How to cut?

Am I the only person on this board who can’t get cutting down?

I know my macros, my TDEE, cardio in the morning (5x / week) lift in the evening 4x / week, but I can’t seem to lose much weight or noticeable fat. Hitting ~220g’s protein within ~2100 calories seems almost impossible too.

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I used to have problems cutting too. Made good progress in the last three months. Here's what I did.
NO cheat meals or God forbid, cheat days. Eating shit food is a punishment, not a reward.

No snacks, or if you can't live without them and have shit for impulse control, 0 calorie snacks like carrots and shit.

Weigh everything you eat until you know exactly how much is it. This is especially useful if you eat the same thing every day.

Put trust in the mirror/how your clothes fit rather than your scale.

Be consistent.

Attached: do-you-even-lift.jpg (555x394, 32K)

wow no cheat meals. I was only doing 1-2 a week, but that makes sense How long are your cutting phases usually?

Yup, no cheat meals whatsoever. Once you get used to it, you won't miss them anymore. It's extremely easy to overeat on cheat meals/cheat days. The only thing that really matters is CICO and appropriate macros.

Btw I am also cutting at ~2100 cals and have no problem hitting 220g P. Main protein source is tuna and salmon, so relatively low cal. And I cut until I've reached my goal of 10% bf, I don't do bulking/cutting phases.

i seem to have gained weight since i started lifting. i count everything and eat at 800kcal deficit. some mornings i feel like i've lost weight just by feeling but when i look in the mirror i see no difference.

Depends where you started. If you started at 30% bf or whatever the fuck it will take a while until you notice a change.

Protip: careful with the mercury. Shit will hit you outta nowhere if you eat tuna and salmon everyday. Eat chicken breast if needed to replace the fish.

Ye I know, thanks for the heads up tho. I do replace fish with chicken sometimes whenever I feel like it.

Does this also affect fresh fish?

All oceanic fish have hard metals in them

I meant fresh water fish. Sorry.

Using logic i think it's ok

1. 220g protein in 2100 calories is fucking easy. I'm literally eating nothing but chicken breast, tuna, non-starchy veggies, and fat-free dairy. I'm eating 600 to 800 calories per day and getting 150g protein. I was getting more, but I realized:

2. Too much protein is fucking you. Excess protein is turned into carbohydrates by the body. Calculate your lean body mass and get 1g per lb of lean body mass. And when you're estimating your body fat %, don't fucking fool yourself

>Hitting ~220g’s protein within ~2100 calories seems almost impossible too.
Lol what the fuck, here's 1882 calories with 218g of protein. Add more fat and carbs to get to 2100 if you need.

Attached: anonisfatretard.png (1474x393, 41K)

Ya should have clarified. I’m 6’0” ~190 lbs & 28 yo. From what I’ve read I need to hit 220 protein, 200 carbs & 38 g’s fat. Protein isn’t the issue it’s moreso getting all that protein and staying under 38 grams of fat.

Cheat days are fucking bullshit, imagine being on a 500 kcal deficit every day and then losing multiple days of progress because you had to have a cheat day.

Salmon doesn't have a lot of Mercury in it

If you need something leaner than chicken, there's turkey, whey isolate, or egg whites


I don’t really have cheat days where I eat like a pig. It’s just one meal usually and then I’ll have a desert like ice cream that day, but your point still stands.

2bh I’m pulling all my info from bigger leaner stronger and the author says cheat days / meals (in strict moderation) help you keep dieting for longer, but maybe it’s a sales ploy. My girlfriend is doing this with me too so one cheat meal a week helps her stay in it. If it solely were up to me I probably wouldn’t have any.

during may i eat almost nothing just protein shake and chicken for june juli im shreded agust i start to eat whatevet

Well I dont really lose weight but I lose size while still getting stronger and leaner.

Do you measure your size OP?

LOL if you are worried about the excess protein being converted into carbohydrates, why are you drinking low fat dairy? Your argument makes no sense. Either you are trying to keep your fat low or not, you can’t have it both ways. Just in case this isn’t crystal clear, what the fuck are you eating instead of the protein? Obviously not carbs because you are worried about the body converting it into carbs, and obviously not fat, because you are avoiding fat. This post is so fucking stupid it hurts.

Ya my waist is definitely getting thinner. My goal has been to get down to 10% body fat from ~15 right now. Like I said my waist is getting thinner I’m just assuming I’d need to get down to like 185 pounds from my current 190lbs to hit 10%

So then, dont worry at all. I have problems to cut weight aswell too, but I'm getting thinner, thats more important than weight