How bad is drinking beer during a cut

I discovered that drinking beer with the meals reduce my hunger by a lot, helping me with cravings and making me achieve my daily calorie intake required to lose weight. How bad is it? I'm 4kg overweight and I don't usually drink alcohol, but now I'm drinking from one to two beers a day.

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Enjoy your xenoestrogens.

Be my milk mommy.

A can of beer is around 150 calories. Doesnt satiate your hunger or provide any kind of meaningful nutritional value. It's just getting you fatter. That doesnt mean you can't get away with drinking beer, but it's one of the worst things for your diet.

4kg is nothing. Just make sure the rest of your diet is pretty clean.

Bad. Quit it for your cut. You can always drink again when you finish your cut

>How bad is drinking beer during a cut
>I discovered that drinking beer with the meals reduce my hunger by a lot, helping me with cravings and making me achieve my daily calorie intake required to lose weight.
unironically consider smoking if this is your goal and you don't care about unhealthy side effects (which you don't because you're drinking fucking beer daily)

This, have some liquor on the rocks if you want a glass or two. Beer has all kinds of crap that's bad for gains.

Are you telling me liquor is better than beer? I thought the alcohol was the problem

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It's not fermented so doesn't have all the yeast and extra crap beer has. It's still gonna slow your metabolism but won't be as bad as beer. Honestly that's just my personal experience I find beer makes me fatter than if I have some liquor on weekends.

I sincerely don't understand what is bad about it being fermented.

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He's wrong about liquor not being fermented. That's how ethanol is produced to begin with. In addition, fermentation isn't bad in that it's how plenty of toxins are broken down harmlessly and nutrients are made available to us (think gut bacteria prodicing vitamins in our GI tract). Additionally, his fearmongering about being fatter from beer is probably linked to the water retention due to the carbs+alcohol+carbonation combo. So, in summary, ignore that brainlet.

the problem isn't the calories, the problem is it fucks with building your muscles. fucks proton synthesis and shit

is it so hard to just quit drinking for a while?
You're trying to improve your body, just stop drinking for a little bit. You don't have to quit forever, but why can't you quit for a few measly weeks.

jesus, I don't understand why you babies need your bottles

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I actually started drinking daily now lol, I don't generally drink because one beer is enough to make me stupidly relaxed.
Yeah, but I should be safe on days that I don't lift, no?Nice reply, user.

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If you want to he t drunk use spirits, uf you dont want to get drunk just dont drink alchocol, its disgusting at its worst and okay tasting at its best

It’s not like your body only synthesizes protein into muscle on days you work out, it’s not an on/off switch. Having alcohol in your system night after night is going to mess with that process.

Dont drink more than three a day if you dont want to lose muscle. Its not too bad if you get full and stay full long but it really is empty calories

You are just adding more calories to your meals, don't be a brainlet and just drinking a shit ton of water before, during or after your meals, you'll get the same effect

Bill Starr said that the best days to drink, should you find it necessary, are on a longer rest period (for example, on a MWF routine, drink on Sunday) or, ironically, soon after a workout since it'll adversely affect your performance less

Milk is for babies. Men drink beer.
-Arnold Schwarzenegger

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I binge drink a few times a week and typically over eat on those days too because I am lame and go out with my friends during the weekends and have a few with my GF a few times a week also. Its possible to stay lean and defined as long as you closely monitor your diet outside of it and continue to lift heavy.
That said, if your going for that *perfect* fitness model cut, then it will sabotage you.

depends does it matter if you can work it off or already have

The dude is also notorious for lying to his competition and had cycled roids. His advice doesn't help nattys

It's not the fermentation, it's alcohol+hops+are you eating saturated fats with that? that's what slows the liver to a crawl.
Same amount of alch without the hops (that fuck your test) and the fat to slow detox, won't be as bad. Still bad, also muscle growth basically stops while the liver does alcohol, so don't drink within 48h of working out.

Oh boy another dyel with shit genetics who think roids mean everything, how are you so dumb that you seriously respond to an obvious joke. Go start another thread about how hard it is to bulk/cut you child

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>faggot op: guys is xxx bad for you
>anons: unequivocally yes, you fucking alchie
: nah bro like the fermentation fearmongering anyways just drink
>faggot op: thanks guys, gonna go drown my liver in baby bottle xenoestrogens because im too weak willed to accept objective truth if it gets in the way of my short term desires
Such is Jow Forums

But I'm drinking a beer or two a day because it HELPS my long term goal: losing 4kg to stop being overweight, and losing another 8 more to get into my perfect weight.

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vaping is for fags but it has nicotine for the same appetite suppressant effect while being less unhealthy and cheaper