Is this the most based bulking food for skellies?

Is this the most based bulking food for skellies?
300g rosemary potato wedges: 435 kcal
80g Mayonnaise: 570 kcal
Total: 1005 kcal

It takes literally zero effort to heat them up in the oven and even a skelly like me can easily finish this without feeling bloated. Only downside is that it has almost no protein, but that can easily be compensated by eating Skyr

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Coconut Oil

Salmon costs a fortune where I live, not an option for me unfortunately

>lol just eat carbs to "bulk" bro
>end up gaining fat and nothing else

In Sweden we have something called "vispgrädde", it's basically milk with +30% fat (it's what you make nornal cream oit of, pre-mixed cream) 100ml is like 500 calories.

>for skellies
I don't mind gaining a little bit of fat, I just want to reach normal weight because I feel really shitty about being a skinny weakling

skinnyfat looks 500x worse than skelly mode, eat fat & protein and lift

you'll feel like shit if you eat like this all day

80g mayonnaise with only 400g potatoes wtf

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Maintaining and recomp is way easier after you reach your goal weigh, eat the junk food.

>eat fat & protein and lift
That's literally what I do you useless mouth breather

It's not as much as it sounds

>only 400g potatoes
That's a lot of fried potatoes.

I stuff my face with shawarma poutines and whole milk and I've managed to gain weight for the first time in forever

I guess I'll die of a heart attack or something but w/e

Honestly I can't get myself to drink more than like half a litre of milk a day, I can't fathom how some people manage to drink an entire gallon a day

A whole gallon seems like overkill but the idea is just replace water with whole milk.

Four pints a day is already half a gallon and that's very easy to drink. That plus food should help you gain weight unless you have a ridiculous metabolism

I don't like the taste of milk that much desu and I feel a little bit sick even after drinking only like a glass or two of it. I'll stick to (junk) food and Skyr.

b8 threads are getting so lazy

This isn't bait schizo

Here's the real redpilled foods: Oats, peanut butter, organic full fat milk (tastes better and is better for you), skyr, kefir, salmon, tuna, eggs, chicken breast and thighs, various organ meat, venison, sweet potatoes, home made mayo, root vegetables in general, a full spice cupboard and of course protein powder for when you're lazy or late. If you want a book (nerd) grab deep nutrition, word of warning though it's not for brainlets, it's well cited and gives the why not just the how

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>mayonnaise with potato wedges

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I can get 1kg of wedges for $2; is that a good deal?

Yes, buy 10

>white "people"

It's an yuropean thing. Should try it. For I drench my tatos in mayonnaise.

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> high fibre pizza base
>low fat cheese
>lean meat
>veg of choice
>low sugar tomato or barbecues sauce base
Grats brahs. You've just made a Jow Forumszza w 60g carbs, 50g protein and 10g fat. With the variety of toppings available you could eat these for every meal.