Every single person who says they don't lift for girls is lying

Every single person who says they don't lift for girls is lying.

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quit projecting

I don’t lift for girls anymore, not since your mom has been putting out so often.

I lift for myself.

I lose weight for girls.

even homos?

This is Jow Forums. We lift for other dudes but try to play it cool

combined weight of 250 lmao

yikes, is the shortbro on the left (forget his name) standing on a box? or is the other guy actually that short?

Nah I don’t lift for girls. Also some people are fags don’t forget OP


Combined height of 8ft

i feel actual physical disgust when someone else touches me
i am too far gone to lift for anyone but myself

It’s not projection, because I admit that I lift mainly to bang more girls

I lift for little girls

I lift because I want to get my total higher and like winning medals and breaking records

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't do some additional upper body hypertrophy for the girls

I don't lift for girls, nor do i think girls care how much i can clean, ohp, or squat

Incel nobility is the worst trend on this board

I lift because I hate myself

I lift for guys

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When I was 14 my dad and I were arguing and he said he'd be able to beat my up when I'm in peak shape (25). I said no and he challenged me to a fight at 25. I'm 19 now and been working out for almost a year. He's getting into insane shape once again so I gotta pick up the pace. Anyway that's why I lift, to fight my dad (who I love).

Based and dadpilled

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This is a manly kind of wholesome

All guys lift for guys. They may not want to fuck them, but they do want to intimidate or earn their esteem.

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Ha maybe you do faggot, I'm all about the ladies. Now be a bro and spot me

EVERYTHING is do is to attracted the sex you're tryna fuck.

When I was younger I lifted to preform better in my chosen sports.
Now that I am older and married, I lift more seriously. I expect my wife to stay in shape and health for me, so I will do no less for her. I also want to put on as much muscle as possible now, so that if/when I need to carry her when we are 80, I will still be able to.

So yeah, I lift for a girl.

Manlet Destiny is taller than Nippard? TF?

No, fuck that, that's for fuccbois, I will hide my powerlevels once I get ripped, my body will be only for me gf/wifes enjoyment, fuck modern culture, showing off is cancer. Humility is where it's at you degenerate fucks. But I guess as a young zoomer you havem't realized these tjings yet, give it time or suffer from a cancerous mindset.

Nippard is like 5’3


This is disgusting, idk why but I feel repulsed
This motherfucker looks like 2nd part jojo

lift hard. have a fair fight, then share a few beers while icing your face and laughing about it

gay chad has a nice bod

I have a young daughter, I am lifting for her. I can't say you are wrong.

>going for your own daughter
Holy shit someone finally cracked the code

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It's a male crossdressing in female underwear.

The whole point of lifting is to become more sexually attractive so true

I have fucked trannies and even a transvestite but the pic disgusts me idk man.

I lift for girls. Specifically my mother to help her with the groceries

That’s still lifting for girls, imbecile


based and filial

It’s whom

I lift to mog fattards.

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Gay Dudes?

I lift to break out of my ego. Lifting is humbling because I'm not naturally good at it. I pray before my heavy sets and generally if I catch myself thinking in a vain or petty way in the gym I try to clear my head to be more focused.

>plotting the revolution
actually fucking kek'd out loud

This, I lift for white dudes. I want a homonationalist state

T. Baki

How does it feeling having Yujiro-sama as dad?

>training to fight
>lifting instead of actually fighting

Your father knows he will beat you because he will inevitably outsmart you.


speak american ya autistic fuck


yet another cringe faggot trying to spread his homoerotic fantasies that he's still too much of a cuck bitch to make happen detected. pipe down, moron.

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I was just making Baki the Grappler reference on this anime imageboard friend in attempt at good humour since Baki is popular in Jow Forums and post reminds me of plot of that manga. Please don't be so rude and be a good lad, thank you.

That's not true.

Some of them are lifting for dudes.

go start training jiu jutsu and you'll destroy the old man as soon as you grab him

I lift for mu wife

Are his balls really huge or is his penis really small?
>no homo

That's what projection is you dumb shit.
>Everyone lifts for girls!
>Stop projecting.
>I'm not, I lift for girls.

They're both extremely short over-compensating drug addicts.

hes hot though

I lift because I want to look big in my bulletproof vest

>lifting for girls
>not lifting for boys
Literally ngmi

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Based and truthpilled

>both mogged by a vaguely fit 6'2 dude

I lift because i eat too much, i don't want to be fat.

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I lift for strength and look like shit so

Then you're a weak willed faggot.
Cope harder, asshole.



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wtf is the difference between a tranny and a transvestite

I'm into dudes


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Femanon here. Who's the guy on the right?

lol beta cuck gtfo

Projection would be him lying to himself that he doesn’t lift for girls then making this thread

>Not lifting for the boys.
Resolutioners.When will they learn?

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When a man lifts for a woman, it is because they want to be loved. Whatever the reason, we all lift for ourselves because we want to attain a certain goal or lifestyle.

Why does he always look constipated?

Projection is when you project your own motives onto someone else. Whether he's honest about his own motivations has jackshit to do with it.

>I'm so vain I can't fathom why anyone would do something for reasons diffetrent to mine.
Friendly reminder you're no different from a baboon.

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thats not how it works

That’s literally the core point of projection. You don’t accept the perceived negative belief you have about yourself and project this belief onto other people to make yourself feel better.

Works for me, 10 years lifting and with my weight in check.

You don't have to accept or not accept your own motives for it to be projection. You can project
>Well of I like boxing, then he must like boxing
And that's a form of projection as well.


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Every single one of you jiu jitsu fags would get your face pounded in by any semi competent athlete in a real fight

>Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others

Educate yourself

yeah sure buddy

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their plan of the revolution is to roll into the white house and stuff themselves with dynamites

holy fuck you are retarded

he doesn't already have a gf/wife

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i did start for them and it didn't work now i just don't wanna lose what i gain throughout the years


I'm considering starting to lift because my resting heartrate is like fucking 90-100 on average and it will kill me unless I sort it out.

That’s absolutely ridiculous. At least do bike sprints or something before you die. One session is only like 20 mins.

Do you think any sort of exercise will help with this? I'm not retarded or anything, I'm asking since I think this rate is normal for one side of my family.

It might be normal for one side of the family but that shit isn’t safe. Average for an adult male is 60.