Jow Forums
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Fitness #519
Life after Jow Forums
ITT: we write Grizzly a get well card one word at a time. I'll start:
"In a world without war,violence and machoism
Does... fruit make you fat? is it really just calories that count?
It's all over bros.... BLOAT is finished
Insecure friends
How do you know when you made it?
People of Jow Forums
1 million machines in the gym for leg raises and similar movements
Ok im tired
How do you guys deal with the fact that no one is enjoying your gains?
Doctor wants me to do cardio
Was he natty?
How many raw eggs do you drink a day?
What’s wrong with this guy
Gigachads son
Lift and finally become attractive to women
Why is grizzly so based bros
What are ways to naturally increase my testosterone?
If I see someone who is muscular, powerful, strong, physically fit...
Tfw 5'7
Do you have an unconscious (or conscious) height preference when it comes to who your friends are?
Daily reminder that if you cant squat at least 500 pounds you are a testlet
Best routine to achieve these results?
Traveling to cure depression
STILL no Jow Forums bf
Lopsided face advice
Redpill me on Kombucha
We confess our autistic reasons for lifting without fear of judgement
Jeff Seid
Are you still considered aesthetic once it’s obvious ur roided out?
How to get rid of lethargy and sleep inertia lads ??
Nofap/noporn thread
Will this be the best cutting tool of this decade?
Does using cannabis affect gains?
How does Jow Forums not snap?
I always thought not working legs was just a meme until I got to college. Out of all of my friends who lift...
Why does Jow Forums lift?
That guy who cares more for strength than aesthetics but doesn't do any sports
>Support thread<
Mikhaila Peterson
Money > muscles thread
Height discussions on Jow Forums:
Climbing bread
28 years old
Post your comfy Jow Forums meals
How did he do it? Why don't all fats just do what he did?
Tattoos are disgusting and for dege-
Another failed date
Spend entire life up until age 22 being sedentary, eating garbage...
Sorry if this is the wrong board im still a newfag but how would I go about learning to fight...
Why yes I rerack my weights, how could you tell?
University/College Thread
Horse Meat Pill
What is the ideal amount of body fat for a female?
How do I get into -real- yoga...
How to get thicker legs?
Therapist says I should stop working out so much. And stop posting here so much
>not being a prettyboy with a Jow Forums body
Been lifting for 7 years
What's the point in getting Jow Forums if all my nights end like this?
The Chinese cartoon says use a mixed grip for deadlifts...
Times you've been mogged
Meal Prep Ideas/Recipes
Gym cringe/beta male thread
/fast/ #476 The Lizard Diet Edition
This is the kind of body we girls naturally prefer...
How much did you spend on your jump rope?
What’s the point of lifting when you’ll always be a sub-6 inch dicklet?
We built America
Is keto a meme?
Sex is health
Power > looks when it comes to whores
What ways to target belly fat, no reddit 'impossible to spot reduce' answers allowed
vegan food doesn’t taste or look goo-
TRT experience
I hate this. I've been stuck in a fitness rut for over 1.5 years and I constantly feel like I'm flying blind...
I squatted 1pl8 for 5x3 today fellas
Does anyone have a collection of pictures like pic related?
Is being military the ultimate Jow Forums?
Reminder that your body was designed for running
How many months of weight lifting do I need to start lifting like her? she's so powerful
How much ya bench?
Why the fuck am I able to squat 120kg for 5reps and still have no ass jesus christ my pants look ridiculous and have to...
Can fit check my form?
Is living minimalistic the most Jow Forums lifestyle because every other resource you have can be used for ascension?
No coffee thread
Tell me Jow Forums, do you mog your father, or does he mog you?
I guess it's time to hop on gear
Why do some people even try?
Hired nutritionist and workout specialist; am i fucked?
You're not lifting only to be more "alpha", right...
Had super hot gf
Working out to Lana Del Rey
Jow Forums btfo
The words that destroy Jow Forums
Hypothetically, if you were a girl, how would you train? In your opinion, what does a girl's ideal body look like?
Lost weight, people trying to beat me up, girls hitting on me
What's the best type of girl?
What's the best pre-workout supplement and why?
NO MATTER WHAT I DO MY BENCH INCREASES SO SLOW I sleep 9 hours a night, enough protein...
You may think you're tough, but how dominant are your genes, Jow Forums?
>lifting to "improve your life"
Should I start boxing Jow Forums or is it not worth the brain damage?
ITT: Stuff you do to hype up before going to the gym
Nutrition tips for poor people
Is benchpressing 4 times a week enough for chest, triceps and front delt?
Is it possible for girl with flat ass to get a butt like this without surgery...
Can u guys remind me why ohp is a good exercise again I hit 1 plate for 4 rep yesterday 6”2 177 lbs
Is he natty?
Why am I horny when looking at internet pictures but can't get horny around decent looking girls who are sitting next...
Get mired by homos
When you see someone doing an exercise wrong should you walk up and correct them or let them injure themselves?
How do you guys cope with not having a big dick?
Back Thread - Don't neglect those meatshields, senpaitachi
Why has lifting made me attracted to black women
How many grams of this a day for diamond boners?
Does it even make sense to try and do bodybuilding while doing MMA 3x a week
Today's Workout
How come manlets always look more Jow Forums in pictures?
Post Jow Forums approved haircuts
What do you wear to the gym Jow Forums?
Ectomorph thread
Can you maintain a low fat/calorie recipe while cooking on cast iron?
Bath salts discussion
I have a plateau on hammer curls, bizeps curls and Benchpress. Evrything else is fine
Power clean day Bros. You do incorporate at least one Olympic type lift in your program, right Jow Forums?
Serious question
/fat/ - begone temptation
Am I ready for a cycle?
Daily reminder
It's out
How is gf-2019 going bros?
Is the alcohol jew the worst possible jew there is to fight? Alcohol leads to cocaine, alcohol leads to gambling...
Wtf is this
What are the actual benefits of cold showers...
I am terrified of having sex
Haven’t had sex in 2 weeks
I probably fucked up Jow Forums
How does one increase their T aside from nofap?
/MAG/ Martial Arts General
Help guys I'm at 65 and can't get it to go down
How Jow Forums are women in your country?
How do short men ascend in the modern world?
/Spartan/ Training
Fictional goal body thread
How do I fix this shit?
Don't mind him. He is just rowing your deadlift
Push up thread
Tfw can only do the bar+a few lbs OHP
I want to look like him! Who said you cant get muscle doing bodyweight/calisthenics??
Post your fitness goals
What was your original spark to get in shape? What keeps you pushing...
User... could you please put some sunscreen on me?
"boogie will never lose weight"
Stop lifting bro it's unhealthy
Which one and how Jow Forums?
I'm putting together a team
Tfw eating 500 calories (~2k deficit) a day to lose weight
Lifting hasn’t fixed my autism. How do I make personality gains so I can get a gf?
Im fat and need a beginner routine
Why yes, I have given up on myself. How could you tell?
Jow Forums humour
How can I look like him?
Hey Jow Forums, how do I control my lust and respect my partner? See...
Get some shit off your chest and dispel some negative feels
Most BRUTAL mogs
Living with someone who eats 90 percent meat and no fruit/veg, not cause of some diet he's just a massive manchild
Let’s settle this once and for all
75kg squat
Live Life
Could something like this actually work?
Who are your fitness related role models?
What are women average weight that doesn't include landwhales?
Is the rate of progression on couch to 5k feasible if I'm really fat...
There was a thread earlier about blood pressure, where the OP had 140/70 BP and heavy pressure behind his eyes...
How do we stop pic related
Cold shower Vocaroo challenge
Help a desperate pal out
I'm so fucking tired of my dad trying to gains goblin me with his outdated ideas of weightlifting...
Are facial exercises a meme?
Tfw never gonna marry a pair of thicc powerlifting waifus to love and cuddle with after every intense gym session
That young man who gets changed under a towel
Why yes I do do PPL, how did you know?
Not lifting for her
Post tummies
How the fuck do I cook these? It tastes like ass every time I try
How does Jow Forums like their coffee?
Is this peak female backside?
So I got this for like 3 bucks
Happy couple! Colin looked fit in a simple pair of swim trunks - Daily Mail
Will being muscular make you more attractive to women if you are a manlet or is it a cope?
The characteristic feature of all Germanic tribes was a long mustache and no beard
Why aren't you garlicmaxxing, Jow Forums?
What is the fastest way to tone my skinny biceps? Im not trying to look like pic related...
>He takes 2 scoops of whey
Want to be 190lbs
I'm Coyote Peterson, and this... is calling the janny a nigger
Ask someone who lifts since 2010 but never trained legs anything
Rate my dinner fit
Mods are dyel
Can someone redpill me on resistance bands?
Ok guys, theoretical neuroscientist reporting in
What hope is there for a 28 year old ugly beta autist meek charismaless loser male with no friends or social...
Does anyone else refuse to look at roasties at the gym...
Ideals Thread
Am I the only one here who watched this guy as a teenager?
How To Get Weed Out Of Your System Fast?
Jow Forums cursed images thread
Will I ever make it?
Female Midriffs
Is there anything g more cringeworthy than a RECREATIONAL lifter who spent actual money on lifting shoes...
Don't neglect your emotional health. Cuddle someone today
Which sport produce the most Jow Forums women? Deciding a sport to pickup in college
Jow Forums webm thread
People of Jow Forums, what do you think of her butt?
Tfw bald turbomanlet
Post your local gym dyels
I’m a fat incel. Any way I can fix this?
Finally hit 3pl8 deadlift
What did you eat today, Jow Forums?
When the Collagen Reaper knocks on your door you better be Jow Forums as fuck and not be balding
Unironically, why do Indians make the most aesthetic bodybuilders?
Imagine being a manlet and not look-maxing, getting easy gainz, getting /fa/...
You don't ACTUALLY believe in those silly somatotypes, right user?
Coffee makes you go bald
Fit I'm about 200lbs overweight. I'm getting into the gym finally
Mfw people spend 5 minutes on their phones between sets
I don't feel like going to the gym anymore
Why is protein powder so expensive? Where can I buy it super cheap?
2019... I am forgotten
What’s the point of being a natty Jow Forums?
Tfw ever non-overweight girl has a boyfriend
Mire thread
Ive been trying for a month now and i still cant bench 70kg
Remember to drink beer, have sex, and love life. There's no point in lifting if you don't enjoy life, user
Still not doing martial arts?
Boogie has officially proven Jow Forums wrong!
I'm turning 30 in a few weeks and am wondering if it's too late to get in good shape and ripped
Match with girl from gym on tinder
PR/Victories thread!
Lmao fuck you guys
When did you fellow vegans discover B12 is a meme pushed by the pharmaceutical industry to sell supplements...
90 grams of protein a day
Thoughts on BalkanGigaChad aka BGC the King of Jow Forums?
What do i do if I'm 5'7 120 lbs and white at 26 with a baby face? I got told someone thought i was 16 the other day
Redpill me on liver meat
What's healthier? Grass-fed (and finished) raw milk, pasture-raised, third-party-certified eggs, or grass fed beef...
Why do bitches at the gym have this obsession with the smyth machine? I don't fucking get it
How tf you clean bulk guys?
Why does Rippetoe say that chin ups can replace bicep curls since it's the same movement when it clearly isn't?
What are some cookie cutter things you used to do pertaining to fitness?
>tfw I don’t have time for the gym
Who else voicelet here? I can't talk loud without actually shouting...
Just shave it bro
Steak tartar is literally THE HEALTHIEST food on Earth
How would lifting have saved him in this situation?
Anti Meat Propaganda
Be genuine 6' 1/2" barefoot
See myself in mirror
How's the summer cut going Jow Forums?
Benched 1 plate for two reps today
What lifting stats do I need for a woman like this?
I’ve been doing SS for a while now (I weight 175 lb) and in the process
How do I lower my bodyfat percentage when I'm already lean-ish?
CBT: Don’t wanna lose my tan edition
Fucked this thai escort just now
You're not still buying chicken breast as a protein source, are you...
Just hit 26. My body is trash. Friends are gone. Girls dont like me. Mom is schizo. Dad has not called me in months
Is bigger than you while following a plant based diet
Why do we allow women to wear makeup while making it taboo for men to do it...
Side Lateral Raises - Push or Pull
Varicocele Removal
Is prostate orgasm the ultimate redpill?
Better listen to what the world class strength athlete is commanding you to do little twinky dyel
Best Mode
The biggest hack in the fitness industry
People of Jow Forums, which ass do you prefer?
36 eggs a day = dbol cycle
Started running a few months ago, 3 days a week in the beginning
No coffee day1
Redpill me on shrugs. Are they waste of time or actually useful? If so, what's better barbell shrugs or dumbbell shrugs?
It's literally fucking impossible to lose fat
Day 13
How much will this kill my muscles
Turn 30
What's a good ab routine?
Tfw no tan ab wheyfu
Decline bench press
Meanwhile, on female Jow Forums
Cold shower Vocaroo challenge
Tfw living in a Muslim country where 80% of the gyms are men only
53 BPM
Find 1 Flaw
This could be you some day
Fitness on stimulants
What do you guys think about going for some sport in the morning after waking up and before the breakfast...
What do you do to pump yourself up for a workout?
If carbs are evil then why don't hardgainers just eat them and solve their problem of not being able to put on weight?
Tinder general... dubs decides what I say
You can't feel inferior
Is anyone here practicing fencing for them sweet forearm gains?
Tfw no sexy, petite, 95 lbs sister to workout with. Why even lift?
How to achieve this physique natty?
My regard for women is very low
Is this peak facial and body aesthetics or peak autism
How do i look like I lift in clothes?
UK Meet Up
Unironic question
He's intelligent, Jow Forums and has a good sense of humour. Why the hate?
Been lifting for about 6 months now. Was taking creatine for the first 3 then stopped...
/fast/ #475 We Out Here Fasting Edition
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Sleeping on the floor
How much you boys paying for gym membership?
Is anyone else gay? How do I get a hot boyfriend at the gym?
Why do you lift?
Is this true? Do nips really not like muscles?
When your bicep measures only 16 inches
Press L to laugh at mentally ill lookism obsessed autistic incels
What are your thoughts about bulking with ramen?
ITT: brutal fitness Redpills
Holy fuck this dude is based as fuck
How can you subtlety convince your girlfriend to get fit? No, I’m not leaving her...
Anyone here have any experience with lifting after smoking weed? Was it positive/negative/didn't do shit?
How can I get rid of this double chin? Fuck man I'm only 24 why is my neck getting fat already...
9 pm, I hope you're done eating, user!
What's Jow Forums's opinion on greek yogurt?
Dinner's ready, user!
Any former boozers here? Trying my best to quit so I can get fit. Seeking guidance
Dopamine Deprivation Therapy General
What’s the best lifting regiment/diet/ MMA discipline for punching Nazis?
Hi Jow Forums first time poster so here I go
Does money solve insecurity?
/fat/ - Devilish Edition
Post em
Please explain how this fat fuck has this hot girl on his shoulder, Jow Forums
Will watching 'blacked' ruin my fitness goals?
For how long does a sunbathing sesion last in terms of vitamin D?
Whats your relationship with your gym receptionist like Jow Forums? I cant wait until they get replaced by a machine...
Jow Forums meals
How do i convince my gf to stop being lazy and come to the gym with me?
Any Jow Forums present ideas for my lil bro's birthday? He's already got lifting shoes and belt
Do you skip leg day Jow Forums?
Rate my progress
24 Autistic Questions About Gymnasium Pragmatics
Post your local gym dyels
How are you supposed to use the dermaroller?
Trips decide
How long until she realizes she can do better?
Jow Forums stats
Does fasting burn muscle mass?
Anime/manga goal bodies
Help me, I am 18, 6'1, 165lb, 15%-16% body fat birthing who is a framlet with a 20in shoulder width
Unmotivated because of genetics
People of Jow Forums, do you think she's chubby?
How do i make brain gains, Jow Forums?
So what is Jow Forums's consensus on this? Was she hit by a real plate or not? And why?
Why do all these Protein powders claim to be from New Zealand cows?
/cigarettes/ thread
This is unironically the dream body
How do I get the Adam Kovic physique?
He looks better than all your homosexual bodybuilding and aesthetics heroes and he doesn't train for aesthetics
Jow Forums approved comics
Balding/thinning hair copes
Are dumbbells ultimately superior to barbells? I've only been lifting for a few months...
Lifting for this
Hey Jow Forums h-have you guys ever fucked a fatty I’m 6”2 and am ottermode and I did the unthinkable I hooked up...
Just ordered pic related, been squatting barefoot until now. What shoes does Jow Forums squat in?
Is it even possible to eat carbs without becoming a fat fuck?
Go to water park with friends in the US
For all of you that are following a ketogenic diet including the Atkins diet you should all be aware of the negative...
Redpill me on mewing
Im a 19 year old male who can’t imagine myself in sexual fantasy’s and I have lost a lot of that sexual charge that...
Lifting weights is hard and not fun
Reminder that farmer's walks are crossfit
16 peanut bars, a full pizza, and 6 brownies. Why the fuck are my genetics making me so hungry
Is weed really that bad for you?
Vegan Health Benefits
Is lifting to IRA songs redpilled?
What the fuck? Can someone explain this shit to me?
Who else here is completely fed up with chicken breast ?
How am I looking?
So was he doing ohp or squats?
"People" hogging 2-3 pieces of equipment doing "circuit training" or "power sets"
Is he the strongest man to have ever lived?
How do I get a qt varbie gf?
Why yes I am the best meme to come out of Jow Forums in the past couple years why do you ask
Can I still become a twink at 24 or should I get over it and become muscular instead
Is this possible
Bad day at gym
And behind this door is user’s roo-
Is it true that exercise will actually make you die sooner?
I have to run 2 8 min miles to get into the army, rn i can only run a 14 min mile, i got a month to shave it down...
Why is he so aesthetic?
How do i get a swimmer's body?
How the FUCK am I supposed to clean my ears without using q-tips?
Are farmer's walks a meme? There isn't enough open space in my gym to do them but I feel like I'm missing out
Just got my new test results
Hate having a small wrist makes my fucking arm look tiny REEEEEeEEeEeEeE I WORKOUT GOD DAMN IT Reeeeeeee
What is THE most effective bicep curl for gaining mass?
Have sex
QTDDTOT -Summer is almost over Edition
Drinking and lifting thread
Women barely need to make any effort to look good. It's not fucking fair
Less obvious Jow Forums role models thread
Start taking omega 3 caps because Jow Forums told me it's based
What/Who do you lift for?
Are leg days important for overall muscel growth? or its just a meme?
Bulk vs Cut
This is so hard to do. Any tips?
What the fuck is this?
Deadlift hate thread
The holy trinity of making it:
Why do I keep waking up after 4 hours of going to bed?
....He’s not going to make it is he?
What do i do? Besides go to a doctor because i am American and i cant
Anyone else punch things to make their knuckles stronger?
Low T
Is this achievable natty?
Do I need to be STRONG in order to be BIG?
Can this be fixed? What kind of time frame am I looking at to recomp this into an attractive body
Post your face during the last rep
Back thread
What does Jow Forums think about bread? I live in a country where it is like an essential food...
Is the average untrained man strong enough to beat a female MMA fighter?
Are small butts superior to big butts?
Is 30 too start to lift? Will I never look like I lift?
What Motivates You Jow Forums?
Is this ok on a cut?
If a cute girl does ass to mouth is it based or cringe?
Why do fatties and high bodyfat powerlifters refer to anyone that isn't bodybuilder big as "small"?
Anyone here got clavicle lengthening? How do you do it? Where did you go...
How come men who take care of themselves barely age?
Are lateral raises a scam?
There it is
Girl I'm seeing is into "pole-fitness," as in pic related. Is that a bad sign?
Anyone notice?
Eating fat is great for weight loss as it satisfies your hunger
Steroids are to men what makeup is to women
No career
Fat hate thread
What's your routine for a broken heart?
This is absolute bullshit, isn't it?
This is the body of someome who lifted while eating a normal diet AND DRANK ONE FUCKING GALLON OF MILK A DAY
What cardio do you do?
Daily reminder:
What exactly is wrong with this picture? besides the dude looking a little dorky?
Swimming isn't a Chad sp-
How do I cure my twink physique, Jow Forums?
Doing pull ups in park
Monstra Ultra, smokes and coke are what skinny girls are made of
He was doing OHP
How do you know you're not gay if you never kissed at least 1 man to see if you feel anything?
/no caffeine general/
How much fat do you like in your milk?
Girl at work reported me to HR because i touched her waist when we were talking
Are You Doing "No Music" Jow Forums?
Best ways to meet fit chicks without creeping on them as they work out in the gym?
Reddit fit tards
Which sport has the most Jow Forums women?
Looksmaxing doesn't wor-
Seborrheic Dermatitis
How do we make american healthier...
Will lifting help prevent situations like these from happening to me?
Tfw post workout cig
New girlfriends Vag really smells. Other than that she's perfect, attractive, can cook, etc. What do I do...
How much money a week do you spend on chicken?
Is this the secret and the ultimate redpill ever?
He can't do 1/2/3/4
Convince me to not fap right now Jow Forums. I’ve refrained for 11 days and I’m feeling horny as fuck right now
Ask the natty deer anything
How do I get mire'd as a manlet?
Why the fuck is my dick broke
How am i looking? do i need to add more mass or am i fit enough? i don't want to get too bulky tho
6-7x5-5.5 is the ideal penis for the average girl
Girl admits that she masturbates to pictures of me
Thoughts on Oxandrolone (Oxandrin, Oxanobol etc..)?
What's your excuse?
Help Jow Forums
Why haven't you taken the cardio pill yet Jow Forums?
What is the best and most simple diet for building muscle?
Why do /madeit/ people suicide?
/plg/ - powerlifting general - Tranny Shills Plz Go Edition
Do these really work? I just feel my fucking back hurting
Any feeders here?
Is this the real secret to cutting. I’ve lost like 40lbs of body fat over the past month from this shit
Dopamine fasting
Uncle going vegan
Social Fitness
Why is Dwayne the rock trying to hide his real height?
Why don't you stretch as part of your workout?
Has anyone tried these posture harnesses? Is it worth my time or is it some bunk fad...
Be talking with coworker
Drink green tea every single day
Jow Forums in Asia?
Increasing Height
Salt water fasting
Air Force Diet
Dinarids.. the tallest people in the world. God it feels so good to have these superior genes...
Tfw gay alien scull
How the FUCK are you supposed to balance being Jow Forums and med school?
Ever wanted to join the body improvement club? No problem, come take a look!
Rate my 4 year natty transformation
Does anyone else here eat oatmeal? Appears to be good for gains
We’re all gonna make it
Failed Reps
Is using a slingshot cheating while benching?
Will my future son be a manlet?
What is the most DANGEROUS thing you can do at a gym?
Obesity in the USA from 1990 to today
Is it OK to use straps on my last sets? On barbell rows, deadlifts etc
Yo Elliott!
He needlessly works out
Whats your go to PR song
Art hoe made fun of my gains today bros. said it's a vestigial organ of patriarchy or some shit...
Can we get a symmetric strength thread going?
University starts in a couple months
How much to tip?
Goth Fitness
How to get taller at 18 Y/O
Is this achievable natty? what routine would i do?
Which water do y’all “trust” the most?
What's your excuse for not squatting?
Why is Jow Forums so racist against East Asians?
How do i achieve pic related?
See girl you liked in highschool/college
Jow Forums is this is meme or not? If not how do i be more productive in the gym during that one hour?
Where do Jow Forumsizens save their money? For me it’s whey container!
Low Test
I am gonna start taking creatine
/fat/ - Sinners edition
I lost a friend today. A big unit of a cat named Kaiser...
Jow Forums bachelor pad items thread
Mire thread
What happened to men, Jow Forums? Why is it now acceptable, and even celebrated...
Just give it up goys- I mean, guys. You'll just end up gaining all that weight back in 20 years anyways
He chugs water on an empty stomach
How do I optimize my gf's fat distribution?
alcohol and recreational drugs
How does mdma affect /fit goals...
Will I lose gainz???
How do I stop being skinny fat?
Push-up thread
Does anybody else feel trap bar deadlifts more in their quads than their hams/glutes?
How many reps is too many reps for hypertrophy?
Dear god Im lonely, horny and depressed. Would getting fit help with that?
Have great bench day
Gentle reminder that anyone - especially you - can make it
The brain is a muscle... is yours yoked?
Perfect Bulking Food
How do we stop pic related
We found a cure for manletism
Quitting coffee is so hard
Tfw it's a 1-wipe wonder
Are all carbs poison?
Who else /buzzpill/?
Redpill me on working out high. Does weed actually lower test and kill gains or does it have its uses for exercise?
Let’s make up lies to tell normies about how we stay fit
Post your local gym dyels
Push Ups and Bench Press
What is the better program?
Gym schizophrenic asks his headbro to spot him on a 4 plate bench
If thots can get away with wearing a sports bra and see-through leggings to the gym do you think I can get away with...
Taking a week break
/fph/-fat people hate
Why can't I just be a healthy BMI?
Gaining weight inspo and discussion
Dubs decide
Well yes, I do supplement creatine. How did you know ?
Thoughts on this heavily bastardised texas method?
Season full of fit waifus and exercise themes
/JustJuji/ Glycopumped Edition
Whose celebrity do you lift for? I lift for Billie Eilish
Daily reminder that farmed salmon is poison
Honestly what's the point of lifting if you're Asian? You'll never be 6'5 and attain Greek God levels of aesthetics
Is a 3 day full body split even possible? There are many compound exercices that you can't do in one session right...
Guy at work keeps touching girlfriend
Do people unironically do bro splits. I talked with someone recently who said he was just doing chest...
Lifting weights in the gym so you can get jacked
There's a problem with skinny shaming in our modern society. Girls are pressured to be thicc or fit...
What do you guys eat for breakfast? Post macros
Ooooh my legs hurt
Im going bald at 18 and i look dogshit without hair
What does Jow Forums get from McDs
Vegan for two weeks
My bmi is 18.6 but I'm still way fatter than the instagram models my bf follows
What is the alternative to GOMAD if i'm allergic?
QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of doing dead hang weighted pull ups next to someone struggling on the lat...
Ive just done 6 grams of cocaine with the misses, 700mg of viagra, and shagged so hard my cock is swollen
How true is this, Jow Forums?
Do you groan, moan or hiss when you start straining Jow Forums?
How do I get 150g+ of protein while only eating 2000 calories?
Aid Mubarak Jow Forumsizens
So long, Jow Forums
WHY do you even lift?
CBT, do I shave my body hair edition
You can do a pullup, right user?
Do 100 squats without stopping
How am I supposed to concentrate at the gym when it's full of fat hogs bouncing around in tight workout clothes?
So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming
What makes honey healthy but a chocolate bar unhealthy?
Is it bad that I can incline bench press more than I squat?
Halloween is soon. You niggas best be preparing
Who here /skateboarding/?
What's you to go sip Jow Forums
Femanon in need of help
University/College Thread
Is my posture fucked?
Should men be banned from gyms?
Was able to do 2x30 with 15lb dumbells
Do you need to do hypertrophy if you want to build strength? I've been focusing on 5 rep lifts for more than a year...
Imagine being attracted to the girl on the left
Shit genetics thread
Fat as fuck
What is your favorite source of protein?
High Test thread
Is it better to go to failure or not?
I'm a P.E. teacher. AMA
Natty Deer
ITT: your last rep face
Big lenny nutsack
I'm just here to work out without being stared at
I literally only eat chicken, rice, eggs and raw milk. And olive oil that I stir fry the rice, eggs and chicken in...
Workout rate/improvements thread?
I heard milk reduces Testosterone levels, and i drink like 1/4 galon of milk a day (cow milk)
I swear I'm gonna fucking do it
Gf broke up with me just now. Haha
That feel when you can text with a girl for days, even weeks...
Benefits to chewing gum?
Girlfriend has been going to the gym with another man
Do I look weird?
Any1 else fell for the GF meme?
Is there any exercise that can give me hooded eyes?
Okay Jow Forums I need your advice. Here is the story
Which supplements actually work?
Jeff says it's okay to bench with your feet up. Thoughts?
Canadian fitizens. Unfortunately all the diet guides are for Americans for American products
Rest days
”hey hehe”
Used to be obese lardass
What is your OHP/Bench Press?
The red pill is some people just look better big, guy on the right looks horrible...
Takes your bench for Instagram exercises
I have a collection of hot sauces!
S O Y B O Y - S T O R I E S
How the fuck does this FtM Trans have more muscle gains than me and other gym goers I know...
This is what human beings are doing to themselves purely out of vanity
I need an autistic breakdown of how to go to the Gym
Benchpress with the bar or dumbbells, anons? Which one and why?
What your go to cheat meal?
Wife's away for the weekend
Can I gain 10lbs of muscle with body weight exersises and dumbbells?
Be me
Is there a more powerful supplement than mires from a qt?
Visit parents house for the weekend
What program are you running currently? Any PPL Chads here?
Jow Forums look improvement pill
He cooks his eggs with butter then adds salt
You can hate him, laugh at him, criticize him, etc...
Our hero
and I love that
How do I look?
What are the best Earphones for the gym?
What's the top tier way to un hair your balls
Why am I so weak?
Who do you lift for?
Be in gym
Sit Rise Test
How the fuck can I train to be better at cunnilingus?
Should women be banned from gyms?
How can i be more rational than emotional?
How was your workout, user?
So I always see photos of people getting their goal bodies in like a year...
People drink poison
Are you supposed to be able to always take a deep breath with that satisfying feel...
Changes in my body. Foul-smelling shit
Are women the ultimate gains goblins? should we just start fucking each other
What kind of dudes does she fucks
Gf suddenly decided that she wants to start putting on muscle
Does roiding through puberty help you grow bigger
Should I drink raw milk?
Mire Thread
Reminder that rugby players don't train for aesthetics and they're drowning in more pussy than your homosexual...
I will show them
Which one would get more females Jow Forums?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not training to run at least a semi-marathon
Doesn't do cardio exercise
Be honest Jow Forums. how much can you guys bench?
Are girlfriends really gains goblins, or is it just a meme?
Dudes im fuckin 5’5 120 pounds but no matter how much i eat i cant gain weight and if i cant gain weight i cant put...
Do I have Diabetus
I need to learn these how to do these three gymnastics movements to get accepted in a sports science programme at a uni:
Which is the best whey protein and why...
Hows my back?
Is there anything more cucked than donating blood?
How would a euro feel about a 6'5" 220lb ex college football player native hawaiian visiting their cunt...
What is this exercise called guys? Is it good for my thighs?
Am i finished? i personally think it's not that bad
Manlets when will they learn?
How to gain size without gaining fat?
How do you stay motivated?
When does the bar count?
Imagine 2pac in a gym
Mfw this is natty
About to watch this. Will this motivate my ass to go to the gym?
Hello Jow Forums, which boards you post/lurk and which memes have you fall with?
Why do you have to worry about your form when you're deadlifting?
Qtddtot - questions that don't deserve their own thread
Are deadlifts an important exercise for weightlifters?
Tfw 275lb deadlift PR
How do I get my gf to work out?
Effects of mouth breathing?
Upper body day
Dad 6'3 mom 4'11, how tall will i height
Is it weird that I'm a straight male but I find the sight of vaginas somewhat disgusting? Oh and they smell bad too!
How do you become an alpha male?
Alright incels time to man up
Jerk off four times in nine hours after a five day nofap streak
Okay i need to get this shit off my chest to anybody
There's nothing more disgusting
There will be no excuse to be a manlet in few yrs
Heart health
Help hello ? how health is poop ?
Is a 3000kcal deficit too much? I need to lose 30lb in the next five weeks
Legendary Horse user
43' chest
I DID IT Jow Forums
Sexual health thread
So whats the best day fuel morning food to eat? Currently eating eggs with toast, is there something better?
Is this achievable natty?
How does he do it? im stuck at 365lb deadlift
Inspiration thread
What the fuck fit
"user, I'd like to introduce you to my dad."
Go to gym
How long did it take you to reach 1pl8 bench?
I just got a new pin board...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship