Have you ever joined an anime club? What was it like?

Have you ever joined an anime club? What was it like?

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It sucked. It was a bunch of racist minorities basically doing their BLM bullshit while eva/bepop played in some tv in the background.

You serious? Lmao. Was this in highschool or something?

University of North Carolina School of the Arts

They're either going to be SJWs, white otakus or some combination of the two and all that is going to be watched and talked about is entry level shit. If you want to watch cowboy Bebop for the 5th time while someone screeches at you about the patriarchy and white privilege then anime clubs are for you.

No bullshit I live around there and been to that university , it's full of snobby normies but they host fighting game tournaments sometimes so that's why I go

It's nice knowing that there are other robots nearby.

Fuck the jojo OVA, the manga was superior in everyway

also my friend went to an anime club years back once and everyone who attends are "quirky trannys"

holy shit this is exactly how my high school anime club was, minus the racist minority blm bull shit. Basically the president of the club would have a weeb movie playing in the background while most of the people just sat around and did things that weren't even relating to anime like gossiping or browsing their phones. I was really disappointed because I was looking forward to an actual anime club. What a bunch of brain dead faggots.

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I was in an anime club during my sophomore year of high school and it was pretty great. About 30 people, lots of "lol so nerdy xd" girls, but only one couch so we all fight over it and lots of times random girls would sit on your lap and stuff. One time I got in a fight over it with some kid that was probably like 5'0 and 90 pounds and he fucking bit me, so I kicked him in the chest and he went back like five feet, but we were still buds I think. Shit taste in anime though. Then I moved and tried again but while these people had better taste in anime there were only like 10 people, we only met up once a month (I only went the one time anyway), and nobody knew each other and there were no "alpha nerds" to break the mold so there were no fun shenanigans

No because the only anime I actually enjoy is JJBA, everything else is fap material.

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based and discopilled

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here's my experience with an anime club at school
>be a freshman in community college
>it's the beginning of the spring semester
>a friend i knew was passing flyers around the student lounge
>"join the japanese club and learn everything about their culture every fridays"
>my friend made me join because he's the clube president so i told him i'd come by
>showed up on friday to the classroom where it's held at
>when i entered the room, my friend was there with 4 other people which comprised of a normal twink, who only showed up once and returned, and a couple i knew from class, they're both 4/10
>and this fat cunt which i'll call him kyle, is a lazy piece of shit who attends it just to talk about the mainstream anime nonstop without shutting the fuck up
>it was 2 hours and we only watched MHA and kyle talks over the show and brags about "MUH WAIFUS".
>also no one else showed because most people don't have classes on fridays
>it's been like this throughout spring until the end of school year. the couple broke up during the period of time because the girl cheated when he wasn't around which means none of them came back, and my friend could come because of his legs (cus he's fat)
>that leaves me with kyle
the only reason why i left is that my friend would order pizza every meeting and i have someone to talk to since i never gave a fuck about the rest of the members.

I visited once with a friend. Shit was cash until they said it was 20 bucks to join. All we did was watch two episodes of wotakoi that night.

Was president of one, it was shit, should have focused on academics and sports.

>went for one meeting in high school, since my mom was pressuring me to join a club
>it's a bunch of incredibly fat or incredibly skinny spergs sitting in group's playing on their DS's
>one screen is playing the episode of Dragon Ball Z where vegeta gets his ass kicked by Cell
>Entire room reeks of ball sweat and farts
>Say hello
>One of the spergs turns to look at me, grunts, and then goes back to playing scribblenauts
>Join the school newspaper instead

I joined a small one it school; it was basically some cunt, a woman who only showed up 2 times, and myself. We had a lottery on what to watch each week, and because the cunt in the club had it out for me I exclusively suggested shonen and yuri to annoy her. I won 7 of the 10 raffles for what we watched, the cunt won 2, and the other one won once but never attended a meeting that week to discuss it. I think she thought I was gay, which explains the hostility

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I loved anime club, but this was fifteen years ago so maybe stuff has changed.

We had like 100 people, and we would vote on a series for the semester, and we would watch it in theater seats. We would have fun contests and special theme nights. It was a lot of fun. Plus I met my wife there.

>Sign up to volunteer at an anime convention
>Accepted nearly immediately, and given a warm welcome online
>They're running several get-togethers over the spring months, until the convention itself is held in the summer
>Go to the first one that came up, not sure what to anticipate
>Worried that either it would be a bunch of normies I couldn't really bond with because I was more involved in the hobby than they were, or weeaboo creeps and other obnoxious individuals
>Pretty normal crowd, with about an even split of girls and guys
>Lots of people have seen as much as I have, and we like lots of similar series
>A few socially awkward people who are easy to avoid, but I was able to fit in with a couple social butteflies
>Really excited to go to the next events, and I've even watched a couple series that a girl recommended to me

Yes way back in the days before broadband and file sharing and it was hard to find. Someone would bring in their VHS tapes of ranma or whatever that they got from the import weeb shop.

Left high school last year, and I went to anime club my last two years. Somewhat even mix of guys and girls, Mostly watched stuff like yuri on ice and love live. Subtitled shows got straight up banned my second year there after being just fine the year before because people had problems seeing. Screwed me outta suggesting some more obscure stuff thats dubless. You wrote suggestions on a board and whatever got the mosy votes got played. Got Saiki K in my senior year and .hack//sign in my junior year through and people seemed to get into them, which was great. Almost got them to watch girls last tour and gundam build fighters, and NOBODY wanted animegataris or K-ON. Weird behavior was kept to a surprising minimum. Had some fun times, even if I never really became friends with anyone. Everyone had their little friend groups there that I never quite fit into.



In high school, a teacher pressured me to join the anime/manga club because I was reading an epic manga which I checked out of the library because le epic comic book XDD, so I went to the anime club and it was just a circle jerk of fat normies. Never went back to that.

I joined a gaming club too (I was a freshman) and the junior/senior """nerd""" clique hogged the video games. A few normies joined, so of course there were random couple making out in the back of the classroom. There were also turbo-autistics who did nothing just like me. I was pressured to join that club by a friend who was in their clique. I only went to that club once and all I did was stand around watching them play video games. Was very boring and I never went back until the next year when I brought a friend with me and talked about nothing pertaining to video games.


it was like this

I wasn't even 10 feet away from the door and I could already smell them. I just kept walking pass the class and back to my locker, judging by other people's experience I'll glad I dodged that bullet.

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Tell me more user-sempai so that I may live vicariously through your memories -- what kind of stuff did you watch? Did the club members fit the stereotypes? Do you still talk to anyone from the club (aside from your waifu) all these years later?

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I joined Japan club which was essentially anime club in high school.
The club consisted of the weebs on one side and Asians on the other.

This is the ideal -- your own little secret club where you can watch and discuss shows from an obscure medium that hadn't become mainstream yet overseas. Did you get to watch any cool obscure shows or OVAs?

>animu club
lmao i wish, i always thought that shit only exists in mangas, VNs and movie-like american highschools or some shit, cause i've never seen something like that here in Italy. And even if hypothetically i went to one, it would have been filled with normalfags who don't know shit about animation and would just talk about those couple retarded shonens and mainstream moeshit over and over.

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One of my friends was there so i had to talk with him. I enter and within a minute a girl confronts me and askes me if i've watched naruto. I said yes
And she proceeds "oh who is your favotite character mine is Sasuke" i never went out a room quicker than i did that day. I like anime , but i Fucking hate weebs like that

Precisely 1 student was permitted to vid LAN some sort of intro Japanese class but otherwise otaku was entirely absent from our hellscape environment.

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it was gay but i got laid

It was crap, just entry level normie shit.

I did end up fucking two asian girls though, but ended up kicked out of the club for it.