QTDDTOT - "The other one is kill" edition

2 days ago i felt something off on my upper workout.
The following day, some some discomfort on my right shoulder.
Today, bench, OHP and dips were carefully done, no issue, but when i attempted a lateral raise, i heard a snap and mild pain around the mid/rear right delt. Facepulls were fine.
Couldn't do hanging leg raises because of the discomfort after releasing the bar.
What did i break and how do i fix it?

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My gf is new to lifting and I'm just curious if there would be any benefits to her gains if she swallows my cum. I don't want to waste it by just cumming on her if it will help her get fit

It isn't toxic but the nutritional impact considering the amount/volume is negligible.


I went from 120 to 150, but realized i wanted to be lean more than big, now I'm 142.
Can you decide for me if I should keep cutting for (better) abs, or just stop being a bitch and get bigger?

So like 2-3 large loads (I have pretty big cums) a week wouldn't give any nutritional boost or useful vitamins?

is it okay if i do biceps before back?

If you're really 6'1" you should definitely get bigger. 142lbs at your height isn't even ottermode. Just keep clean bulking bro

My friend please fix that attitude of letting others choose for you. It might be passable in unimportant matters but this is not one. We are talking about your body, the only things you will ever really own in this world and you want someone else to dictate it for you.
Concerning your question, you are absolutely lean even on higher weight if you exercise, 150 is far from big on 6'1. It will do you more good to be muscular with low bf% than just a skelly

Nah, but it's a good white lie

Do chinups and you'll train both

142 seems very lean or weak. Due to your question nature, i'm assuming it's the latter. Build some muscle mass first for a couple of months, then cut, and if you don't like the results, rinse and repeat.

Painful bump

Go to a doctor if the pain is the same or worse after a week.
Get bigger, skelly. Aim for 180 lbs. That's ideal for you height, plus you would still be pretty lean at that weight too.
Do whatever you feel works best for you. But if you fatigue your biceps before your back, then you may not be able to hit your back as hard.

Absolutely spewing garbage here, but could it be rotator cuff? Regardless of what it is go visit a doctor, it will do you more good even if it's something harmless.

I want to get laid so bad and I was thinking of making a tinder profile. Trouble is, I don't have a facebook, I don't have many pictures of myself, and I don't have any friends. I am sure those are going to some huge red flags for any girl I might meet. Is my situation hopeless?

Thanks for the replies friends.
If I'm going to get bigger and then cut, why not just cut first? If I am leaner while getting bigger, it is easier to stay motivated and on track. I suppose that was really my question: why not cut first instead of after?
I am not super skelly, but I'm not as lean as I wish to be either.

Bros I found a girl. I want her bad. I'm a doughboy pussy though. Need to fix that a little bit. I'll never commit to a gym or anything like that long term, I don't have that kind of willpower. I just need some kind of bodyweight (or maybe bodyweight plus kettlebell) routine I can do for 15-45 minutes in the mornings.

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Thanks for the advise and regarding rehab exercises, what can i do? And out of curiosity what did it hurt? Rotator cuff?

And your question is...?

Depends on your age. If you're older than like 21 you can say you're sick of fb drama and fake friends.

You need good pics tho. Especially non-selfies. It makes girls feel like your not some creepy loner with no social standing. And you don't need friends to bang girls on tinder you just need the impression of having a social group. Get a random to take pics of you in public witb your dog or something.

If you really want to, do a cut for a month. Cut down you normal carb intake by 50% and do more low intensity cardio along with your normal weight routine. This will actually be very beneficial for increasing your insulin sensitivity and decreasing your overall bloatiness, plus it will break up the monotony for a bit.
After the month long cut, continue your bulking routine. You won't lose too much gains during the cut.

What is a good
>bodyweight (or maybe bodyweight plus kettlebell) routine I can do for 15-45 minutes in the mornings.
? Sir.

It doesn't help, but it's not hopeless. Get started with a selfie. Wash face, comb hair, nicest shirt, etc. Make it your best selfie. Gotta start from somewhere.

Use the girl as initial motivation to go the gym, you don't want that another dude that actually lifts had a chance with her, right?

Pushups: do a set of 20 rest for 1 min then repeat until you do 100
Crunches: do 100
Pull ups: same as push ups but 10 reps for a total of 50
Jumping jacks, high knees, body weight squats for 20 reps rest 1 min after a cycle then repeat for 100

Bro no. Not the gym bro. Look the truth is I'm too spastic for that public workout shit. I'm so spastic I lied on Jow Forums to seem slightly less uncool to these new dudes whose board I'm visiting to beg before. I can't do a gym bro. I need some help here man I can't do this.

Ok so I take it I work towards that as hard as I can until I can do it and then maintain it? Because I can do about 80% of one pull up right now. Total pussy.

Facebook account isn't mandatory.
To me, for some women, not using facebook (finally) started to sound interesting/different.

Regarding pictures, depending how desperate you are, you "could" hire a semi pro photographer to take you some quality pics. Bring some ideas, discuss it with the guy, make the most of it.
Other option is buying a quality tripod (4-5ft height) to simulate somebody else is taking the picture. Works for outdoors, remote, low traffic locations. Would look weird if you do it like for example in a stadium, BUT if there's people, you could ask them to take the picture.

All of it.

Do negatives with pull ups (look it up) for reps you cannot complete. But yes, work towards all of it. Then go to a gym once you're not so pathetic and soft

Fear and hate are tools that can work as motivators if you know how to use them.
And at the gym, nobody cares what you do, maybe a trainer or a good samaritan if you're pinned down by the bar could assist you.
If you can't handle the gym "pressure", do you think would be easier with a woman?

BW Squats 30+
Pushups to Failure
Pullups to Failure
Isometric abdominal exercise hold for 30-60 seconds

Perform this workout as a circuit with no rest between exercises for at least 3 rounds. Rest for about 3 minutes between rounds. Repeat this routine 3-4x/week with PERFECT FORM.
Mix in some cardio of your choice on off days too.
To progress and get stronger...
Add another round or two or switch to harder variations of the exercises mentioned in the circuit. For example, if squats are too easy, do jumping squats, jumping split squats, or squats with a resistance band.
Hope this helps.

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I plug my numbers into symmetric strength all the time just to see my muscle man turn colors. But my main issue is I have no idea what my one set max is. So I usually put in what weight I can do at 5x5 even though the site asks for just one set. If I were to only do one set, it'd probably be at higher weights.

So my question is, how accurate is symmetric strength on the averages and such? If I can do, for example, 155lbs bench press at 5x5, what would a one set max look like?

> It makes girls feel like your not some creepy loner with no social standing
but I am

Thanks for the idea, though. The dog is a nice touch.

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very sweet digits.
I've been cutting for about 1 month now already, so I'll go ahead and start the lean bulking soon.
You may be interested in this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-carbohydrate_diet#Carbohydrate-insulin_hypothesis

>but I am
We all are, until we're not

t. Happily engaged, formerly khv, user (Still have no friends btw )

Oh... you're not the same guy at all. I see. Bad tell.

Alright. Thanks user.

>If you can't handle the gym "pressure", do you think would be easier with a woman?
She doesn't give me crippling anxiety like every other woman alive. That's why I like her.

To failure? Scary... Thank you user.

Still bulking but I’m trying to pick up running. I do upper 3 days a week and lower three days a week as well. When would be the optimal time to run? I was considering running on upper body days (the days between leg day). Thoughts?

>sweet digits
Check yours, bro.

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are there any other anons who have ever had or have solved a really tight or pressure filled chest during cardio that just makes all the heavy breathing very uncomfortable? i used to think it was asthma until i went to a lung doctor and they said i was good (but they did say something, probably mental, that was preventing me from taking as deep of breaths as i should be able to), then i went to a intestines doctor who said i was fine. I was basically told it was anxiety but it feels very real and during HIIT cardio it affects me the most, as you are just gulping down air during that high intensity work.

Is it a diet thing? hoping another user has some advice on how to tackle this as it does affect my performance.

Failure shouldn't be scary. It doesn't mean total exhaustion. It means you should stop once your perfect form is almost at the edge of not being perfect anymore. Reps completed with bad form will wreck you shit up in a very bad way. So ALWAYS maintain perfect form when doing any exercise.

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Oh! Thank you for clarifying. That would have been bad...

I cannot find over-ear headphones that don't make my ears hot during a workout. I have tried in-ear headphones, but I sweat an ungodly amount that my ears get plugged up with sweat.
Any recommendations for over-ear headphones that are suitable for workouts? Preferably bluetooth enabled too.
Also, any decent music streaming services worth mentioning?

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where is horsebro? is he died?

At what point do I switch off of starting strength to something like 5/3/1? How do I know when I'm done with my novice gains to the point where I can switch to a non-novice program? I know I'm not at the point yet but I've heard conflicting opinions on when that point has come. I've seen 1/2/3/4 memed here constantly, my buddy suggested switching after hitting 2pl8 squat and 1.5pl8 bench, logic says once I plateau pretty hard with proper nutrition and sleep. Thoughts?

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Have heard conflicting ideas.

I plan on doing 5x5 for maybe another 2-3 months making it a total of 6 months.

Should i switch to another beginner program Like greyskull?

or switch to an intermediate program/bodybuilder program at that point?

/faggot/ here, what are the most optimal lifts/body exercises to attain a toned feminine body? Seems like theres billions to choose from and id rather not deal with shifting through a bog of subpar routines.

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Will phenibut help with anxiety attacks?

If you're not making any more WEEKLY gains in SS then move on.
Do 531 with an emphasis on upper body work since your upper body is probably lacking after doing SS.

What body fat percentage do you have to achieve where you can't be explosive anymore.

how bad is it? do they really charge you a $40 (((cleaning fee))) two months after joining? is it hard to cancel? asking because it's the cheapest gym in my area at $40 but there's an independent $50 a month one if goy's doesn't work out

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Nothing will help your anxiety attacks unless you gradually expose yourself to more anxious situations.
Diarrhea explosive or power clean explosive?

The worst part about chains like Gold's is the "initiation fee" which is usually like 100 bucks and non-refundable.

it's less about lifts and more about bodyfat percentage. You'll still want to exercise but overall it really won't matter much as long as you keep things relatively light

Don't swap to an intermediate program until you repeatedly stall on progress. If you're bored with 5x5 try GSLP.

Just commit to a decent pair of over-ear headphones and get some anti-bacterials wipes to clean them out with.

>a really tight or pressure filled chest during cardio that just makes all the heavy breathing very uncomfortable?
you're just describing how it feels to do cardio lol. There's a reason people hate it.

after lifting. Outside of that it doesn't matter much.

Should I worry about/bulking/cutting as a beginner?

Considering that is more or less the basis of bodybuilding and strength, yes, yes you should.


And the answer is cut if youre anything other than a skelly

But SS says to always eat above surplus?

above maintenance*

Because SS was designed for skinny teenagers to put on weight as fast as possible. Though it is the golden standard of programming, I don't really agree with all of it, particularly nutrition.

So as someone who's untrained, 79kg/174 pounds at 5'7 with pretty much no muscle, I should cut?

Yes but also lift.

post pic, sounds like you are a little overweight. If you've got extra fat, cut. If you don't, bulk.

>food addiction
please help, ive been lifting for a few years and do cardio from time to time, im relatively healthy in that respect but im absolutely addicted to food.

when i dont eat a lot of greasy foods in ac ouple of days i get really really anxious. any tips for EXTREME food addiction

i mean, this is not your typical diet tips, i know its easy for you because you have like the healthy mentality, but my brain is wired different, what is a way to change your diet 100% with no chance of relapse

Does the body need caloric surplus to build muscle?

Give yourself a very light week. Maybe work on light cardio and give yourself time to rest your upper body.
Use ice if the pain is localized, avoid stretching a moving it a lot.

If the injury is significant enough, it make take up to 6 weeks to sufficiently heal.

If the pain is still sharp after a week, please seek professional help with a physiologist.

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Yes, there is no debate on this.
Newer lifters will be able to build muscle and burn fat, but to sustain growth one needs a surplus, regardless of how fat someone is.

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How is it that beginners can build muscle while cutting but not others?

What rate do you gain muscle and fat when bulking at +1lb/wk? When cutting at -1lb/wk?

I ran a simulation of bulking and cutting, with bulking being +.5lb lean mass and +.5lb fat mass a week, and cutting being -.2lb lean mass an -.8lb fat mass a week. (will take 180 weeks to hit my goal if those numbers are accurate)

Developing a habit of healthy eating.
Habits are accumulations of small alterations in your lifestyle that became sustainable for you.

You have a food addiction. Start becoming aware of the issue. For an entire month you need to record the date and time you ate the greasy and fatty food.

Don't worry about counting calories yet. Make baby steps. Become aware of exactly what is in your current eating patterns, begin to slowly cut garbage from it and replace it with healthy meals you enjoy.

Addiction is just your brain wired to bad habits. Give yourself time to adopt new and good ones that please you.

I'll go ahead and shill an audiobook I listened to and loved: "The Power of Habits" by Charles Duhigg.

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I haven't smoked in like 6 months but lately I've been getting strong cravings. I'm not sure if it's because I stopped smoking weed too and I just want to smoke something or maybe because I smoke hookah once a month. Evey time Ive had cravings in the past and I cave in the first drag is satisfying but then it's so unsatisfying after that. Maybe dip or a vape would help I heard nicotine helps with cutting but is the addiction worth it?

Once you built a foundation of muscle, you further efforts have diminishing returns. Your body is trying to justify a reason to keep the extra mass you put on. The more muscles you have, the more fuel required.

With sufficient stress on the body and ample fuel, your body will create even more muscle.

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Do I need to up weight to make progress with auxiliary lifts? Specifically abs, calves, and neck? I currently have these spaced out at the end of my workouts on alternating days, but for example for neck harness cable curls/extensions, I don't wanna break my neck by going up to high ass weight, so I've been doing 4x25 at 25lbs. Do I need to move up in weight or can I just do some more reps to see growth? What about for abs? I'm doing crunches and leg raises, but no weight, just 3x25 and 3x15 respectively, but do I need to add weight to make any gains? Calves I assume I do, but I'm asking just in case. I do leg press machine calf raises. Also, I work out Mon,Wed,Fri; can I just do all three groups at the end of my lifts on those days, or do I have to give longer rest days? Thanks brahs

Interesting, but that didn't really answer the question. What is it about beginners?

It's not worth it user, and people are fools if they try to convince you otherwise.
Being fit and healthy is just not doable with addictions like that.
The desire to smoke will always be there in the back of your head and its up to you to start desiring your health even more so.

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Is there a reason Fierce 5 recommends 3x8 RDLs? Why not 3x5? Why not regular deadlifts for that matter?

Is it a good rule of thumb to start cutting at 15% bf, and to start bulking at 8% bf?

Yeah you're right and I know I guess I was just looking for validation. I've just been so bored so there's nothing to take my mind off the cravings. Cheers m8.

It's a completely new stress adaptation being put on the body.
Beginner's bodys are in a panic to adapt to this new stimuli. This stress is enough to justify putting on muscle despite having reserves of energy. After 3-4 months of consistent training, the body just needs ample calories to keep adding muscle.

Picture it like a jump scare. If it comes out of nowhere, you'll jump. If you've seen it 5 times, it likely won't terrify you near as much.

Your body has a strong reaction to the stimuli from workouts in your first few months. That stimuli will send strong signals that there is a need for growth.

Hijacking this user's question: what would be considered ideal for 6'1? Or at least what weight would you expect someone who can comfortably do 1/2/3/4 3x5to be at?

You can have 15% bf and no muscles user.
It comes down to preference and how you like your own looks. 8% is very hard for naturals to cut down to, and they will likely lose a lot of muscle mass reaching it.

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Why does SS say to eat so much then?

180lbs is doable
200lbs is reasonable
220lbs is very likely

How many cals does vigorous sex burn? Also, what is good training for standing sex with my 107lb, 5'5 gf? I want to hold her up and pound her full force, but it's like doing cardio and lifting at the same time.

Just because you can gain muscle while on a deficit, that doesn't mean its optimal.
Eat at a surplus if you aren't already obese user.

Fuck you. I used to be in your shoes and I fucking despised myself, I was so scared to go the gym that I had a membership for 3 months and only went once I convinced a coworker to come with me. He only came once, after that I was on my own and I was still fucking horrified so I started going at 3am every night when nobody was there. You can't just sit there and fucking wallow in your own shit while simultaneously wanting to improve yourself. You're never gonna make it without putting your neck on the line, user. It's going to be terrifying, you may very well humiliate yourself but guess what? If you keep at it, even if you humiliate yourself, you'll eventually learn what to do, you'll get stronger, you'll look better, and there will come a point where you'll find it laughable that you were ever so scared in the first place. I'm not gonna tell you it will solve all your problems, but getting in shape is a hell of a confidence booster and great gateway to improving yourself in other aspects of life.

Look on Amazon for bone conducting headphones. They don't go even have to touch your ears, so they should be good for you

also to add onto this, from my experience, going to the gym is much more sustainable for long term exercise than trying an at home bodyweight routine where you are in the comfort of your own home but hey maybe it works for you bro user

Alright but how bout while being as shredded as possible? Is 180 the leanest you can be at 6'1 while still having a minimum of 1/2/3/4 3x5?

Buddy, if you are aiming for UBER chad and focusing on 10 goals at a time, it will be super specific to you. 180 is about right for that imo.

Thanks for the reply fren.
My problem is that I feel like I'm too small, but also feel like I'm not lean enough, so I just want numbers to follow.

what's ideal weight for 5'8" manlett like me?

Most charts and shit say 150 or so, but i feel that might be too skelly

Yeah, I guess that's true. Just an estimate though. I think 180 is probably the leanest I can be while still keeping my strength gains. Thanks user.

>feels shoulder pain
>shows up to gym next day and proceeds to do pretty much every shoulder exercise he can think of

you deserve whatever you get, OP. Fucking stupid.


165 to 175 should be a good target for you user. It will list several optimal weight ranges for different sports via the link provided.
You are right though, 150 is on the lighter end.

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175 lbs shredded, 8 - 10% bf

much appreciated

>"Maximum muscular potential for drug-free athletes"

Are they suggesting that's around the natty limit?


>tfw can still gain 20lbs before hitting the limit

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Farmer walks and hip thrusts
That's exactly what they're saying
Those muscle groups are so small that it's hard to move up in strength in noticeable amounts, just go for high reps on those things since you want the hypertrophy from it.

I know some niggas with some explainin' to do