/f """""p""""" h/ - Boggers edition

He will die soon

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Lol standing proudly on the right, like he did it himself and doesnt still look like shit.

>Boogie will never lose the wei-


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when your blood pressure is so high it can reach the sky

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He looks so disturbing for some reason..

binge eating is a mental illness/addiction, he will be back to this old weight in no time

also, I remember him streaming one time, and he said something to the effect of "I want to kill myself, but I am too much of a pussy to hang/shoot myself, so I want to eat myself to death", so there is definitely some psychological shit going on with him

taco time

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Kevin Smith lost a few pounds, good for him.

That doesn’t even make sense

ree why did you make the thread so hard to find

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>fat people hate

looks more like female people hate


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I'd hit that.

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There's no way this is the original, right? I've seen some pretty severe alcoholics with red faces but nothing even approaching this...

progress (even minor progress) is still something to be proud of

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i fucking hate this image

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with a truck

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i hope you mean in the most literal sense

I'm sure his blood pressure is sky high, but these pictures look like they were taking at a water park or amusement park of some kind. Probably sun burned from getting the most sun exposure he's ever had in his life.

It isnt progress at all mate. He had the surgery at an extremely risky weight (doc told him to lose 80lbs, he wouldnt do it, found a shady doc who would at his weight) and still eats like utter shit.

His twitter is full of him spending money like a retard and eating tons of crap after the surgery. THE ONLY REASON he is losing weight is because his stomach literally isnt big enough to consume that many calories and he throws them up.

Read this:


If you want actual proof the fat/weight loss shit is near the bottom of the post. Theres also other proof of him generally being scummy.

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that's a milkshake not a coffee

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>He had the surgery at an extremely risky weight (doc told him to lose 80lbs, he wouldnt do it, found a shady doc who would at his weight) and still eats like utter shit
oh ok ya fuck him

>tfw so fat your moobs migrate under your arms

>fat night elf
now I'm mad

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There is nothing even partially incredulous about consuming 300 gallons of water in 6 fucking years though.

A normal person probably drinks about 1/3ed of a gallon of assorted drinks every day, plus plenty of hydration from food.

Not that the fatty is sane, but the doctor's retort doesn't make sense.

i should really figure out how much i'm drinking one of these days.
i down 2 liters at the gym alone.

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that has to be like 2000 fucking calories in that meal. she eats more For her snack than most people do in a day.

why do americans feel like they need to eat the most unhealthy shit for breakfast?

The video has a bit more context but he basically asks the girl twice, if she believes she retained 300 gallons of water since high school.

As though that’s the thing that made her fat.

Huh huh it's cuz it's fat


>Posting naked pics
>Retarded scribble tattoo

Oh no no no no no

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Pls die

Does anyone else just want to stab an obese person just to see if they pop like a balloon?

where did you get this idea

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I want to chain this beast to my cellar wall and throw hot McDoubles that I power nuke in the microwave at her face over and over again. Just reletless nuking and burging slamming right into that disgusting ogre maw of hers. I imagine she would beg for just a pattie, just a bun, just a pickle even. But the onslaught never stops. Just magma hot cheeseburgers plowing into those fat fucking cheeks, her tears slowly running down the burns are her only solace from the pain. Two hours of this to hit my cardio goals and then I can nestle in with some original Netflix programming and my chicken crust keto friendly pizza with 2 lbs of cheese and cured meats.

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Reminder that boogie has begun regaining weight because his fat stupid ass couldn't be bothered to curb his appetite and has instead slowly begun stretching his gut back out through sheer stubbornness.

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both of those people are not american lol

I've tried it, doesn't work as well as you'd think

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Guys, peep the sauce and realize what a mistake humanity is

Imagine how they feel when they look down

wtf, I love positive empowerment now!

Let’s say that your legs were this fucked. Would you wear shorts anywhere, or would you always wear pants? I guess I’m expecting too much from Boogie though. He doesn’t have any dignity left.

Carb addiction. They wake up and all they feel is a desire for a sugary drink and cake. They go for lunch and all they want is fried food, lots of fries and a soda. They get back home and they desire the same.

Your body reacts really badly if you stop eating carbs suddenly, It only lasts a day but the huge desire for carbs and the big headaches until you get over it can really fuck you.

Tbh at that point it is a genuine illness I think

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Give it a week or so. He’ll die.

Would be fucking hilarious if he lost all the weight but it was too late and he died from fat related conditions

jesus niggers are retarded

>If only you knew how bad things really were

What blows my mind is how long these things can go without eating after accumulating all that fat. Think about it

Say you’re 400 pounds at 65% body fat. That’s 260 pounds of fat.

Each pound of fat has 3,500 calories

260 x 3,500 calories is 910,000 calories. They have 910,000 stored calories.

If you’re burning 2,000 calories daily (and if all of those calories are coming from your fat stores) these things can go 455 days without eating anything. I know you have to have a certain body fat percentage to stay alive, but still. 455 days without eating a single fucking thing is absurd.

Not great
Not terrible

Why do americans feel the need to eat breakfast at all

> drinking from plastic bottle
not gonna make it

Because we were lied to by corporations that claimed breakfast is the most important meal of the day

they would still need vitamins and minerals to survive, no?

look at that sugar bomb

His blood pressure is 3.6. Not great, not terrible.

It is important, at some point you need to break your fast, I just usually do it at 3

Isn’t blood pressure supposed to be expressed with a number like 120/80? Is that metric blood pressure?

Do you know what BP is?

>thread literally starts with high profile male
Post some fatties then

He lost it by doing meth. That also explains his teeth.

Why do americans feel the need to eat

Mirin those 'ceps

I give you the most fat, sedentary and disgusting being alive, physically as well as psychologically.
Don't forget to visit his PH!

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why do americans?


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if my legs were that fucked i'd kms

His home, he inherited from his father.
Very proud of it!

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That's what they always says

>americans really do that

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No it isn't. Getting to the size he is on the right is something to be ashamed off. To then continue to grow to the left is fucking cretinous. To then shrink back down to the right is not suddenly something to be proud of

kek at that brutal night elf mogging

Es la gobelina

Pecs routine?




>mfw Americans

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Look up the world record for longest fast, it's in that ballpark. Took place under medical supervision, and yes it obviously involved multivitamins, but effectively those >people can go for more than a year without eating a single bite.

What's up with his body? Does he have incredibly narrow shoulders or is his head just really huge? Or both?

>Don't forget to visit his PH!
i never want to read this in a /fph/

That's why she is fat

t. Fat connoiseur

So many things wrong with the photo