Now that I'm homeless I've had to come face to face with the crushing boredom of the normie world. Homelessness itself isn't a problem, this is a small and peaceful city that has a nice shelter with comfy beds. The problem is that it operates from 21-7 and during days I have to stroll around the city looking for something to do. Libraries are nice and quiet, but after spending 12 hours there every day for a week it loses its charm. What the fuck are you even supposed to do outside?
Now that I'm homeless I've had to come face to face with the crushing boredom of the normie world...
Be a nomad. Walk from place to place, never settling down.
Maybe even take the extra step and steal some life stock to bring with you.
Tell us more about the homeless life, user. Did you find homeless friends yet? Or a homeless gf? Where do you get food?
get camping supplies and start traveling the country
I get food from the store. Food is cheap, unless you are into fast food. No homeless friends or gfs. I know a girl and aguy though, the guy is trying to get an apartment and the girl, well, she probably does opiates. I've only met her a few times, she always asked for a cig. Never talked with her for real though.
Because of the shelters and stuff, you'd never know whether or not someone is homeless from the outside, unless they are total alcoholics. We just sleep at the shelters and in daytime do whatever.
And as for where I cook food, I go to this nearby camping trail near a nice lake, start a fire and cook. I have 1 small pot and it's all I need.
Boredom is the killer. That's probably why so many people start drinking/doing drugs.
Why not pick up a hobby? Something like drawing. You can pick up art books in the library and draw the cityscape as you stroll the streets.
kenttatie clubhouse
That's actually not a bad idea at all. I could learn to make some charcoal scetches from the places I personally find captivating... Though it's winter now, gotta wait a good 2-3 months.
Wrong city. Confusing right? t. jsuu
You could volunteer for a worthy cause. Maybe look around and see what organizations are looking for volunteers. For instance, animal shelters often need people to give the animals social time, which basically means playing with kittens.
You could also pick up the guitar. If you eventually get good enough you can play on the street for some extra cash.
Being homeless is super boring. I became an alcoholic for about 6 years, quit drinking and took up photography. Better yourself or keep digging that hole bro because the longer you're out there the more it changes you and the harder it is to reintegrate back into "normalcy" I dunno if that's good or bad tho. Been a "hobo" nearing a decade if you want any specific info.
second this, but try the flute too.
I saw a homeless man raking in a lot of cash with this instrument and it's not difficult to learn to play and more suitable to homeless life (small, won't get stolen or not be allowed into buildings etc)
It was money problems that got me here, but now I don't have a home meaning that my money problems have also disappeared. The pendulum swings both ways.
If you don't have EBT food stamps yet I'd suggest going to your local DHS office and telling them you're homeless so you can at least have food you want and not shelter food. Assuming you're in the U S A
this is much like the NEET experience. I don't want complete isolation for weeks on end, I'd like to get out every once in a while.
You really start to see the capitalist facade for what it is when you aren't a part of it. It's like time stops. The only thing their is to do is to consume.
Want to meet people? Even if you go to something like a cafe it's still considered weird to talk to strangers in there. You're supposed to drink your slop and get the fuck out. Very lonely
Start shooting heroin to combat boredom
Steal a bike ride it around, steal paint go do grafitti, ride trains, travel, hike, dumpster dive, shitpost and study stuff on the net. Thats what i do most the time.
walk around in nature? go for a hike or some shit
If you're in Oulu like your pic says why not hang out with me
Used to live there, I still like the memes though.
Sorry to break it to you, but making capitalism the ultimate evil doesn't help anyone. Because of capitalism I have a shelter to sleep in. Even if the whole world went red, I'd still consider those who worked as normalfags. Independent of politics or the status quo
Have another one while I'm at it
Not sure what you're trying to say.
He's just saying lots of social constructs are centred around money and i you have no money you feel outcast.
Social constructs are centered about being social, regardless if money is used or not. My point is that I'd probably end up outside no matter what. Because of capitalism however, I at least have a place to sleep.
Money has a huge place in being social, how could you engage normally without money? You cant go to cafe, nightclub or do anything that costs money.
>Because of capitalism however, I at least have a place to sleep.
do you think other economic sytems couldn't do the same if not better than that?
no they wouldnt mongrel no one would voluntarily take care of the bottom of society without compensation
Thats pretty subjective and i disagree
fucking faggot haha
Why is capitalism the reason you have a place to sleep ?
>fucking faggot haha
Hurr durr no ur a fookin faggut
wojack poster. get out normie scum everyone knows those are shill memes.
Because it's capitalist enterprise that allowed for the population to get this big and support us. If it wasn't for capitalism, none of us would be here. Communism has proven time and time again it cannot feed people, which is even more important than shelter.
there's a reason why hobos shamelessly beg for money and blow it on booze/drugs
trust me, I've been there
Stay triggered loser, accusations of normal faggotry are the last resort of retards.
>support us.
>If it wasn't for capitalism, none of us would be here.
>Communism has proven time and time again it cannot feed people
Im not well educated on communist history, but you are obviously shilling the same anti-communist shit.
Doubt you have been there, also the people you mention are bums not hobo's there is a big difference between the two
In addition, the administrators of communist systems discover quite rapidly that if they allow malingering, people will malinger. So after a brief adjustment period where they try out letting people not work if they don't feel like it, they quickly shift to "If you don't work, you will be shot".
Communists don't resort to mass terror because they're mean. (Although that helps.) They resort to mass terror because once they eliminate the profit motive, they only have two ways to motivate people - mass terror, and cheerleading. And cheerleading doesn't work.
OP sounds like he is where he is because he either doesn't want to work, or he believes he has psychological issues that prevent him from working (which is just another way of saying he doesn't want to work). He probably thinks, quite reasonably, that under communism he'd end up in a gulag.
No, it's obvious you're a retarded faggot
lmao imagine choosing to be homeless
i'll enjoy my nice bed, hot tub and awesome dinners thanx
enjoy your time pretending like you're some sort of modern nomad living as human detritus
Cry harder snowflake
Well, what he said:
Because of capitalism, we have a strong economy (its health can be debated but strong nevertheless). Because of that wealth housing the homeless comfily is a small expense and not a problem at all. Because of that I have a nice bed at the shelter- and even tea and a shower before I sleep.
But this thread got derailed real good real fast.
>He probably thinks, quite reasonably, that under communism he'd end up in a gulag.
Well said t. op
sorry but a huge part of the country most definitely does not have comfy homeless shelters for all due to mismanagement of funds and greed
take a look at anchorage Alaska where (during winter) they have lines of dozens if not hundreds of people lying down in the streets leading up to the shelter because they can't fit them all, and every summer thaw we get to dig bodies out.
this is not unique just to alaska, housing the homeless is a small expense but is not seen as a priority by those in power in many municipalities. you just happened to get real lucky, so I'd thank your local govt and maybe if you ever do get back in the workforce try and help out some of those who didn't get the sweet deal you got.
with unemployment where it is we need to focus more on making sure everyone has not only a comfy and safe shelter but the ability to easily transition back to making a good living for themselves.
do you look like a hobo? Do the library folk give you problems?
Hard to live regions are hard to live despite the system. What is your point?
I personally want to get a job and reclaim what I have lost, a good home. You sound like one who fights for societal changes, but you don't fight for the good of the society itself.
Whatever the case is, capitalism works.
Nah, the shelter has a good shower and I have shaving tools. I look like any other person. Though the library peeps have told me a few times "wow, you really love books", even though I just go there to sit on my ass. But I read 2-3 books per day, so perhaps it isn't wasted time.
Any recommended reading?
you sure are quick to jump to assumptions about my political stance based off of a few lines of text about homeless shelters being underfunded in the places the need them most, maybe you'd have a less blase viewpoint if you had to dig bloated corpses out of your backyard. but anyhow, i guess enjoy your vacation and hopefully you get your good times back in luxury town friendo
wtf?I dont think this is the normal way to think of societal problems.
>Oh, you are proletariat, but the wrong kind! Fuck off!
thank you capitalism I thik