Fastest way to acheive 1/2/3/4

For all the user's that have acheived 1/2/3/4.
Which routine is the fastest/most efficient way of acheiving 1/2/3/4?

I've been lifting for over 2 years and still haven't got there yet, i started off on SS and then switched to an upper/lower push pull split with compounds being 3x5 followed by volume work.
At this rate it will take several years before i get to 1/2/3/4, so everytime i've doubted myself i've gone back to SS 3 times a week, but then i struggle to put any more kg on the main lifts probably from lack of volume despite eating 3000-3500cals per day n sleeping 8 hours a night.

I just wanna get big and strong, damnit.

Attached: (312x107, 2K)

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just be yourself bro

obivously not working, chad.

What are your lifts now

i've been lifting consistently for little over a year and am at 1/2.25/3/3.5 for reps. hit 1 pl8 ohp first during my first 6 months when i did starting strength. then i quit ss and started squatting every day until i hit 3 pl8 squat which took 3 months, then i benched everyday and went from 70kg bench to 107kg bench in 3 months. right now working on getting my deadlift up

Attached: bugez.jpg (639x447, 67K)

OP here.
lifts are shit but here's my working 3x5 sets

back squat 105kg
front squat 75kg
ohp 47.5kg
deadlift 130kg
weighted chin ups 35kg
weighted dips 20kg
pendley row 75kg

*meant to say 25kg for chin ups.

Whats your bw?

And bench?

Eat more

Focus on main lifts and do ppl
It's insane that you are only at 47kg for ohp after 2 years
Also check t levels

oh shit, bench. sorry still waking up.
bench is 3x5 at 75kg.

weight is 168lbs

user i have bad news for you, i have been lifting for 3 months and i have similar lifts exept my ohp is 52kg
Check that testo

Your lifts are good for your bodyweight

ok, will do ppl with main focus on compounds.

i know, proper disheartened by lack of progress but still been lifting all this time because i find it fun.

i might have shit genetics/low t, i did weigh 98lbs at one point in my life while my big bro was kinda like a natural ruby player kind of builtfat.

watch this

>i might have shit genetics/low t
I wasn't saying that to mock you user, it cool legit be a problem of low t if you have low sex drive, feel anxious and depressed, go to a doctor and check it.


>dbol face

1/2/3/4 as a 1RM or a 5RM?

you can achieve a 5RM on these lifts after one year of lifting, probably more or less depending on genetics and leverages

Been lifting for 11 months.
Already squatting 150kg and ohp 60kg.
Bench is 90kg and deadlift is 175kg so im almlst there. I just ran ss then wrote my own programs with information i learned from practical programming and programming podcasts

Also im 18 years old so have a disadvantage too

God damn that's a beautiful man, I want to be his friend.

so how long did you run ss for? and when did you know to change program?

d r e a m e r

You should stop doing your retarded push/pull split and focus on the linear progression again. It seems obvious that you haven't exhausted your novice gains, as most people stall at around 1/2/3/4.

What supplements are you on?

op here.
i've stalled well before 1/2/3/4 on SS before, and when i deloaded to add the volume i needed (3x8), it didn't do jack shit, if anything when i went back to the weight i stalled on at 3x5, i even lost reps.

Can someone who is 5'7 reach 1/2/3/4/5.
asking for a friend haha

>peak test and recovery time
fuck off faggot, you're in your prime.

1/2/3/4, how many sets x reps is it? I never know

If you struggle with 1/2/3/4 it might be time to just give up. Unless you are like 17 and never lifted before you should achieve this in a year of lifting with no prior experience. Coming back to lifting after 5+ years I could do all of it in a month and had done well over in a few.

>eat plenty
>add weight linearly, do not throw a lot of weight at once because very soon you will plateau
slowly but surely, my friend

Drugs, you could try pro-hormones but idk.

By the way, the bench is pretty easy, like in 5-6 months I will hit 2pl8 bench. But my legs and back never want to cooperate with me.

Goal body, how much teen for the quick progress while staying low bf?

Tren not teen

i dunno, in my mind i'm only gonna count it once i hit them for 3x5

meh, even if im shit at it i'm gonna stick with it anyways, mainly 'cause it's fun.

Don't listen to this faggot, OP. He's never going to make it.

Could it possibly be a form issue? 47kg OHP after 3 years is pretty slow progress desu.

If you want strength in the power lifts you should do a power lifting program. People cheat themselves all the time on PPL because they are essentially making up their own program with no knowledge of programming.

newfag here.
what does 1/2/3/4 mean exactly?

LIFT & find out

Is he right about lifting every day? Should I - someone about to hit a 100kg DL - lift (nearly) daily to improve my lifts asap? Currently doing 5x5 3 days per week.
If so, are there some good beginner-friendly routines centered around this approach?

Stop doing ULPP shit
Do HLM or Texas Method if you want 1/2/3/4
Why are you doing memey bodybuilding stuff if you want to get stronk?

60kg ohp, 100kg bench press, 140kg squat, 180kg deadlift

dude I was at 140kg deadlift before i broke 45kg for OHP.

focus on a linear progression, even something like Greyskull or Stronglifts. Use some accessories for the fun things and to shore up weaknesses.

Eat more.

Sleep more.

Just take the SS template and form it into a PPL by adding some accessories and periodization on the main lifts

Bench 3x5/3x8-12 alternating
Weighted dips 3x8-12/3x5 alternating
Barbell Rows 3x5
Incline DB press 3x8-12
Lateral raises and triceps superset 3x8-15
Facepulls 3x12-20

OHP 3x5/3x8-12 alternating
Chins 3x5 weighted
DB rows 3x6-12
Lateral raises 3x8-15
Curl variation 3x8-20
Face pulls 3x12-20

Squats 3x5/3x8-12 (alternate only when you stall on 3x5)
Deadlifts 1x5 or 3x5, your choice
Leg extensions or lunges 3x8-20
Leg curls 3x8-12
Abs, traps, face pulls

This is the most logical step after SS for the average lifter who wants to continue making steady strength gains while putting on mass

Nigga you're retarded

Yeah and there’s rows on the push day, but I figured it’s closer to a push pull than a full body routine so that’s how I laid it out.

This routine can be done with push/pull on alternating days and legs on the days in between so you still get 48 hours to recover between hitting muscle groups. The rows and OHP are set up like this so you can hit those muscle groups a little more in between sessions instead of only once every 4 days

>tfw finally 3 plates deadlift today
Took me two years, while weighting 74 kg. You guys can call me whatever you want but I'm so happy and proud of myself that I had to share it.

Also 0.6 plates OHP and 1.5 plates squat.

this is literally just a more retarded version of the reddit ppl

What could the last 5 possibly be for? Leg press? That's retarded

One plate (135lbs) the press, two plate (225lbs) bench, three plate (315 lbs) squat, four plate (405lbs) Diddy. Usually for 1rep Max. Once you hit that, go for 5rep Max then 5x5 and whatever else you want

No don't lift daily. You need time to rest and eat. Lift 3-5 days a week.

My routine: bench and OHP on different days, plus dips one of the most based exercises

Reddit PPL: Ohp and bench both on push day, extra arms and fluff work for no fucking reason, shitty progression

I did it in ~4 months using stronglifts and I am a boomer

But eeerrrrriiiiiccccc

I stalled at similar numbers to you too, don't waste your time going back to SS. You're an intermediate, despite what other might tell you. Everyone will respond differently to training.
If strength is your primary goal you should look at intermediate strength programs. You could try one of Greg Nuckols free programs or one of Barbell Medicine's strength programs.

I'll never reach a 405 deadlift. Never. I have everything else no problem, but that's my worst lift.