Why does America have a huge fast food culture?

People are eating this shit up by the dozens? So much overweight people where I live. these fuckers say any muscular or fit people that wear a proper fitting shirt as "showing off"

fuck is wrong with this country??

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Fast food is great if you don't order a ton of food. The problem is everything is so calorie-dense that it's effortless to end up eating 3500+ for the day without trying.

unmatched devotion to capitalism

American culture is all about consumption. Corporations and government have helped engrave the idea in the average Americans mind that they should always be consuming more. There is no serious emphasis on health or fitness in schools either so you have generations of Americans growing up who don't give a second thought to what they put in their body

Have you seen the state of their president? Guy looks like a bin bag full of Greek yoghurt in a baggy suit.

Fries and Soda are huge gainz goblins but honestly the sandwiches aren't that bad by themselves.

It's because they're soulless mutts with no free will, bending to their (((overlords))) without any mental resistance or real thought. They're comfortable LARPing online and defending their proud "country" instead of doing anything productive.

better than shitty socialism and communism

bruh i put in the work im gonna show off a little
stop eating so much fatties, its not hard at all. i get breakfast at a deli nearly every morning and every time more than half the people there are overweight


>these fuckers say any muscular or fit people that wear a proper fitting shirt as "showing off"

what kind of fucking people do you associate with, I've literally never heard or read a single person say something like this?

I believe Obesity is the last problem that United States of America is experiencing

It has nothing to do with that you fucking brainlets. It's availability and price. Literally nothing else. Most people would eat healthier if they could in general.

>it has nothing to do with capitalism
>Most people would eat healthier if they could in general.

meh, there's just as many people that know that good diet and exercise is probably the most important thing in life, I live in kind of a ghetto neighborhood and the gym is still pretty full every day.

thats a product of consumerism you quadruple nigger

>surrendering all personal authority and self governance to an all-powerful state
Noballs faggot I hope you get pushed in a mass grave

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Or being told you're too skinny or dont eat enough because your belly isn't sticking out



I know this because Jon Oliver said so

Cheap and nutritious food is not difficult to get. Its just fatties doing what makes them fat to begin with. Being fucking lazy and not putting in any effort to cook or prepare anything themselves.

Beans and rice is cheaper than chickfila you fucking mongoloid idiot

Bill burr looking ass

Not a fucking argument.

Consumerism is a result of shitty people, not necessarily shitty government.

I agree, but fatplebs prefer convenience.

chickfila is at least 10x more delicious though you 3rd world shit stain

Most Americans here can't cook and this is what causes obesity. Now you might ask the following question. If people can't cook how do they survive? Also, people weren't always fat in America it's a fairly new trend. What does that have anything to do with cooking?
Well Tiny Timmy these are great questions. Back in the day men couldn't cook but at least the women could. This meant that guys would stay home and eat their mom's meals until they got married and their wives cooked their food. Most men today still can't cook but the women can't cook either. Kids are growing up eating Mac and cheese out of a fucking box. When kids get older they move out and just eat out all day because they can't fucking cook. They didn't grow up in a cooking family so they just can't. Girls eat shitty microwaved food or fast food until some STEMcel Timothy takes them out to a restaurant. Guys eat shitty microwaved food or fast food until they take some girl out to eat in hopes of getting their dick wet.
Cliffs: people don't know how to cook

Cooking, nutrition, and fitness are "try-hard"
It's crabs in a bucket

The dating scene not treating you well, champ?

>Most Americans here can't cook and this is what causes obesity.
I think they can. The problem is that no one has time and things are more convenient.

>he cares about taste and not gainz
as expected of an amerilard

>people are excused from their obesity because tasties exist

Because fat, stupid, yet complacent people are easy to control. Make the population docile and get stupid people emotionally invested in useless movements and distract them with shootings so that they don't question big brother

More fatties means shredded sick cunts such as myself are more rare

post body

Where did I say that you fucking subhuman. Chickfila is objectively better tasting than beans and rice. Not even in your voodoo culture would people dispute this.

I highly doubt it. I can meal prep for 4 days in an hour. That's 2 hours per week I usually need to spend on cooking.

Yeah you can eat all the Chick-fil-A you want but it's more expensive and is probably less healthy. Haven't tried it yet although I plan to but regularly eating outside burns your money and is probably less healthy

post calves

>chickfila is at least 10x more delicious though you 3rd world shit stain

spoken like a true fatty

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Any fast food is a gains goblin, except maybe Chipotle and only for bulking, and only some serve legitimately good food. If you try any Chickfila would be a good choice user.

The same guys who post things like that also complain that healthy food is too expensive. Rice,chicken breasts,and beans doesn't taste very good but they're cheaper than fast food or Argentinian steak with asparagus.

most fatties would consider this a burden. Again, shitty people -- it ain't the le fucking system.

Yeah I eat fast food once in a while but mostly eat the stuff I eat because it saves me money and at least I know it didn't come out of a beaver's dickhole. Been hearing good things about Chick-fil-A so I'll have to give it a try one of these days

>socialism is bad
Depends, is it International Socialism or National Socialism?

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Its because the government is run by special interests that are in essence mass murdering the populations of men. How?

(a) they're effecting a macro-economic environment where people can easily consume high amounts of sugar, carbohydrate(also sugar), this became an unfotunate reality after WWII, where they could completely rewrite traditional dietary standards. ie the reduction of meat and the mass increase of plant matter.
(b) they're pushing dietary recommendations that are extremely fattening, insulinogenic and inflammatory, ie "Standard American Diet" and the anti-fertility death cult Veganism
(c) fat + carbohydrates(sugar) in equivalence, balance is the most fat storing, inflammatory response possible and is noted in a human physiological treatise called "The Randle Cycle"
(d - 0) we employ the Randle Cycle commercially on factory farms by giving animals tons of grains, corn to fatten them up within 12-14 months for slaughter
(d - 1) the animals have to be heavily medicated to prevent their livers from being outright destroyed, including anti-biotics because the grains also destroy their immune systems, stomachs, etc
(d - 2) humans also suffer similarly where centralized government medical "authority" pushes a paradigm of pharmacology to treat symptoms, like humans are nothing more then farm cattle

In short summary, the plutocrats are mass murdering and committing war against the populace, both as a means to reduce the populace, their ability to successively reproduce and as a way to profit from it at the same time. The cunning of these effects is that the public is illiterate about nutrition, and the macro economic effects of the plutocrats actions on their health.

>only people I know who're perceptive of these effects are high IQ
>the rest just defer to the government out of pure solipsism or due to their inferior intellectual capabilities.

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>duh gubmint make me eat it

We're not educated to know that it's bad. It should be common sense that fast food is bad for you - think about all of the oxidized pufas ready to release ROS in your body, or the way the food is crafted to induce overeating - but everyone thinks "muh macros" and "it's convenient."

No, people know it's not healthy. I talk to obese patients every day and they almost all say they can eat better

>Cheap as fuck
>Manufacturered to to be as tastey and addictive as possible
>Dopamine hit from eating calories quickly
>No effort required to cook
>Absolutely no nutrition taught in schools
>General laziness and stupidity
Pick one

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I've heard it from girls flirtatiously and from scrawny guys

Ever think about learning to cook? Fat retard


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You have to have a room temperature IQ to even think that I implied I can't cook in that post.

>Randle Cycle for the low IQ who don't know how to use the Google search function.

Randle Cycle Hypothesis

It is thought that the Randle cycle can explain the reason for type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance[iv][v]. The hypothesis is that combining fats and carbs together promotes obesity and metabolic disorders because of confusing the body’s priorities for burning these fuel sources.

Insulin and glucose uptake inhibit the oxidation of adipose tissue fatty acids in the presence of glucose-derived glycerol 3-phosphate[vi]. When you eat carbs or spike insulin, you slow down burning fat because of raising the insulin to glucagon ratio towards higher insulin.

Eating fats alongside high insulin and carbs shuttles the fat into body fat stores much more easily and quicker because of the higher insulin to glucagon ratio. Lipolysis will resume once the insulin-glucagon ratio drops to a higher glucagon state.

The most important rule of nutrition is to not eat high amounts of fats together with carbs that spike your insulin. This is what the standard Western diet is composed of. Not only does it make fat storage much easier on the physiological level but also over-rides hedonic control mechanisms in the brain thus making you want to over-eat because it feels rewarding.

(Randle Cycle - Simplified Explanation)

(Technical Explanation)

So tell me children, how is it the government not trying to mass murder us? Not even veganism is as bad as the "Standard American Diet", its and a defacto deficiency diet.

>you can't you stupid fucktards, its blatantly obvious through known biological mechanisms

Technical explanation also reveals mechanistic functions as to why carbohydrate metabolism is toxic in humans, ie is the optimal pathway towards metabolic disorders such as Diabetes.

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See () for response.

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you forgot incels, roasties and niggers desu

The internet you use was brought to you by America. Along with the WW2 victory and us policing the world cause all other countries are pussies and bow down to us to do it.

This board you use, made by an American. In fact nearly every important thing you probably have in your life was brought to you by Americans. So get fucked. We have plenty of problems, and it's hard not to at our size.

But we're still the most productive and innovative empire that has ruled the earth to date.

Because fast food came about as a way of cashing in on driving culture, most meals were meant to be eaten in the car on your way somewhere where you'd, back in the 50's usually be doing something physical. Now bpeople just take that shit home to eat while sitting down watching netflix

this is so true man. its sad. if you cant even prepare food for yourself(really the most basic task necessary for survival, the preparation of food) what does that say about your basic ability and competence as a person.

Because we work a lot and fast food is very convenient especially for day laborers and business travelers.


Its embarrassing when you tie your identity to a corporation. History lesson children.

Nations in their modern incorporation, are corporations. You're also born with a (SIN) number, your bond is owned, owed to the central banks which trade your bond. The central bank of central banks is situated in Basil Switzerland, called the Bank of International Settlements(BIS) which mandates central bank policy for all banks globally. These institutions, including the ones in Europe weren't created by Americans per say, but by the ruling bloodlines, the old blood of Europe. Some Dutch, some German, and more importantly, some Venetian/Vatican.

In terms of "American power", that was created by the agreements forged by British Imperialists, John Maynard Keynes who aided along with other Imperial assets of Britain to forge the Bretton Woods Agreement, which would allow the US to centralize a great deal of control over the global economic system. Of course Americans had no control of their government in that period or even now. Its especially obvious in hindsight of the globalist pushing the NAFTA superstate equivalent for European Union, but for North America. Which is why the Democrats are doing their part in Hegelian social programming to prepare you're assholes for the gradual and perpetual beaner invasion, aka multicultural society that is to come.

Its also why Trump is just a loose Hegelian scapegoat, slash globalist child raping pawn scum. He's just hope bait, yet again to fool the masses. He will not change the power paradigm in the US ever. Hell, he's said on numerous occasions on how he was born into the thing, as a high ranking American plutocrat, where as Hillary had to work her way up from Jesuit Georgetown University.

>Trump pictured with one of his most esteemed colleagues ever
>Henry Kissinger

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you work 8 hours a day like everyone else

True, had a roommate from New Mexico, he lost 12 kgs in the 6 months he was in Germany because he was able to buy vegetables everyday instead of fast food

Because it tastes good and when food tastes that good and is so cheap and accessible, weak people are going to eat too much of it.

But fast food isn't the reason Americans are so fat, it's the general diet over there which is almost entirely refined wheat/corn/onions crap with no nutritional content. Americans basically got totally cucked by their big food corporations and don't have the history/culture to fall back when it comes to ancestral cooking.

I work 12-15 hour days 5-6 days a week. My schedule is not abnormal to the American working class

you are a cuck

this is cope whatever it says(tl;dr)

>Fast food is great
It really isn't. It tastes like shit. A home-cooked stake is infinitely better in both taste and quality.

Healthy food being expensive is a meme invented by the fast food industry. You can get a 1lbs bag of oats, 1 litre of milk, and 10 eggs for 5-6 bucks where I live. That's over 3000 kcal and 160g of protein right threre. Basically go fuck yourself, fast food shill.

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>Manufacturered to to be as tastey
Why isn't it then? McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, etc they all taste like dog shit.

in commiefornia that's $10

and also not healthy for normies

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Americans had 24 hour places to buy food because the factories went all night since at least the beginning of the 20th century. That might be part of where it came from.

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>in commiefornia that's $10
Yeah, well I'm eastern European. If I can afford it, you guys definitely can.

>and also not healthy for normies
Anyone who thinks nature's babyfood (eggs and milk) isn't healthy is a retard and not worth talking to in the first place.

cost of living in burgerland, especially california, is much higher than kolya, belarus. supply and demand.

Anything in excess is bad, eggs and milk is no exception. Can't eat the same shit over and over again. Eggs will fuck up your heart and cholesterol and milk raises your estrogen and fucks up your kidneys

(in excess, to stress that)

it honestly is cheaper to buy fast food, from a calorie standpoint, and at least you'd get better meal diversity. I don't eat it though despite being pretty poor.

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America sounds great for bulking

>cost of living in burgerland, especially california, is much higher than kolya, belarus. supply and demand.
You make more money, retard. Everyone who goes to work in America in my country comes back with 5+ grand after 3 months. Some people with more if they get 2 or 3 jobs.

>Anything in excess is bad, eggs and milk is no exception. Can't eat the same shit over and over again. Eggs will fuck up your heart and cholesterol and milk raises your estrogen and fucks up your kidneys
Oh, okay. I see how it is. You're a time traveler from the 1970s.

>it honestly is cheaper to buy fast food, from a calorie standpoint, and at least you'd get better meal diversity. I don't eat it though despite being pretty poor.
It's terrible for your health, and more expensive. I did some basic math. You need to eat 13 hamburgers from McDonalds' to equal the oats, milk and eggs I mentioned. That's fucking horrible for your health and more than twice as expensive.

Once again, kill yourself, fast food shill.

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Reminder that americans have to watch videos to know how to peel a potato.


which all comes back to jews destroying the nuclear family

people used to spend their free time preparing meals but now that takes away from facebook and game of thrones

you must be trolling or retarded or a zero empathy female to ask this

>milk raises your estrogen and fucks up your kidneys

citation needed

>dumb dumbs can’t into history
Because of the cost of housing and most families being a duel income home fast food becomes the go to in the 70s the health department said we’d be getting our first cases of obesity
Look into it

Can you explain this picture to me?

95% of americans are retarded and/or lazy

there you go

>The problem is that no one has time
Incorrect. The problem is that everyone is too fucking lazy and it's easier to get fast food, not because it's fast, but because it requires no effort.

That's fine. If they are watching a video on how to peel a potato, they are learning how to cook, and there is nothing wrong with that.

>wants to be told what to do and suck the states cock in hopes of being rewarded
>calls others a cuck

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>I'm not tiny!

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damn, old school diners were comfy as hell. They cook real food, is affordable, and you know the regulars like they're family. All these diners in my area are now some kind of trendy fast casual place with minimal human interaction.