Holy fuck thats literally me except the debt and the fact that ive been fapping pretty much nonstop since like 11
>laughs in free college
>wicked bass intro
Made me laugh. I like this one.
it kind of feels like someone just whips out photoshop and desribes himself
Ya, that's probably true. It's amazing how many people actually relate, tho. I wonder how many Jow Forums users would make excellent stand-up comedians for their relatable, self-bashing humour and they don't even know it
I dropped out of high school in 2013 and I'm currently in uni. Too afraid to admit I'm struggling and wanna drop out
It scares me how relatable some of these are
only thing left is to become a full blown neet and i would be complete
litraly me
literal shills or 30+ year old crypto-boomers. the cultural malaise is generationally ubiquitous for late millennials and early gen z. there is no cultural inheritance
>Closet atheist
Is it really something people are?
Observers and doomers make good friends.
Yeah im not really sure what that even means either
Maybe it was made by somebody who considers being religious as the 'normal' thing to be and therefore atheism being somewhat special.
Anyone got the "23 year old coomer" meme? I think it was 23
>Video games feel like a chore
God I hate this feeling. I just want to have fun like I used to be able to.
Thats because if you do the same thing over and over again you will get bored of it. Try finding something new an unique
I would assume people in Hicksville, USA where every other person is God-fearing would have to be closet atheists but otherwise no
How the fuck do you drop out of HS and still go to uni?
I don't know about other anons, but I live in Canada and was able to go to a number of universities after a certain amount of time passed. I dropped out in grade 11.
I built up a few basic credits, and from there I was basically allowed to go to any uni and still qualify for student loan.
yeah in Canada if you are older than 21 or 25 (forget which) you can apply as a "Mature student", you don't need high school diploma but the uni may test you in other ways
It's 21; you're also allowed to take any high school class you want online for free until that age. I took a few, then took a few at an online uni, then transferred to an in-person uni
this is me and I hate it
you aren't a true doomer unless you're an alcoholic or opioid addict
>kinda likes being sad
>"I deserve this"
fuck how do I stop bros
this is an organgutan post
> 'Used to have friends but never really connected with them' Always felt like there was like a pane of glass between other people and me. It's like we can hear and see each other but never really connect properly.
Fuck this really hit home, I'm 25 as well - feel like 40 something.
Me to a T, ouch.
>the cultural malaise is generationally ubiquitous for late millennials and early gen z
the solution is radical traditionalism
this is me but im 19
gloom gang ride or die
this one is based though
this one is really great
coming from a very multicultured family
traditionalism doesn't fix things is more like putting the dirt under the carpet
>radical traditionalism
>literally impossible to survive without engaging with technocrat globohomo
nah this its gay as hell
here, I fixed it. Rights aren't gay fuck you
honor above survival
they resonate in the most horrifying way and you know it, op.
damn, this one describes me the best so far, only difference is that I don't have a job
youre a retard moron
look at this goober knockoff.
i have this one and an alpha version of this one.
t. degenerate loser
Shit... Thats pretty fucking close. thats like a pre-doomer, hasnt given up on everything yet. still takes care of themselves
>tfw became the bloomer
feels diddely good men
>honor above survival
>radical traditionalism
youre a larping retard
pretty good but why the faggy makeup?
I thought it was a grill
maybe it's just raccoon eyes and poorly drawn eyelashes
or more likely that all gloomers are inherently faggots
>pretends to be edgy but secretly has a heart of gold