I don't know how to find out my maintenance

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You can Google an online calculator or use one of the ones on /fat/
Reading the sticky will help as well

google tdee calculator you actual retard

It's somewhere in between "put down the fork fatty" and starving yourself.

First order of business is banning all sorts of fast food, frozen pizza and candy etc. Switch to diet soda if you're addicted to it. Then just cook "normally", work out and if nothing happens from there, you can start the number games.

No I'm not changing the way I eat, food is the only thing I enjoy daily, don't even have alcohol or jerk off or get laid. I won't give it up, I'm gonna go on a deficit though, but eating the same shit I eat now.

Holy fuck fattie your already doomed. What type of wood you want your coffin made out of?
P.s chocolate is not a type of wood

This one offers a lot of options.

I eat 1500 calories now, it's good and I get to eat my junk food too
>four slices of buttered toast and a coffee in the morning
>another coffee and some 500c crap in the day
>200g protein for dinner
plus I'm on albuterol which goes great with caffeine, plus T4 and Yohimbine fasted cardio in the morning and lifting. I'll make it brah

This junk says I'm burning 3400c a day


I don't wanna be fat

Boys I'm fucking fat

Fucking rotund I am

This is why I hate you lard elementals.

Degenerate fucks.

>200g protein for dinner
There's no fucking way you're fitting that in 1500 calories after eating 4 slices of buttered toast and a "500c lunch" (assuming it even is 500c.
You'd have to fit 200g of protein in less than 600Cal, there is no food on Earth that would allow for that.

All in all, your posts make it really clear that you're just a delusional lardass.
You think you're "dieting" and that you "just can't figure out the right numbers", but the truth is you want to lose weight without putting in any effort.
You think a thin person could eat like you do (even in reduced quantity) and look good? It's simply not feasible.
You post here saying that food is the only thing you enjoy daily also spells doom for you.
People look good when they have fulfilling lives on top of their fitness, and you're not going to be able to stick to it if you're a dopamine starved addict floating through life like an undead zombie, just doing nothing outside of eating and wasting away.

You're never gonna make it.
And weight has nothing to do with it.
Your life sounds like a waste in its own right.

>200g protein for dinner after
>'500 c' lunch
>4 slice buttered toast breakfast
>only 1500

Bullshit. Post details fatty.

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4 slot toasters are for families fatso

realize that you are addicted to food.

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You're a fat delusional fuck.
Kys before i find you and beat your face in just for living

These calculators must be utter bullshite. If I’m burning 6-7000kCal and I’m intermittent fasting + eating 1-1,500kCal a day how am I not losing a pound a day.

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You aren't burning that much, and you aren't eating that little. Fucking retarded fats I swear.

>Post MFP
>Post routine

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>Heavy exercise
Always set to sedentary and never compensate for calories lost in exercise

Accurate post is accurate

Idiot. Heavy exercise is not what you do.
You can eat that when you start running marathons

fuck america and fuck you

are you sure you didnt mean lbs?

lmao stay fat

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Yeah, fuck Americans.