Proper redpill me on nofap

Proper redpill me on nofap

Legit or a pure hoax?

Attached: Nofap-Memes.jpg (681x330, 94K)

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do you expect the answers to be different if you make this thread a few hundred times more?

/no fap/i;boards:fit;op:only

no need to thank me

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Step 1)try it for a week
Step 2)see if there is a difference
Your body is a way you can self experiment. Making this post will make it so people give their opinions and biases on it. They'll contaminate the experiment and taint the results

nofapers are brainwashed slaves

Depends. Nofap is mainly about learning self control since not fapping is extremely hard for most men. Porn itself i believe can have some negative psychological effects, but i dont think fapping itself does as long as youre not tugging away 4+ times a day. Plus nofap usually makes you feel more horny, so the idea is this in turn will make you approach girls more often. Other than the self control and added horniess nofap wont give you superpowers that was always meant to be a joke. Usually so many people improve after nofap because its usually the first thing people attempt on their self imrpovement quests.

If you watch vanilla porn once or twice a week it wont do much to you.If you fap to tranny porn everyday then yes it will do something

Reminder that every boy is built differently so do that experiment yourself and see.

I'm on my 4th day and feel more confident than I ever have any other time I've tried it before. Tip: do plenty of research on overcoming masturbation addiction ;^)

>day 2
>resisting the Jewish menace

where's that cumbrain.jpg when we need it

I gotchu ;^)

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will it make my fetishs go away

It depends on the individual. There's no physical benefits to no fap, so disregard any memes about it making you stronger and more muscular, and it also won't turn you from social autist to chad

The benefits are purely towards productivity - if you're one of the guys who spends 3 hours a day fapping then obviously nofap would do you a lot of good because you could use that time for more productive things, like lifting. Also if you're a heavy fapper who faps 3 times a day nofap would benefit you because doing it that often desensitizes your dick.

But if you're just fapping a few times a week and taking a reasonable amount of time its fine and you dont need nofap

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Depends on how deep-rooted they are

Nofap is a meme
NoPorn is real

You rob yourself of your god given spirituality when you live for the flesh, dont be a pig, user, be a man

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do you have self control?
You may want to reconsider your life decisions and fapping is likely not helping.
All there is to it.

Yes but you have to stick with it and know what you're getting into. Nofap is the first step to noorgasm. I was no fap for a while because i believed i was jerking off too much. I ended up getting a girlfriend and then everytime we had sex, all i would think bout is jerking off. I'd close my eyes while she rode me and pretend her puss was my hand. THen i realized my brain has associated any penis contact to be from my hand and that this was forever ingrained into my head. It's like riding a bike, your penis never forgets its first master and there is nothing you can do to resist this. Jerking off was more real thatn sex so I decided to dump my gf and go noorgasm. It's been a few weeks now but i'm really starting to see colors a lot more clearly and lately when i walk my dogs they definately listen to me much better. It's probably the testosterone radiating from my body.

Is reading hentai bad too?

I don't listen to anybody that can't spell "definitely"

Only use of NoFap is to save up semen for the next bitch/boi you fuck, if you do it for any other reason you're fucking stupid like the kind of guy who would delete System32 because someone on the internet told him to.
Also not Jow Forums related, kindly take it to or

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