Kipping is good for you

>kipping is good for you




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I only trust japan so i will do as the anime does.

I like the show and all, man, but this is just sad.

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Explain, with actual peer-reviewed medical evidence that kipping is bad or does not provide results.

I will fucking wait.

Cross fit is only good for producing varbies. And 150 pound dyel men with spinal injuries from slipping from the bar while kiping.

Memes aside, I love this series.

>weeb cartoon promotes crossfit
imagine my shock

this desu

Kipping must be the most autistic exercise to do in the gym.

Piss off, crossfucks.

>Jow Forums is full of gatekeeping incels
Holy shit, no wonder you guys can't find a nice fuck or ever get good at anything

They flat out said kipping is bad for pure muscle development. It was about developing fluidity of motion, which fighters need. I don't really agree with that but they never said it's good for strength and muscle gains.

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It's simple really, as you can see here you are a dumb nigger who thinks anime is real life and only takes advice from 2-d anime girls you retarded virgin.

As opposed to advice from anonymous people on a chinese basket-weaving image board? You always need evidence, you fucking idiot

This is Jow Forums user, they take any memes they can and gatekeep others from trying to start training in any way they can, because
>muh train for yourself and without any influence, but pls don't look at us having a thousand fapping and mirin threads that basically do the same, no, when you train because an anime about training motivated you that's bad, but if you're doing it because you're an incel who hopes for a basic fuck then it's all good

is 1/2/3/4 enough for a qt 3.14 gf?


>/v/ memes
Don't shit on /a/ coming here because of this anime, Jow Forums is far better off with more /a/ than allowing /v/ idiots like you to come here

>Explain with peer-reviewed evidence why using momentum and cheating on calisthenics does not provide results
posting body will suffice as our peers review your rotting husk corpse

I am shitting on crossfit not anime. I also have nothing to do with /v/.


Anime is for kids

Didn't they mention that using momentum is bad in another episode?

>Anonymous people
Ah, but user: the responses could be from anyone or anything here! Like Arnold Schwarzenigger, Eddie Hall, a random hobo, or even a boat!
You know for a fact who the person in the OP is who is giving advice.
If the known OP is giving bad advice, then the logical choice is to listen to anons, since they could be anyone and therefore could be the most qualified person on the planet to give such advice. The odds are in user's favour.

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>mfw I thought kipping meant taking a nap.

What is it?

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0/0/0/0 is enough for a qt 3.14 if you're not a social retard. If you are it depends on just how retarded you are. In some cases you may need to be 2/3/4/5 or more to get a gf.
