OMG I just LOVE science!
Have you heard about the BLACK HOLE?
OMG I just LOVE science!
the guy in the pic was one of the main contributors to the code base that lead to the picture you fucking neet
Even space is a roastie
You cant technically see or detect the black hole itself, it doesnt emit any particles in visible light spectrum on its own. You'll also need to use far larger telescope then anything we have today, with megastructure-tier lens to physically see AT LEAST something that emits enough light so we could detect the visible dipping. This whole "black hole" thing is bullshit.
What if none of this shit is even true?
We shouldn't celebrate science so blindly as a society. It's becoming a meme.
Those fucking freaks lol
It's a visualization of a microwave image collected using a aggregate of telescopes across the globe. You might just be retarded.
the black hole itself is small as fuck, for example the supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy has the mass of a 4 million suns but it's so small that it could fit mercury's orbit.
taking an image even of that black hole is like taking an image of a dvd on the surface of the moon with a shit ton of dust in between.
Which still isnt a physical image of an actual black hole like so many articles claim it to be, and the light dipping spectronography achieved similar results.
No, but you can record the radiowaves and even the photons that are curved by the immerse pull of the hole. That light in the picture? Photons that were pulled in and curved around the hole.
>Which still isnt a physical image of an actual black hole
What the hell are you on about? Almost all photographs you see of space are false color, including nebula people jack off to all the time. It doesn't make it any less of an image. By your definition electron microscopes can't take images, which is a pretty useless definition.
Which is technically an image of photons from behind the hole magnified by gravitational lensing, but because no other objects do the same except massive constellations of stars on macro-scale, we clalled it a black hole.
>By your definition electron microscopes can't take images, which is a pretty useless definition.
I could go on and ramble on the definition of image itself, but this is Jow Forums. If you seriously think that anything we talk about here has any value, I suggest you to go elsewhere.
Technically almost every photo you take on earth is of photons that are bouncing off objects, not the objects themselves. It's as much of a image of a black hole as a cat photo is an image of a cat.
onions... the final frontier
It's funny to realize that absolutely no one reading this comment will accomplish anything remotely comparable to this, even the best among you are rats running the maze until you get too old and then die.
>I could go on and ramble on the definition of image itself
Don't bother. I have a dictionary and it agrees with me.
Conventional image aka true image is indeed produced by bouncing off photons. But this is no conventional image like those artcles like to present, its just another visualisation albeit with somewhat better accuracy because of better resolution provided by multiple telescope arrays.
lolspace big dude *smokes weed*
you don't think maybe you're romanticizing this autist just a little bit?
Dictionaries have varying definitions based off different purposes that the dictionary was created for.
Its like saying that you're great at math because kindergarten's tutor said so.
I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed over it. This is nothing new, we've all seen pictures like this hundreds of times before and with better image clarity.
>black hole
>isn't black
And? Sure it's just a picture. But it's a picture of something rare and ridiculously difficult to take. All anyone else can claim is "me have big home, me breed very good"
Actually it has the highest resolution we ever saw, the others were also visualisations based off dipping.
do you have a mental, or developement disorder by any chance?
What do you think the black thing in the middle is user
Stuff like this are getting discovered so fast no one really cares at this point when such things happen, remember when they send a robot to mars? I saw 2 pictures and it was another dead planet, remember when they sent a probe to Pluto? I saw two pictures and was already bored. Remember hubble deep space pictures from millions of galaxies? See the pattern, it's cool but no one really cares.
>But this is no conventional image like those artcles like to present, its just another visualisation albeit with somewhat better accuracy because of better resolution provided by multiple telescope arrays.
What exactly is the difference in your mind between this and a conventional CCD image that you could produce with a run-of-the-mill digital camera?
Not him, but its only your fault that you suck at finding people with no such disorders
Resolution and definition of an object you try to photograph.
Honestly I thought it was pretty neat being able to see what an accurate depiction of what a black hole is like. It can't be easy trying to figure out what a space that swallows up everything, including light is supposed to look like. What's the problem?
could you rephrase that coherently for me?
lol ok so what *isn't* boring to you?
it's literally CGI and (((they))) are not even trying to hide it
You could be doing something better then trying to accuse people of being mentally challenged if it pisses you off that much. Or by coherently, you meant calling you a brainlet, if thats what you did in the first place?
all digital photography is cgi you absolute moron
So if understand, in your mind the difference between a visualization and an image is one of precision?
your mom in a very original way desu.
Of course! It's all a ruse to find the secret nazi space fleet
Good thing scientific progress isn't only made to entertain the masses.
I'm sorry, is English a second language to you...?
The fact that some articles didnt correctly state the image. Not like their staff cares anyway.
So the manner in which news outlet report it changes it from an image to a visualization? Are you serious?
Yes, it is. It means that I had both motivation and dedication to actually learn something useful, while you're stuck here whining like a toddler.
Because it's literally the first real image of a real black hole
Everything else has either been artist's impressions, CGI, or indirect imaging through gravitational lensing (galaxies appearing distorted because there's a black hole in front of it when the telescope is looking at it) where you cannot see the black hole but you see a warped galaxy
Plus it's really fucking big
>are you serious?
No, I'm bored guy from anonymous imageboard.
no I'm here struggling to decipher this useful thing you half learned. I appreciate the efforts you have made but you need to spend a lot more time working on it because your sentences are indiscernible.
>your sentences are indiscernible.
only to you, brainlet.
>people are still posting the reddit spaaaaace image
When will the cringe end
just popping into this thread to say you should be embarrassed at this level of stupidity, i would stay backed out if i were you
You literally are the first person who ever said something like that during 4 years I was posting on imageboards or talking to other people, including native speakers in real life.
>29 years later it's still there
I do physics but not astrophysics. I have never studied general relativity beyond reading a few chapters in an intro textbook. Everyone asks me about it and I'm like "uh yeah thats the accretion disk uh"
Its your fault that you talk to stupid people.
>me: do you have a mental or developmental disorder
>him: not him, but its only your fault that you suck at finding people with no such disorders
mmm, perfect english
I'm willing to accept that, but the above is nonsense
shut up, you libtard
>I'm willing to accept that, but the above is nonsense
I'd like to imagine myself trying to explain someone that his sentences make no sense, but I cant. My life is miserable already, I dont think it could become this bad.
>a splotch of orange and yellow that i could exactly recreate in photoshop in under 5 minutes
>people give a shit
how does our world change at all from seeing the visualization of a visualization of a blackhole? wow, another unreachable cosmic giant that will never affect our shit lives in any way, really takes the sting off the pollution, political, racial, economic, social, cultural, and health bullshit currently tearing the earth we LIVE ON apart. FUCK SPACE, fix the fucking ground we walk on first before jerking off to your star wars fantasies, call me a brainlet all you want but nobody is even going to give a quarter of a fuck about this autistic image in under a month
People have been fighting over earth long before astronomy brainlet, tearing down a few dozen radio telescopes won't make things any better
It's a worthless garbage image. Go invent something useful, faggot eggheads.
and neither will shitposting and caring about whether a woman or a man shat out the first "real" image of a blackhole retard
So... A spy satellite?
Don't be silly user, it takes 10 minutes to kind-of replicate it on photoshop
Fuck this silly shit
Take this image and post it on social media, see how many people will think it's real. What's the difference between this picture and the actual one? Nothing.
Maybe? Still more useful than that image
But I was thinking something that would have a more tangible benefit to my existance than some satellite
hahah who the fuck is that basedguy
We did it gamers, another useless crap we accomplish as a species.
Ocean exploration when?
The reason its so popular is because theres nothing really newsworthy going on at the moment.
Also because an average looking roastie has been built up as doing it all singlehandedly (of course lies) and you know how normals worship anything to do with women.
Here's the actual image.
Also the (onions)boy that wrote most of the code is whiteknighting on how the work of that girl was ooh so important.
A few of the other team members have called out the bullshit but of course the onions will stick up for her because he's a literal faggot who mentions being queer every chance he gets.
it's opportunistic to virtue signal for a roast who is under the lens. you may not do it, I may not do it, but he's probably making a smart move
>doing it all singlehandedly
give me one article that says that
He's gay tho
I guess watching the black hole so long had an effect on him.
Why don't people jump over medical advancements as much as they do over MUH SPACE shit? Pseudointellectual niggers.
because in most cases it means some grandma can live for two more years to leech welfare or child mortality in africa goes up
medicine is not focussing on increasing the lives of normal people
Yeah the jews wanted us to believe we had a picture of a black hole because... uuuuuh reasons I guess
Oh, so you're a scientist now? Do you work for NASA? Nope. You have no credibility.
99% space shit is made up
lol you don't need to work for the NASA to figure out they collected radio waves and ran it through an algorithm on a computer to generate that image.
You can't really take a picture of a black hole, because there is simply no light being reflected, all you're gonna get is a distorted pic of a galaxy.
So yeah, this is probably the closest we can get for now, computer generated imagery but uglier.
oh no its a flatard
Again, you don't work for NASA. You have no crediblity.
>Appeal to authority
>pic related
I just feel bad for the poor guy who wrote most of this shit only to get fucking side winded by some bitch.
Because actual worthwhile medical advancements happen once every blue moon. If it came out that they'd found an actual cure for cancer (and not like those hundreds of fake ones that pop up in the pop science media every few months) people would be just as enthusiastic if not more so.
Most medical shit is just "we found a chemical that does the same thing as this other chemical we've been using but slightly better, but will still turn your liver into porridge after two decades of use".
Did you see his tweets? He's a roastie boot-licker. Fuck his onions guzzling ass.
it's a fake&gay, there is no such thing as "black hole"
both are jews, who gives a shit
Science has turned into a fucking cult. People will happily believe absolutely anything they're told as long as it's preceded by "experts say" and "research suggests." Even worse, then sciencefags will turn around and decry religions for blindly believing in scripture and sermon just because it's preceded by "God says" and "the Bible suggests." When did people lose the ability to think for themselves?
I mean it's not particularly unbelievable that they'd take a shitty blurry image of a blackhole, like there's no really any reason to question that because it would serve no one any purpose.
I guess people prefer experts to every brainlet out there thinking he's some kind of turbo genius.
It's an absolutely worthless nothing image of something we'll never actually reach in ten lifetimes. It doesn't do shit for anybody and wasted millions of dollars and man hours that should have been spent trying to fix the planet we're stuck on and keep fucking up.
>Posts anime
Opinion discarded. lul
It's cute that you think the planet can be fixed by tearing down a bunch of radio telescopes, stay naive user
This cost what? 23 million? That's pocket change by government standards, they spend more on fixing potholes every month.
>Which still isnt a physical image of an actual black
>by my deliberately narrow definition of the term "physical image" i have demonstrated that this is not an image of a black hole
>try again kiddo i can just keep changing the meanings of words all day and play these stupid solipsistic semantics games until words completely lose their meaning altogether
Oh, it's this episode of Dunning-Kruger user has no fucking clue what he is talking about. I've only seen this one about a thousand times.
sucks that muchosucho is down
I'm glad they can jerk off into their microscopes while my wagecuck job makes me contemplate death
why are there so many "I fucking love Science! NASA lol!" redd itors here now?