How you holding up?

>just got rejected from donating blood due to my past use of HGH and cocaine
not great

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Other urls found in this thread:

How did they know?

This, you realize you don't have to be honest with them, as long as your not doing the shit currently and don't have any blood borne viruses like Hep C or HIV you are fine to donate.

Not too good. My mental health is getting worse and I have no motivation to make it better, even after quitting smoking weed and alcohol for about 5 months.

Things are pretty rocky right now. I'm trying to not think about it, but it's all I can think about.

>lifts going up
>seeing therapist
>got a house with friends
>good relationship with parents
and im STILL DEPRESSED. i wish i could get laid or try getting a gf, i know for sure I’m attractive enough but socially i fuck up. im not even a virgin, just someone who has trouble with basic social cues. im even taking an online class to help with it but it feels like death just having mock conversations with girls.

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I was listening to music in the gym and a sad piano song came on and I started crying and had to leave. I think I might be depressed.

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im so fucking lonely its not even funny anymore

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>Go to donate plasma once
>Get there before clinic opens so I don't need to wait 3 hours to donate
>Homeless guy got there first, he's smoking a joint outside
>Homeless guy gets first donate
>I get turned down because someone said I "smelled like weed" when I came in
>Say it was the homeless guy
>They don't believe me
>Tell them it's fine if they turn me down today but they took the homeless guys THC plasma
>They don't care
>Banned from donating at that clinic
Still boggles my noggin to this day. Like just check the damn security footage and you'll see who was smoking shit before the clinic opened.

sue them for making false statements

I just constantly feel lonely. I'm in my mid 20's and I'm still a kissless virgin. I used to use porn to escape this pain, but I'm trying not to break. I haven't watched porn in almost a whole month, so I really can't break this streak or else I'll feel like shit again.

I'm also working in a shitty job and I feel like there's no escape. I'm still unsure on what I want to do with my life. Seeing all the young kids I work with go off to college makes me feel like a pathetic dumb fuck. I think about killing myself everyday. Shit man, I just want the pain to stop.

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i havent gotten good sleep in over a year lads, i only get a decent nights rest after I blackout after going to the bar with the lads

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Very similar shit happened here man. Was donating plasma and a Dr. Jemarcus tells me i have to stop because i have hepatitis b. What the fuck i havent been laid in like 18 months

I hate myself and I've resigned to being unhappy

why not go off to school

I can't get over the fact that I'm stuck with my barely 4.5 inches girth penis and it makes me wanna die. I also have lot's of other problems but they are fixable this one is not and it's making me depressed desu.

My gay friends are all butthurt about being rejected donating blood. Shit was hilarious.

mentally instable id say.

I've had panic disorder for about 13 years now. Finally going to consider going on lexapro. I don't blame anyone for my problems but my cards in life weren't the best. It's pretty hard not to be bitter, but I'm old enogh to know better. Still, the thought lingers.

Working out has been great for me though. I just wish I was more stable with a better work ethic.

>social anxiety won't go away
>in the process of changing jobs
>getting weak cause I'm on a cut
>my colors are starting to show and everyone around me is getting worried making my anxiety even worse
>still no gf
It's all so tiresome.

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I have tendinitis in both knees and elbows and IT band syndrome. It's impossible to take it out. I want to die. I need help. I can't do shit all alone. I think I am an NPC because I can't get anything done.. I hate my life. I even lost the love of my life for desiring other women... she was christian, faithful and beautiful... she loved me so much... I need to restore my physical health right now or im gonna kms.

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have you heard of Italki user? You can practice conversationally any language you're trying to learn over webcam.

So you get to practice talking with pretty girls and learning something new. Pretty cool.

same, the best way for getting rid of it is to put yourself in as many real, uncomfortable situations as possible, it's the only way frend.

Why am I like this?

I know people in this world have it way worse, but I actually feel like I was born just to suffer.

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>used hgh
Post body my man, peak and current to see if it was worth it

Im trapped in a hell of doing the same thing over and over and I just cant escape

They make you fill out a survey and then an oral interview, got flagged and now I'm permanently not eligible to donate blood
I'm bummed as fuck, now eating a can of tuna with rice and watching pic related to get my mind off it

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ill check it out but it sounds scary
i do this and i don’t learn anything. i go out to clubs with friends and i just end up alone and drunk and then i start stealing shit. i meet new people but they don’t seem like they want to talk to me so i don’t know what im doing wrong.

My marijuana card is taking a long fucking time to get here, I'm pissed and addicted.

But I did 30 bodyweight dips and I incline benched 245 for 5 so whatever. It's a meh week.

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I sometimes have existential tfw no gf crisis at the gym. For some reason I feel emotionally vulnerably when I see a qt at the gym. Right now its hitting hard. Gonna try to fap it off after I'm done walking my dog.

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Pagliacci fits me perfectly

I know exactly what you mean being put here to suffer. Usually people who are as bad socially as me being a kissless virgin at a late age (mid to late 20s) and no friends for a long time, etc, at least they are smart. At least people like this tend to gravitate towards jobs like engineering, programming, those kinds of jobs that pay a ton, or at least steady office jobs like accounting or whatever.

I was smart in high school but went towards something to help others (medical field). I ended up not doing great in college mostly in part due to the terrible social situation and the mental illness it gave me, and wasn't able to get into the programs, so I've been completely wasting away at an entry level job for like 5 years since graduation. not only is it shit pay, but it's even worse being mocked that I do a long commute to get here and also live near the tech capital of the world full of rich people.

I have no idea what the hell to do next... I don't want to go back to school because I know I'm gonna commit suicide so I'm not wasting any more money. I just want some stupid shitty office job but don't know where to go

Much better than I was - being at home sucks ass but I can't wait to go back to school. The idea of being back with my friends and fraternity brothers is what's kept me going, and I'm praying this next year's gonna be better than last. Hopefully I manage to get some pussy in the first week or so too; freshman girls are the way to go. My migraines are also doing a lot better, so at least I'm not in excruciating pain 4-5 times a day.

>my friends and fraternity brothers
>paid for friends

>no friends
>make friends
>want to hang out with said friends
>fear of rejection and coming off as annoying if i ask if they want to hang out
>don't know how to text
I feel like I'm stuck in the acquaintance stage with everyone I know.

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>decided I would try and do something social
>saw free salsa lessons
>get there 30 min late
>everybody is already paired up
>anxiety peaks and I start feeling physically sick
>immediately leave

Now I'm at home and feeling utterly pathetic. I want to die out of shame.

someone didn't get a bid

don't worry man, i'm sure you'll find plenty of passed out freshman girls to rape in your frat's basement

god I just can't take this shit anymore man. feeling of being stuck at something for years and it take so much time to fix shit that wasn't even in my control to begin with I'm just so tired and feeling like fucking crying all the time. sometimes I stop myself because I feel like crying at the middle of my workout ffs. I'm just tired.

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>terrible friends
>lifting only does so much
>trying to occupy myself but every second of loneliness is pain
>I miss Her
>basically duping some chick into believing she has a chance with me to get sex but we live in different states
>can't get a job
>studying sucks but I have to improve in some areas to even hope to get hired

Just real fucking tired of living. I opened Jow Forums just now because I was going crazy from the social isolation.

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Unless you or they don't drink the phrase " wanna grab beers this weekend" usually works. Even then you just gotta ask if they are up for whatever (bar, bowling, gym, sports...) in advance. You can push off the rejection as if they are just busy, which they usually would be if they do.

PLAY RUGBY, we drink to celebrate our hard work and success, not to pick up freshman slags like you losers

Things are looking up. I’ve finally quit drinking altogether. My diet and eating habits are finally back on track. I’m spending 1-2 hours in the gym every morning on weekdays.

Now to find a gf.

>recently got out of bad relationship
>trying to get fit to try to boost my confidence, which has been shattered after years of my dad belittling me and making me feel like shit
>hoping once I get fit I can actually get a decent gf>recently had a bunch of shit happen between some people I know online and it feels really fucked
>friend's ex breaks up with him
>feel like I might have a chance with her
>start flirting with her but not sure if she likes me that way
>one of my other friends calls me out for being an asshole since she just broke up with my other friend since middle school
>tell him I don't care
>ask her on a date
>she rejects me
>friend from middleschool finds out I was trying to make moves on his ex and blows up on me, tells a bunch of people we know how I tried to "backstab" him
>even this one guy I know from nebraska, who I only know from playing CSGO, gets on my case and says I am a shit person for trying to fuck my friend's ex
>other guy I know reassures me that I did nothing wrong
>end up trash talking the hell out of the guy from nebraska and kicking him from our discord channel
>makes it even worse and now almost no one will talk to me both online and IRL
>feel no motivation to lift
>feel no motivation to study for college
>feel depressed
>eat to comfort myself
>every time I look in the mirror I am reminded that I'm not just fat, but ugly as well (have fucked up teeth)
>try to lift anyway
>can't lose any weight or put on any muscle
>haven't lifted in days
what do I do guys? I don't think I'm going to make it.

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I already know I'm going to get turned down but I'm going to do it.

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You fucked up. Going after your friends' exes is a major dick move. If you choose pussy over friendship, you've got no right to complain for losing the latter.

Will getting a gf really solve my problems?

There are days where all I want to do is just watch netflix and cuddle with a woman. Then there are days where all I want to do is get laid. I know I'm not mentally ready for a gf. It just seems like a lot of work at times. Some of my bros are in relationships and they're fucking miserable. The only reason why they won't leave is because they don't want to go back to being single again.

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>Depressed girl who curved me like 3 times finally decided that we're compatible
>set another date
>says her mom is controlling and wouldn't let her go since she had things to do
>feel like it was too good to be true

She said she'd live with me when we graduate what kind of fuckery is this

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>tried to fuck his long time friends ex after they JUST broke up
Trash person

I thought she was into me and decided to shoot my shot. How is that wrong?

Your friends' previous chicks are off limits, it's part of the bro code

put yourself in your friend’s shoes for a moment

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Idk man my friends gf is into me and I wouldn't touch her with a 10ft pole even after they break up and I'm a virgin who can't talk to women. Value you're friends more than thots

>Virgin, never had a gf
>Dead Inside
>Dead end shit job

Writing that out makes me wonder why I haven’t kms yet. Thanks OP

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Not a bro
Definitely a bro. If his girl ever tries to make a move, let your boy know.

There's nothing "right" or "wrong". But most of us do think that's a huge dick move and I sure as shit dumped every single one of my friends who tried to make a move on my exes.

>not virgin but only ever been with one girl
>girl left me for another guy
>dead inside
>work at mcdonald's
>unironically contemplate suicide at least once a day
I'm here for you bro. We can be dead inside together.

>The only reason why they won't leave is because they don't want to go back to being single again.

That's about right. Living with women is hell on earth after a while, but once you lose them, you realize how much you miss that slimy thot.

Even if we one day are successful, do you think well ever be happy?

Was she sucking your cock moments after their breakup? If no, then she was NEVER into you.

Doing better. 25, still no gf but I've had more dates this last school year than probably the rest of my life combined. I went to a party last weekend and I got 3 girls' snaps. Two of them appear to be bffs. Should I only talk to one of them or both? I imagine they'd talk so I have to tread lightly. Thoughts?

I can't remember what happy really feels like, but I feel like I'd probably still hate my life even if I was working a good paying job just because I'd know I'd have more to lose than I do now, and that stresses me out.

Talk to both, keep it cool. See which one warms up first and then make your move.

Like wise. I feel I’d self sabotage myself and shit on every opportunity I have to be happy because I’m just so comfortable with misery. I wish I was binge drinking right now

>Got potentially ghosted by friend
>She's going to be my literal door to door neighbor in a week
>Finding out what happened in one week when I move in

There's other significant reasons on why I say potentially that I don't really feel like explaining but this is either going to go extremely wrong or just right and nothing more.

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>self sabotage
I do this to. I honestly feel like I unconsciously make everything worse so that it will all collapse and my life can go back to being in total chaos again. I don't even know why.

I also wish I was binge drinking, but can't afford to buy good spirits on my budget, so I'm forced to drink bottom shelf wine to get drunk.

pretty much the same at 27 man. i honestly believe that most "normal' people would be massively depressed and barely functioning if they lived lives like us

I’ve got a job opportunity that could change my life but this whole week I’ve done nothing about it but decide I don’t want to so I can keep hating my life. I don’t know what I’d do without my life being shit. What are you drinking? Jealous you have alcohol

Maybe it just reminded you that Rich Piana is dead? Might not be depression.

Gallo family sweet pineapple which I found on the clearance rack for 30% off. 9% alcohol by volume so i gotta drink half the bottle just to get drunk, but it's really sweet so it's easy to drink.
Similar thing happened to me a while back. Had an opportunity to get on with a construction company that my ex gf's uncle owns. I don't even know why I didn't take the chance. I just didn't. I knew it payed better, was better than working at mcdonalds, and I know the people who work there. Something inside of my was just sending me danger signals and I just wouldn't budge on it. Opportunity gone. Now I hate myself for it.

Fucking pissed,
One of my younger brothers thinks it's okay to lend out my camera equipment to his friends. Thought it was just one of my stabilizers, which is cool I wouldnt have even cared if he told me the truth, tried to lie and pin it on his friend. Then had a gut feeling to check my bag which was closed(usually leave it open) and like almost 200 dollars worth of shit is gone. I have to hold every fucking muscle in my body not to cave his face in right now. The kids mother said he'd bring it back tomorrow and I'm making inventory of all the stuff that's missing.

Never been this angry for sometime
Gonna take all the stuff i let him use of mine, game, bikes, etc

Think I'm being a cool brother by doing this shit but I refuse to let these little nuggets walk over me

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You have no place in the Phalanx

Go to college man, you clearly want to. It strongly correlates with increased earning potential, unless you luck out with some great trade job. Just don't pick a shitty major like anthropology and you're golden.

I'll be 29 in a month. Never had sex or a gf, despite an otherwise healthy social life. I'm starting to realize it's time to give up and focus more on mentally preparing myself for entering my 30s a financially secure and socially well-adjusted failure of a man.

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I’ve got a nice Fremont Ale in my fridge I’d love to butt chug but I ate a burrito earlier that had a lot of calories so I’ll play it safe calories wise and just be sad and sober. That’s badically where I am with this IT job offered to me. Would just have to get a simple cert and then I’d have a whole career open for me. Have you looked into a new job or going back to school?

that's nothing. When I was a teenager I let my little brother play GTA:SA on my PS2 while I was at school and when I got home he had somehow got the disc jammed inside the machine and it wouldn't come out (it was the first model PS2 so it was huge)
But it doesn't stop there. Apparently, not wanting to get in trouble, he tried to use a screwdriver to get the disc unjammed, which broke the disc inside the machine. Then he tried to use said screwdriver to PRY THE TOP OFF the machine to get the disc out, which basically destroyed it. I confronted my mom about it, and she didn't do shit. Said it was my fault for letting him borrow it. Doesn't seem like much, but I bought the damn thing with my own money when it first came out, so it cost like 300 dollars.

Would Business Management at WGU be a shit idea?

thought about going back to school and getting my diploma and maybe more (right now I literally have no formal education, not even GED) but figured it wouldn't be worth the time. Knowing me, I'd probably give up a month into the whole process which would just bum me out even more. I'm at the point where I'm just so tired of failing I don't even bother trying anymore.

must be nice

Nothing wrong with business management. Do well and you can swing it into an MBA. Sometimes you can even get a company to pay for your MBA. At worst, you're in the college system, and you can change to another major if you don't like it.

It'll shake up your current existence, get you out of your rut, and get you meeting tons of new people.

When my fiancee is having a bad day, she decides I have to have a bad day also. Then she gets mad when I tell her I don't want to be around her if she's going to be a bitch tonight. Women are all retards

But hes old enough to know right from wrong. And what if the kid just decided to take one of my cameras? He's the one who went through my bag, not my brother, one of these cameras cost around 1k and the other one around 500 bro, dont mean to sound like a bitch or anything but theres are numerous ways this could've gone down. Just cant fathom why he would do it, honestly is it petty to just take my shit away?

nothing like posting your horrific story on Jow Forums and not even getting a single response ever. when even anonymous people online don't give you a second thought you know you need to kill yourself. anyone know the best method?

>It'll shake up your current existence, get you out of your rut, and get you meeting tons of new people.

Just because someone goes to college doesn't mean it's going to fix everything. If you're a loser, you can go to college and still be a social loser and then you get even more miserable knowing you're around so many people your age and seeing them all having great times while you are still worthless

yeah that's really not cool for him to just take your shit. You didn't get the police involved or anything? I would have.

>get drinking under control after 3 months sober
>lose 30 lbs
>look and feel more in shape then ever
>start dating qt punk girl
>happy as fuck
>feel like ive made it
>she ends it after about 3 weeks
>devastated and not even really bitter cuz she was up front about it
>she wasnt feeling a connection and got another dude
>idk if it was the attention or just feeling good enough for someone that i liked for once but i miss it.
>started drinking heavy again
>now we are friends that hang out now and then but that hurts probably more then if we didnt
Stopped drinking again but still feel like shit. Stuck between moving on and hoping she wants to get back together

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Nobody said it's going to fix everything, but it's a start. I met friends in computer science, and I'm plenty antisocial. People are statistically pretty likely to meet significant others at college also. There's women losers too looking for partner, some are even attractive.

>graduated school and got job in field that I like a lot so far
>but got dumped after 6 and a half years convinced marriage was on the horizon

I miss my ex.


tough it out like the rest of us and savor the good parts

No, I know the kid he gave it too. Supposedly he's bringing it tomorrow, made a list of stuff I remember being in there which is just a bunch of accessories and lenses. Honestly if I dont get everything back I might, it's like 200 bucks worth of stuff on the low end, and that's me underestimating.

WGU has like three degree programs, it’s an online school available for my state where you pay for six month terms and work at your own pace and can take and finish as many classes as you’d like in that time. I can’t go into a class

Maybe better to go somewhere in person if you can and get the campus experience, but online could work too

Move on

Did three months off help you get more in control or are you completely sober now?
You won’t know unless you give it a shot my guy

I shouldn't even bother going on the internet on discussion boards like this one or others. All it does is create anger inside me.

I go on any place normal people are, maybe to try to learn form them, and just get angry at how great their lives are and how everything they post seems like bragging but they still complain, they ridicule me for posting about my loser life even when they claim they are accepting, and then eventually they turn on me because of my cynicism over their great lives.

Then I come on a place like Jow Forums, a place where maybe people have lived similar lives to me and can at least sympathize with each other and even here I see how people are much better off than I am

Why can't I just fuckin die already.

>boohoo i cant get gf

im facing 21 months in prison and my public defender is in her 20s

I hope so man. Dude should've asked before he took your shit. That's fucked.

>public defender
stop being poor then

maybe she will pity fuck you because she knows she can't win lmao