Best diet and nutrition life hacks...

Best diet and nutrition life hacks? Broke college student currently living off trader joe’s pre-made salads but looking to mix it up

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Other urls found in this thread:

>chicken breasts
>butter, lard and PB

That's all you need for basic survival in hard times.


Get a 20 lb. Bag of basmati rice and thank me later. Also chicken.

A $10 bag of rice and a $20 bag of chicken can last you the better part of a month. Just control your rice portion sizes depending on if you're bulking or cutting.

based bird of gains and her abortions

>no spinach, garlic, onions, fish and olive oil
never gonna make it

forgot these 2 bro

>Make your food in advance, probably during the weekend.
>Store in cheep dollar store containers
You no longer have an excuse to go for something fast and unhealthy
>Also good if buying in bulk

Attached: Rice.jpg (540x419, 38K)

>more protein than most other grains and cereals
>loaded with antioxidants, micronutrients, and omega-3’s
>full of insoluble fiber to keep you satiated
>used by Aztec warriors for sustained energy during battle
>cheap and and you can add them to just about anything

Is there any downside to chia seeds or are they really this based?

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Sv3rige videos on YouTube

>forgetting based deenz

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Buy in bulk if you can
Keep an eye out for sales on chicken/beef

Tuna and fish are expensive where I live, it's not a food for basic survival.

you will mostly shit them out if you dont grind or blend them somehow
but they are always good for gut health

you know you're shit at baiting, right?

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How do I eat these? I know they’re good for you but they gross me the fuck out.

canned tuna is dirt cheap especially if you buy it in bulk

Attached: ChickenOfTheSeaChunkWhiteAlbacoreTunaInWater5Oz.jpg (200x200, 22K)

phytic acid,
may give you the shits depending on gut health

only if you're a fatty since fiber will make you shit out your intestines if your gut health is abysmal

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>ravioli boyardee for cheap bulking food

my gut health is good, but I still don't like farting like a cow or having my calcium stolen by gr*ins

>trader joe's
I'm in the same boat as you and I do my grocery shopping for my meals there and every single time the total for all of the things I buy comes to less than $50. Bodybuilding meals don't need to be fancy, just eat your protein, carbs, and veggies with some water and you're all set, fren

nice rich piana reference

Attached: 5 scoops desu.gif (315x293, 2.48M)

or that too
and I was talking from experience from when I was a fat piece of shit and was getting into lifting

Don't buy pre-made anything. You are paying extra for the service of saved assembly time, which you as a student have anyway. And growing into adulthood you'll be making the jump anyway, the sooner the better.

Buy rice in bulk, and chicken as others in this thread said, those are the bread and butter and most importantly buy and learn to use spices, because the marginal cost of spices heavily outweigh the desire to kill yourself from eating chicken breast for four years.

put them into your mouth, chew a little bit then swallow

get rice eggs and chicken breasts on bulk

Either use mustard to add flavor or sauerkraut or both.

got a shit ton of chia seeds. how else can i consume them? i usually just put them on my overnight oats. but what else? is putting it on my drinking water good?

underrated post

I have a hard time just straight up eating a whole fish. Any recipes that have them blended or mashed up so they’re not looking me in the eyes before I eat them?

Same as said but mash 'em up with a fork or something.

get ones in lemon or onions sauce or something to cover up the fishy taste/smell
and take them with some strong-flavoured sauce like mustard or spicy sauce. Their texture is soft and flaky and they usually don't have a very strong flavour.
Recently started eating deenz myself and I have them with tomato juice and some thai chili sauce.

>Chicken of the sea
>not Tilapia

im poor as shit too. I wat mainly eggs, chicken, and veggies. For snacks its cliff bars, protien bars, bananas, and protein shakes. I also have tortillas, cheese, beans, and lunch meat as staples of my diet. I have been eating a combo of this for the past four months with small changes like pork or maybe adding protein pancake mix or popcorn.

You want basic survival in hard times motherfucker? Beans and rice. Fucking. Period!
Now, for below average to hard times, sure that shit was you said was good, but still, throw some beans in there.

>cliff(sic) bars
>protein bars

Maybe you shouldn't shop like a complete retardo and you would have money to eat healthy.

>lunch meats
>pancake mix or popcorn

Oh nvm, what the fuck are you doing on this board? Do you even lift?

I buy them at Costco and eat them as snacks. I do bjj and usually eat a cliff bar before so I can get some carbs. They end up being less then 75 cents each, fuck off. Popcorn isn’t bad for you and the protein pancake mix has pretty good macros while tasting half decent. Lunch meat usually ham or turkey which I mix in eggs, whatever is cheaper. Cheese is almost always super cheap. Yeah I don’t have a perfect diet but really the only bad thing is the cliff bars. I don’t give a fuck tho I like them.